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Everything posted by straycatt

  1. I carry four bandaids and a roll of duct tape.
  2. Count me among the riders that are absolutely AGAINST modulators. They create far more problems than they solve. Spend some time in an emergency vehicle running hot and you'll find that many drivers have little idea of how to get out of the way. Enough drivers confuse modulators with E unit lights that it it very dangerous leaving that kind of chaos behind every modulated bike on the road.
  3. I own a red/red 2000 Venture. Over 40 years of riding I've had dozens and dozens of different motorcycles, but I have never recieved the compliments on any other scoot that I get on my stock painted RSV. The only way I might (maybe) paint this bike is if Arlen Ness offered to do it for free......and gave me a loaner to ride while the Venture was in the shop.
  4. Because various bit and pieces of the engine hang down below the frame rails.
  5. At the very least.......there worth 25 cents each.
  6. I realize this boat has docked but I happened across this '06 on Craigslist just now.... http://lansing.craigslist.org/mcy/1830636894.html ......FYI.
  7. wfo!!!
  8. Another vote for Rocky's. Very large selection. Good people. If you fly the Patriot Guard Rider colors and mention it at check out you get a discount. It's either 5 or 10% I forget which. I'm usually too busy flirtin' with the counter girls to notice.
  9. All of my other trailers have larger wheels (12"/14") than my motorcycle trailer (8"). On a recent 400 mile stroll at mostly x-way speeds, I noticed that the motorcycle trailers hubs were very warm to the touch. I wouldn't call them "hot" but it was very close. Before this trip I had hand greased the bearings and they all looked perfect. The only thing I questioned was the free play that I left in the bearing. Before I took them apart there was, what I would call, too much play. The next tighter notch in the nut that would allow the cotter pin in, was....not snug, but left very little play. I haven't pulled them back apart yet, to see how they look now. At any rate, I'm wondering how hot these things normally run, my experience says warm is normal, but I've never run 8" wheels before. How hot do yours run?
  10. I'm going to qualify my opinion with this disclaimer.......it is extremely difficult to judge how a plug is burning by a picture, too many camera exposure variables. That being said, they look good to me. As long as the insulator isn't stark white and there are no signs of either, the electrodes deteriorating or big pieces of foreign material on the insulator......you should be good to go. Assuming no other poor performance indicators, I'd run a mix like that without concern.
  11. Yea, ah, sure.....your welcome. I ahhh, meant to do that. Yea, that's it, I meant to do it.
  12. OK, I'm not sticking up for all of the sleazy Undertakers, but I had to go thru this last May when my mom died, and I have nothing but praise for the funeral home that helped me. My mom too had pre-paid for "most" of her services (she too was cremated), it cost me an additional $300 for the obit (the funeral home ran it at their expense for two extra days because of an error that was MY fault). That $300 was exactly what the paper charged ( I checked). It also cost me $50 for several extra official copies of the death cert. When it came to the container that moms cremains were to be placed in until I spread them, the funeral director told me she would put my mom into ANYTHING I asked. She went onto the same box that held my dads ashes. These people made a very difficult time just a tad easier, at a time when just a tad easier was a virtual lifeline. Because of an error of omission on our part, the estate had to go thru probate. The guy that REALLY screwed us was the lawyer. It cost me over $2000 for a very simple probate. I hope there is life after death because if there is, I know my mom would be haunting this guy. She'd be furious if she knew how much I paid.
  13. Only my opinion, and I'm not familiar with HF LED's, but don't buy cheap LED's. I've got over $150 into the lights on my trailer, but the thing lights up like a UFO on overdrive. And I only bought the middle of the road expensive LED's, not the "top of the line" ones.
  14. Just throwing this out here.......my Cyclemate CM1000 has an center x center wheel width of 36". From center of axle to center of towing ball is 52". That is very close to the 1 1/2 times, axle to tongue ratio mentioned above. I finally got a chance to tow this trailer on a 400 mile trip last week. With about 100 lbs of cargo and an 18 lb tongue weight, the bike loaded and two up, it pulled perfect all the way up to 85 mph. No wiggle, bounce or sway. I was impressed.
  15. The PGR national website will be down, probably at least until sometime Tuesday. From what I understand from our state captain, the site has suffered some serious spam attack and is being reworked.
  16. So what make him an ass? The flip flops, shorts, and a tank top? The Harley? The loud Harley? The fact that he drives by "a few times a day in that gettup"? The reason that I ask, is that I don't ride a loud Harley, or even a Harley period. And I likely don't drive by your place at all during the day. But I do ride around in shorts and a tank top on occasion, and I'm a little concerned about being an ass in your eyes.........wait a minute.......that's not right. Just like the guys that don't care if someone thinks them an ass for wearing a full race suit, I don't care what anyone thinks of how I dress to ride. Wear what you will, but do it because it's what you want, not what someone else thinks you should wear.
  17. Where did you go to school, England???
  18. I got a pre-recorded phone call today inviting me to this event. Weird. I'll be there Sunday as well, noonish. :biker:
  19. My best wishes to you, Earl......
  20. If you just need a basket to give to your dealer, I'll send you the G basket that I pulled from my 2000 when I put in the I basket. You reimburse me for shipping and then send me back your old basket when you get it changed. If your interested PM me. I could ship it USPS Monday. You'd likely have it Thursday. If you feel like you should give the dealer a newer take off basket (though I don't see what difference it would make) maybe some one with a newer bike will make you the same deal. On the clutch tool, if you use an impact it's easy to get the holding nut off. The tool is really needed to accurately torque the nut back down. Using the tool makes it a 3 minute job. Find a tool.
  21. Drill out and then run in a tap the same size as the original bolt to dress the threads a little. This requires a fairly accurately placed drill to begin with. If your hole is not centered on the old hole, then you'll wind up drilling a larger hole and going to a larger tap and replacement bolt. Broken/stripped bolts are NEVER any fun to fix.
  22. I'd be surprised if anybody ever has actually had a Venture stolen.
  23. Do you have the idle set too low? I've had carbs that I cleaned, that still functioned poorly. It took a third cleaning to get them right. Do you have a vacume leak at the carb boots. I had an '04 Spirit 11 so I'm familiar with that motor. You can also get some good info at http://www.hondashadow.net Good luck
  24. ZZ Top The Kinks Rob Zombie/White Zombie The Donna's (yea I know, but they've got some good stuff) Pantera Black Sabbath/Ozzie Blondie The Klash All things Pink Floyd All things Jethro Tull Yes Queen :dancefool:
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