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Everything posted by straycatt

  1. straycatt


    Hooters Girls??? All the way from Petticoat Junction!??? Oh wait......I guess that would be the Hooterville girls.
  2. straycatt


    I've got some to share too.......and that's Karl, takin' a pic of me takin' a pic of him takin' a pic of me......
  3. The man has got skills.
  4. At 51, I just had my first one a couple of months ago. Like everyone says, after the prep every thing else is a breeze. I decided to look at it as an interesting new adventure and tried to have some fun with it, much to the disdain of my wife. In the waiting room at "The Colonoscopy Center" you pretty much knew what everyone was there for, so when ever they called the next patient I loudly told the wife "I know where he's going, I hope I'm next!!" When they finally called my name , I jumped up and started yelling "Oh boy, oh boy, I can hardly wait" and giggled like a school girl as the girl led me away. At the door I turned to the wife and from across the room in a serious voice said Honey, if I don't make it promise me you'll remarry." She got up and walked out the door, as fifteen people tried to stifle giggles from all over the room. She says the next time I go there she's NOT taking me.
  5. The lights and the whistle work together, and they work as follows. A deer, walking thru the woods on his way to where ever deer walk to, hears the whistle and like a dog when whistled to, goes to see who wants him. When he gets to the side of the road, he eyeballs the deer calling motorcycle, and see's the anti-deer LED lighting strapped to the side of the bike. He falls down laughing at the spectacle, forgetting where it was that he was going, so weak with tears streaming down his snout he couldn't get up to go there, even if he remembers where, there was. Three squirrels and a racoon show up, and as the deer tells the story of the strange vehicle, all are soon rolling on the forest floor with laughter. By the time he recovers and gets on his merry deer way, the motorcycle, safety gizmo's and all, is safely beyond the danger zone, spreading joy and laughter to all of the forest creatures large and small. :crackup:
  6. My 2000 was missing the tank badges and the passenger grab bars when I bought it. I never really did like it without the tank emblems so it has (thanks to Mike/eusa1) the, one year only, 2006 badges on it now and I love it. I showed the wife what the grab bars are and offered to pick up a set for her, but she said she couldn't see needing them. Soooo......no grab bars for my scoot. $9500 is, I think, a good price but not a steal. If it's bone stock I'd want to pay $8K, maybe $8500 for it, but I'm cheap.
  7. Three bandaids and a roll of duct tape will fix almost anything fixable. If it's much worse than that, you're not going to fix it on the side of the road anyway. I carry three bandaids and a roll of duct tape. Of course I also carry sun screen and water and some Ibuprofen along with a couple of very sharp knives, but that's not really first aid stuff.
  8. As promised, a few pics from last years event. These are all from the Friday practice session.
  9. This is a pretty cool event, and getting bigger every year. If you've never seen an LEO Motor Officer Rodeo, this is the place to do it. They limit the class to 75 bikes and they will have that many LEO riders there. They come from all over the state. Most of these guys can ride very well, and a few not worth a damn. I've run their obstacle course, and it's interesting to say the least. This is the only Skills training/competition for these guys in the state. The Friday practice is fun because the competitors are having fun and screwing around.....lots of bike lay downs. When I get home from work tonight I'll post some pictures from last years event.
  10. Where was this idea at a month ago.....
  11. I don't have a lot of experience with my trailer, but.....I started out with 25 psi, but all of the tire was not on the ground. Now I go with what ever pressure will just keep the entire width of the tire in contact with the road for a given load. Usually around 20 pounds per inch squared.
  12. 1. I'm not really sure it's useful to save 10 lbs or so on an almost 900 lbs motorcycle. 2. Any electrical power that is not used by your bike / accessories is sent to the reg/rec and is wasted in the form of heat. These scooters don't need to make any more heat. 3. Mine are on ALL of the time. During the day they give me greater visibility. At night, if aimed properly, they fill in the headlight very well. Plus, I think, they make the plain front end of the Venture look A LOT better.
  13. You may want to check and see what rear wheel/tires are going for on Ebay.
  14. He has stolen the most precious thing that you have.....Time. Time spent worrying about your parts and your money. Time spent tracking Troy down. Even with this post, Troy steals more time. You will never get back all of the time that Troy has cost you, all of you, and that alone is worth running him into the ground for.
  15. While I agree with you on the modulating head lights, what in the world does how the riders were dressed have to do with the topic? I've done roughly 4000 miles this summer on my scoot with no modulator while wearing shorts. I can't think of a related link in that fact either.
  16. State, National, same thing. If you belong to the State you belong to the National. Fly all, some, or nothing, it matters not. Thanks for caring and joining. Welcome
  17. On a KLR? Probably not very well. The real question is, will he admit it?
  18. I finally made it to the race shop and........still no joy, he can't (or won't) do it either. But, the guy that owns the shop thinks cutting the groove may help too. I'll start looking for small machine shops again, now. I'm also working on a fixture to hold everything so that I can grind this groove myself. It's not over yet.....on the other hand, I just changed the oil to T6 Rotella and it seems to be a little quieter. As ugly as those Vic's are, they're starting to grow on me. Especially if they are guiet.
  19. Well, I'm not having much luck so far. I've been to two transmission shops and another automotive machine shop. They mostly say the same thing, the groove idea may help but they don't have the ability to do it. One guy suggested that knocking the corners off the top edge of the gear teeth may help but possibly create mesh issues under full power. Another said all straight cut gears whine, period. I've got a line on a transmission shop that builds hot rod and stock car race tranny's....they're my next stop.
  20. I haven't had mine apart that far, but are you sure? The exploded parts view on Bikebandit appears to show the crank end with a taper shaft and a keyway, but I couldn't find the crank end primary driver gear in the diagrams. http://www.bikebandit.com/houseofmotorcycles/2000-yamaha-motorcycle-royal-star-venture-xvz13tfm-crankshaft-piston/o/m7566sch126875
  21. I agree. But with two points to add. Has anybody replaced them as a set??? And why doesn't Yamaha, when changing the basket under warranty replace them as a set??? It can't be that much additional work to change the crank gear?
  22. Oh, and I just had another thought. Most of the engineers seem to agree that the smoother the face of the gears, the less likely they are to make noise. This at first seemed like an easy solution. Polish the teeth faces and problem solved. But then I got to looking at my original basket with 30K miles on it, and under a magnifying glass you can see that that wear pattern across the teeth faces make it look like the teeth have already been polished. So if this were true the gear sets would get quieter as they age not louder. Or am I off base with this??
  23. OK, I talked to the engine builder today and while he said he's not equiped to do what I want he thinks it may be worth a try (cutting a groove in the teeth) and sent me to a transmission builder that I'll go see the first of the week. After talking to this guy and doing some research I have more questions and idea's. Has anyone replaced the "crank" gear when they replaced the clutch basket? As near as I can tell just like a chain and sprokets, straight cut gears should be replaced as a matched set. Maybe part of the problem is that the crank gear is wearing the replacement basket in an odd way? Another thought is oil volume. The more oil that you can get on the gears the better sound dampening from the oil (regardless of which oil). I'm wondering what direction the oil takes inside the motor and if it's possible to reroute some of this oil directly onto the drive gears? The sound deadening coating (like truck bed liner) I was thinking of trying would be on the OUTSIDE of the side covers. I doubt if there is clearence on the inside of the cover for the coating with the clutch going around. It might not look that good, but if it helped with the whine I could live with it. It may also help change the resonance factor of the primary gear to drill some evenly spaced holes in it. And speaking of drilling holes, I read on a hot VW site that some of these guys drill small holes in the gear teeth to quiet them down a little. The idea being that part of what makes the whine is the air and oil escaping at high velocity as the gear teeth come together. The holes give that mix somewhere to go. I'm thinking that depending on what the tranny guy says, I'm leaning towards the groove if possible. It will likely not be machined but will have to be ground (grinded?) as the hardened gear won't allow machining. I know this is probably a waste of time, but if this is fixable, I want it fixed. Any more thoughts?
  24. I put an "I" basket in my scoot which quieted it down really well. Until I dragged (or is it drug?) my trailer 400 miles and then it got progressively louder, to the point where it may be louder than it was before the "I" basket. So, now I'm going to look at this from a different angle. Has anyone considered some type of sound deadening coating on the clutch cover to maybe lower the amount of transmitted whine? I'm still researching this, but I do know that what ever coating used would have to take a bit of heat as the side cover gets fairly warm. Maybe some of that pick up bed liner. I figured that I'd pick up a spare cover to play with from Ebay. Yesterday I was experimenting with sound deadening foam. I taped a large piece to the lower fairing area as there seems to be a lot of sound bouncing from that area with no luck. No matter how much foam I taped or wrapped around the right side of the bike, it stayed just as whiney. Now to the next idea. I have my old "G" basket and I'm toying with the thought of having the teeth on this basket "machined" slightly. Maybe a small grove cut in the center of the teeth of the primary driver gear would change things enough to lower the whine. Or possibly a slight radius to the top of the teeth. Anybody with a metal working background have any thoughts on any of this? I'm going to stop and talk to the local high performance engine builder on Thursday to see what they say. Thoughts?
  25. What, you come into my little town and you can't stop by? I think I've seen that black RSV a couple of times out this way. We did a couple hundred miles around the thumb last Sunday, and played tag with a guy on a pretty silver Venture for an hour or so. We'd stop to look at something, he'd pass us and wave.......he'd stop and we'd pass him. Never did stop and talk to him though.
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