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Everything posted by frogmaster

  1. Are these the same folks who reports UFO.... COME ON FOLKS ever hear of a Hand Held AM/FM Radio???
  2. DITTO and ride 12 to 14 hours with no problems for me or passenger (Both Rick Butler Modded) best $70.00 spent EVER :)
  3. Cooool I seen it too.
  4. Well Uncle Sam gave me half a day off so I made the 25mi Map-quested Trip to Owen's MD Houston in a Rental Cage. Helped several folks with several bikes even though my Bike was back in N.W. Michigan. Seen two old Michiganders (Squidly & Just Monkeying Around) and some ole faces from Past Freebird MD's like Ponch and Zipcode Dave). I had to leave right before the official lunch time but Owen & Margret was able to sneak me in for a early sample plate of Lunch and it was FANTASTIC!!! Owen's neighbor (Jeff) was up all hours of the night to get the brisket cooked and smoked just right... as I was leaving around 12:30 some of the guys were helping Jeff change his oil on his 1100 V-Star. Soon you should see a Tech Tip about 2nd Gen Fan not working.... A VERY COOL FINDING for our Members. Owen was in a full T-Shirt soaking sweat at 8:30am working hard to set up everything and had iced down lots of water for us. Many folks brought many tools, fans, coolers, chairs, Ect it was a true Team Effort. TY Owen & Margret for a nicely hosted MD. Ride Safe Charlie aka Frogmaster US Army
  5. Owen & Other Houstonites (word?) Guys sorry I will not be riding my RSV 2008 Blackcherry from NW. Michigan . However Uncle Sam (US Army) will have me about 25 miles away from MD Event!!! I will be in Houston, TX from 8 Aug to 17 Sep, other than MD I will be available for many dinners (6 weeks worth). Maybe Owen can have an ole Air Force buddy pick up the Ole Army Major for this MD Event? I'm not 100% on my availability for that MD Event right this minute but will know shortly. Stay tuned for updates. So is it HOT in Houston, TX in August because I'm use to this Brad (Squid) still have your cell will bump ya next week when I know more
  6. Hmmmmm? Does not look like 450 lbs. Pull it with car to a scale. Worse case get a bathroom scale and weight each tire and the tongue and add all 3 weights together to get total weight. Let us know.? All above is good advice but 450 lbs plus all other stuff is pushing it for safety should be less than 50% Bike weight.
  7. YOU BET YA...Shake Rattle & Roll not good for a bike trailer
  8. I followed the Tech Library Thread and after removing Cassette Deck, I then gutted out the components and lined back and bottom of empty chassis with thin cardboard and reinstalled the Chassis. Now I have a Cubby Hole for my Wallet, Reading Glasses, Toll Tickets, Ect... Also the exterior door is still in place and still spring loaded to close and looks stock too. Good Luck
  9. and all the other suggestions made ya double check the little monsters. Now ENJOY a Smooooooth Trailer pull
  10. Wally World $29 or $39 2 Gig MP3 Player by RCA size of a Big Thumb holds 750 songs and get this uses an AAA Battery that runs 12 to 18 hours. I did the "Remove cassette deck" steps posted in Tech Library then pulled out the 3.5mm jack and velcro that sucker to my Gas Cap cover.
  11. Randy, Niiiiice Save!!! I too carry a plug kit just in case
  12. Did you place a 1 - 7/8" Hitch on a 2" Ball? If both are 1 - 7/8" then like Dray said loosen the Nut under the coupler. Not too loose not to tight. Some folks place a piece of thin Fabric 4" x 4" Square soaked in a lubrication oil so it will freely adjust to movement.
  13. DITTO...
  14. Keith, Sounds like all good advice above. I would say 10% Tongue Weight would be the minimum I shoot for 15%. I run 25 psi in my trailer tires (This was determined by loading trailer then laying down Paper and spay painted the tire tread and rolled over paper to see the foot print or tire patch looking for flat and even distribution of tread). You also might have a bent rim on one of the tires or not lug nuts where not evenly tightened in a criss cross pattern. Your next pull should be done with an Automobile upto 75 mph and NOT with your Bike until this is smoothed out!!! Keep us post Keith. Good Luck
  15. Same here 30" inseam 2008 RSV. 1. Rick Butler Seat Mod 2. 1" Heel on Motorcycle Boots not flip flops This makes me flat footed on a Stock 2nd Gen 2008 RSV
  16. Roger That 2
  17. Pat, Do you wear this at work too? Don,t be so modest and tell us what are the temperatures where you work? That makes you "Qualified"
  18. US Army 26 years. Afghanistan 2003, 120 to 130 degrees and 45lbs of combat gear we were drinking gallons per day then peeing ounces maybe 2 or three times a day. The KEY is to monitor the color of your urine (yes you have to look ladies). It should be clear or slightly like water downed lemon aid. Had many guys say they drank enough then the heat got em. Meals Ready to Eat (MRE's) have a powder drink mix that has electrolytes like Gator Aid but the ratio is mostly water.
  19. Rick, You really out done yourself there... WOW. The dimensions are good to make this into a traveling HOT TUB. Bring to MD-2011 then we can duct tape a HD exhaust to the bottom and in no time... Walla...Hot Tub. LOL Really looks niiiiiice
  20. Gary, Educated and well said too . Most posts against modulators fall into 2 categories (Uneducated or Oldtimmer's Opinions based on feelings and not science) DOT would not allow this device if it impaired anyone's vision. Legal DOT Modulators do no harm and add to Rider Visibility. I'm sure some here have been the victim of Non-Legal "Flashers" or "Strobes" and have wrongly placed all Legal Modulators into the Against Category (wrongly so). Also let us not forget the Unaligned Headlights out there (This is the Riders Responsibility with or without a Modulator). Healthy discussion is a good thing and I bet some education is occurring too Ride Safe
  21. Excellent Shape for 14 y/o
  22. A "LEGAL Modulator" comes with a daylight / night sensor that DOES NOT allow "modulation" even if the driver forgets to turn it off at dusk (Yes I tested mine and it Auto shut off modulation). Again I see Driver Education is an issue on this subject . Speaking of Drivers Education a friend of mine went to renew his driver license Auto / MC and that State no longer required a written drivers test or road test beyond the initial test they just looked for outstanding tickets and probably warrants too
  23. See this: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50461&highlight=bakerbuilt+wings Sorry did not cleans off the Bugs lately LOL
  24. ABSOLUTLY... Saved my buttocks a few times. Got use to the cager roll to a STOP Sign then quick look then pull out into my right of way with out completely stopping or completely looking either . Since installing the Headlight Modulator now I see the same described above followed by a complete stop then the SECOND LOOK... yes some are annoyed because they had to wait and extra 3 to 5 seconds . Search motorcycle accident reports and see how many defendants say "I never saw him" Ride Safe
  25. Here http://garmin.blogs.com/files/zumo_rebate.pdf
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