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Everything posted by frogmaster

  1. Sir, 10k is just broke IN. Had friend who wife has been on GW entire M/C Career, then she rode on my Venture and was AMAZED to say the least. What is the City and State the Bike is at??? Someone here might stop by and look it over and test ride it if ya like. Secondly the $12.00 for this website will pay for itself 1,000's of times over. Is that 2008 the Black Cherry over Raven(black) like mine? OH YEAH forgot to mention the 5 year warranty too
  2. Sir, No warranty? I'm Confused why no warranty? There have been many posts and folks who have transferred the warranty to the new owner when bike is less than 5 years from Original Purchase Date. Does shipping to Canada void the warranty? Any Yammie Dealers in Canada? How far from US Boarder? Maybe fellow member can provide a temporary address you can use?? Keep us posted.... very interesting....
  3. Do you think you can take her if you had too?
  4. Keith, Extra Lights are a good thing as long as the Brake & Turn are not diminished.
  5. Careful !!! I did not see any dimension information like L x W x H or Square inches or centimeters. I am not a DOT expert in USA or Canada but I have had friends with home made M/C Trailers who did their own Trailer Lights and was not allowed to cross the boarder and others who where ticketed for NOT meeting DOT Specs. These LED lights look like my side markers (About the size of my finger). EDIT: Found this Link: http://www.nhtsa.gov/cars/rules/standards/conspicuity/Trlrpstr.html
  6. Home Brewing Beer:cool10:
  7. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (15 U.S.C. 2302©) This federal law regulates warranties for the protection of consumers. The essence of the law concerning aftermarket auto parts is that a vehicle manufacturer may not condition a written or implied warranty on the consumers using parts or services which are identified by brand, trade, or corporate name (such as the vehicle maker's brand) unless the parts or service are provided free of charge. The law means that the use of an aftermarket part alone is not cause for denying the warranty. However, the law's protection does not extend to aftermarket parts in situations where such parts actually caused the damage being claimed under the warranty. Further, consumers are advised to be aware of any specific terms or conditions stated in the warranty which may result in its being voided. The law states in relevant part: No warrantor of a consumer product may condition his written or implied warranty of such product on the consumers using, in connection with such product, any article or service (other than article or service provided without charge under the terms of the warranty) which is identified by brand, trade or corporate name... (15 U.S.C. 2302©).
  8. The GOVT has gone crazy. Tell them to stick it and offer $1,500.00 to a nearby untilled / unplanted FARMERS FIELD and call it a private party
  9. I seen this posted. I never did this but they say it works. http://www.kawasakiversys.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7622 Good Luck
  10. Hmmmm? Apparently this Dealer has no idea what JASO MA is and most likely has dedicated an entire wall full of Amsoil & Spectro for Sale.
  11. OK, its been awhile... I will play the Oil Game. Which Shell Rotella-T? Says Who? Shell Rotella-T Blue Jug 5qt about $22 at Walmart 5w-40 Synthetic Exceeds Manufacturer Recommendation. Check these links out: http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Oils1.html http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Consumables.html After reading these and doing a search for more current oil questions it ultimately be the Owners decision what he or she thinks is best for their situation and them with warranty being a consideration. OK I played and will be tapping out.... Next
  12. I've been accused of being low key at times...... so here I go........ Drop off at the Dealer because it is still under warranty.
  13. Dave Zip Code, Sorry to hear this . 2 Questions and 1 advice. Q1: What Oil was in it at the time of Death? Q2: Did you add a Trailer Hitch? Advise: Remove all evidence of Trailering before taking Roxio to the Doc.
  14. Flipped my HF axle to get the weight lower and this gives the "DESIRED" Tongue angle on 2nd Gen... Slight downward angle from trailer axle to rear tire axle (thus no lift when emergency braking when ya need traction the most). You can see this by doing search for "Mimi Motel" for Pics. I also narrowed trailer
  15. DITTO... WHITEFISH... Fried, poached, baked, pickled, smoked, broiled, ect... WHITEFISH!!!
  17. IMHO do NOT buy Used, people rag and thrash them and thinks its OK of off load them to some unsuspecting s*cker. Unless you know Grandma had it since new then buy Brand New. LOVE my 2006 side by side YAMMIE 660 Rhino. Next I would say Honda. Unfortunately in this game you get what you pay for. I would stay away from all other brands IMHO. 2 Things are a MUST 4 me.......Go with an Automatic and Independent Rear Suspension!!! Good Luck
  18. Have You and Momma tested your (buttocks comfort) on this Bike? I would do a 12 Hour test trip, say 6 hours - stop for Lunch - 6 hours home. Any slight discomfort will quickly accumulate day after day, you don't want to be 3 to 4 days from Home and start crying thinking you have to get on the bike to stay on schedule!!! If you have any buttock issues do a search for "Rick Butler Seat Mod". Me and My Momma had our seats done by Rick now we ride as long as we want, day after day after day, Ect... Best $$$ I ever spent because if Momma ain't happy nobody will be happy. 3 cents
  19. Sir I went to my roll-a-home website and seen it was sold to someone else. Still being sold? Manufacturer still supported if any issues? Most importantly a new Website??? TY
  20. Can anybody find overall base weights for their Models? I did not at their website. Secondly, I like the stability of the new basement for 2011 but would like to see "Ground clearance data" too. Anybody knows?
  21. Guys, I don't want to PICK on any brand (because different folks have different needs and different budgets) but I can tell you the Bunkhouse Frame (non-aluminum) is very substantial plus Torsion Axle and the rest is Fiberglass, Material and Aluminum braces for tent protion. The other brands that are mostly Aluminum Frames, Chassis, Ect... do not hold up when you add many miles of bumpy roads, RR crossings, Ect. Also most Aluminum Brands have a Piano Hinge the entire width and if the ground is not 100% Flat or over 180 degrees that is when Piano Hinge gets bent, damaged, Ect (not a warranty issue). SMART Campers with Aluminum Hings bring many wooden wedges to support the uneven ground. Bunkhouse has some built in adjustments for uneven ground but a few wooden wedges can save the day for them too.
  22. I seen a posting s somewhere that 2 riders went from lower 48 to Alaska and back one with a Bunkhouse and the other with an Aluminum Manufactured Brand. One of the Towable Campers held together the whole way and the other had lots of welds broken due to rougher roads and uneven ground also had to get welds at various stops along the way just to keep going and get home.
  23. Also...Food for thought..... IF I'm correct neither Goldwings or BMW's have a 5 year warranty and that is $$$ in your pocket reserves for 5 years!!!
  24. Yeah I know... I might have to lose that spot anyways... MONTY said he was taking 1 week of Vacation to be under the Willow tree in 2011. But here is the the secret we can get 2 small to medium tents under there Shhhhhhhh.......
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