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Everything posted by frogmaster

  1. If anyone wants some local information send me your phone number via Private Message.
  2. Last Friday eve flew from MN-ST.Paul Airport to Traverse City, MI and sitting next to me is the 2007 & 2008 Alaska Dog Sled Champion ((Ididerod)-spelling?) Mr. LANCE MACKI. The Discovery Channel who has done the "Deadlist Catch" in Alaska will be releasing his World Class Performance this OCT. A must see. This guy has beaten all Challenagers World Wide. For those who has followed Dog Sled Racing the "Macki Family" is like Lance Armstrong and the Tour De-France. I WAS GEEEEEEEKED. Oh not to mention The Minnesota Wild Hockey Farm Team was on the plane too and the Coach is Brett Hull Retired NHL All-Star. Spent the entire plane ride talking to Lance Macki and his wife. Did I mention I was GGGGGEEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCKKKKKKEEEDD? Oh and just purchased a 2008 RSV Black Cherry 2 days ago. I'm, so excited I have to go pee so I better hit "POST" now...
  3. AGREE 10000% get your money from your local bank, credit union, ect... BEFORE walking in the door of any dealer.
  4. Ken, I believe I sent a PM... If it did not come thru let me know and I will try again.
  5. In a nutshell what is diff Venture vs Venture-S ??? Looking at purchasing a 2008 RSV and dont want dealer to BS me TY
  6. See this: http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/webpromo/currentpromos_details_cashback.aspx It looks like to me this includes $500 on the 2008 Venture Touring? Am I reading this right?? Is this truly CASH $$$ or store credit on highly marked up merchandise??? Thanks
  7. See this: http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Consumables.html
  8. I can second this choice I have 15 year old Lowrance Fish Finder and it is STILL Waterproof!
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