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Everything posted by frogmaster

  1. New High Tech Materials of Today . I have not had a chance to try em out yet its 20f here..LOL. MC Sports Store was a Store Purchase but I would bet they have a website check on google.
  2. Found these at MC Sports for about $75.00 each. Smaller than 2 Liter Bottle of pop / soda and 1.0 Lb & 7 oz. This Model is good to 4c or 40f. If taller than six foot look for the XL. Best part is the zip together (Ensure you purchase a RIGHT Zip and the other is a LEFT Zip) Here are the Pics: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/2FEB09001.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/2FEB09004.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/2FEB09005.jpg
  3. Don't downgrade the Ride and Upgrade the Hubby. Harley Dudes are sooooo insecure bunch of babies who come out of their shells when a group. Signed GDI (Gosh Damn Independent)
  4. Guys & Gals, I had an excellent Progressive Claim last summer. Hmmmmm?
  5. Where exactly does Don live? Looking for a M-Day in Michigan or Northern IN, OH. Thanks
  6. See this: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1001
  7. Friends don't let friends use Fram Using Purolator & Rotella Syn 5w-40 here starts good in 3 feet of snow and zero degrees.
  8. Now this guy KNOWS the BEST Filter on the Market. See ROTELLA thread for OIL
  9. AGREE 100% I started my bike last weekend at 5 degrees F but the Rotella-SYN-5w-40 Helps
  10. Works great at @ 0 degree F
  11. Perfect Combination running it here the best of both worlds and not a waste of $$$
  12. I had a "So-Called" virus and my PC was Sloooooow too. The funny thing about this was I was later hit with a pop-up for a free scan website. So I scanned at the website and yes sir ree they had the ONLY-FIX for $19.95 and took credit cards, paypal, ect... I was VERY SUSPICIOUS and consulted a PC Friend who said that was a SCAM and he found some Anti-Virus FREEWARE and cleaned it for FREE and PC was fast again. Suggest changing to Mizolla Fire Fox Browser and yes you "might have" some virus but there is ALOT of FREEWARE out there.
  13. If you click link then click the MS-08-067 link you will go to Microsoft and see this is OLD NEWS from 23 Oct 2008. Keep your anti virus up to date.
  14. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/DSC00485.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/DSC00475.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/DSC00467.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/DSC00469.jpg Keeps my RSV company in the winter all damn 6 months of Winter
  15. Maybe not ODD but BEST My Friends HD last August just 48 hours I told him I was NOT buying a HD and was getting a Yammie RSV which he called Jap-Crap! I believe in KARMA LOL!
  16. I posted back when Molley was gone and encouraged you to get another when the TIME WAS RIGHT. Looks like GOD said it is time. Remember their will never be another Molley but you can name your new dog with a "M" in the beginning like "Master" or "Misty" Ect... Happy 4 U
  17. My Subscription to Consumer Reports Says... Plasma uses TWICE the electric than the LCD's.
  18. Just a few days ago Canada had lost the 100th Soldier in Afghanistan. My fellow Soldiers to the North served with honor and bravery. I will be returning Oct-2009. SALUTE...
  19. No accident .... yet, but I did get a smartass comment about my PADDED & HiVis riding Pants and Jacket and a White FF Helmet. Guy said I looked like an F-ing Astronaut and laughed. He had a skid lid (just because the state says so) a sleeveless T-shirt and Blue Jeans. I CLEARLY REMEMBER saying to myself... I will ware what I want to the ER and and you can ware what you want to the ER if you make it that long .
  20. Ahhhhhhh...... Now where did I place my glasses. Now makes cents TY
  21. OK now at the 20th post and I can not believe nobody mentioned your 2006 RSV has a five year warranty and why not let Uncle Yammie do all this work and expense? Confused?? Must have more $$$ than me.
  22. This is my Winter Plan: Already been doing this for 4 Weeks and only 5 months to go Filled Tank and Added Stabilizer. Once a week I level the bike and start it up ((choked for first 3 to 5 mins)) Then Normal idle for another 5 minutes. Left Fuel Pet-Cock ON. Repeat weekly for the next 5 MONTHS Any 2 cents welcome.
  23. DELETED... I mixed 2 posts into 1 and that is not accurate.
  24. Jerry K, Thanks for this information. I will be driving by this shop Sept 2009 from Northern Michigan. I will arrange a service stop and see if a "Miracle Shim" can silence my Chirrrrrrpppppp that sounds like the spaceship vehicles on the Cartoon the JETSON's.
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