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Everything posted by frogmaster

  1. Agree this is NOT normal. Me thinks something is shifting "forward" (deceleration) vs "aft" (Acceleration). Clutch In vs Out? In Gear vs In Neutral? Does this sound same when down shifting? I'm not a great mechanic but I bet someone here can use these answers to get ya very close to Spot On. Goodluck
  2. DITTO There will never be another "Skippy" but keep you heart open many dogs need a good home and family like Skippy has. 3 Dogs here and 3x the love too.
  3. Same Stock then same Show Chrome (SC). The (SC) height is right at eye level (I'm 5'8"). I like the Width of (SC) keeps hands warmer and I can see over if rain storm pops up. I say GREAT for around town and 45 to 55 mph. WAY TOO MUCH WIND over 55+ mph for me and passenger, the buffeting actually blurred my our vision...YIKES. I just ordered the Clearview XXL w/ Vent, yes I understand I will have trouble seeing in the rain, will do Rain-x and pull off if can not see. I expect NO BUFFETING w/ Blurred Vision from FF Helmet Shakes. 3 cents.
  4. Same here but ADD another hour there and back. We need a MID-MICHIGAN M&E. Somewhere near Mt. Pleasant. Any members from that area???
  5. Prayer Sent.
  6. You got the White Bottle = DINO ya want the BLUE Bottle = SYN See this link for pictures: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34643
  7. Cheap & Looks good too. $15.97 Walmart Platinum Burners, Chrome and Stainless Hardware. 2.5 inch and 55 watts. I removed the bottom bolt from the Clear Bat Wing on Front Forks. This kit comes with a lighted relay switch and all the wire you will need. I will post some Pictures soon. 15 bucks better than 150+++ http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/16APR09002.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/16APR09001.jpg http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k249/frogmaster_2006/16APR09003.jpg
  8. I too was skeptical about the noises. My brand new 2008 has the George JETSON Chiiiiirrrrpppppppp! Sounds pretty kool. I'm glad I pulled the trigger best dang bike for the buck.
  9. From Northern Michigander...WELCOME you found the best bike and site too.
  10. I notice you did not mention TURN SIGNALS??? (I was able to install With TURN SIGNALS or BAKE LIGHT but NOT BOTH without 5-4 Converter). Did you get BOTH with Converter???
  11. ADMIN feel free to DELETE entire post. Sorry for a duplicate post.
  12. I too have found exactly what is stated above and found a 5 to 4 Trailer Converter from Auto Zone for $6.99. After looking at this 5 to 4 Converter and what I know from above the LIGHT BULB above my head has not gone off or on. Can anyone post a wire by wire or color by color wire scheme or diagram. Lastly if you have this installed and are willing to pull your License Plate feel free to call me (231) 846-0090. EASTERN TIME ZONE. TY
  13. I was looking forward to sitting on some Butler Modified Seats then deciding if I want mine fixed. If Rick Butler is there with his grinding tool, foam and staple gun Ect.... That would be Sweeeeet. Potential Customer coming from Northern Michigan... Count me In too
  14. Sorry to hear this. Get Well Soon.
  15. Now that is getting Better TY for Link (Nice to have choices).
  16. I'm disappointed about the STYLE. I'm glad I started this thread... Nice link found. Keep em coming guy & gals
  17. Same as above quote for me. I had a Hand Held Can Cooler that was Black. I cut off the bottom 2", flipped it over and snuggly fits on gas cap. Hope this helps somebody some day. The reflection was annoying to me (Rookie Driver). Safer now
  18. Goldwing so kicks Venture @ss in Cool Headlight department!!! Yes I bought an 2008 Venture and choked on the cassette player (Soon to be modded cubby hole). Every time I see the Venture Headlamp it reminds me of the 4 or 5 Headlamps I replaced on 1970-80 Autos over the years.... (now I'm 45). Does anybody make a cool replacement???
  19. CONGRATS....... The last thing we need is another Black Bike to be confused with the HD (Just kiddin a little LOL)
  20. You done your homework and did your shopping around. That color is better than all Black (Don't want to be confused with a HD..LOL) All I can say is CONGRATS
  21. I bought 2 of these but they were the "SP" Model last Fall for $135.00 each. The website should have a Size Chart and me and girlfriend measured our heads and hers was SPOT-ON and mine was a TAD Tight along my forehead area. I read on the internet to take a Large Spoon and use backside to rub down the tight spot using thumb pressure (Worked Great now Fits Great). Good Vents and Visor never fogged an I rode some 35 degree trips. These are DOT Approved. I upgraded to the "SP" Model to get the SNELL rating (IMO worth a few more bucks). BUY THEM NOW!!! Or Upgrade to the SP.
  22. Did I miss a post? Is this being paid by Yammie as part of 5 year Warranty???
  23. Is it a Diamond-R or a Utopia? (this information will get you better help).
  24. Double and triple check "ONLINE" for some trailer GURU. Last I seen the best Tounge Weight should be 8 to 12 Percent of total trailer weight. As far as TEST DRIVING maybe pull it behind a car at higher speeds first vs behind your bike. Check hub temperatures ect.... Ya I know I'm a scardy cat...Better safe than sorry!
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