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Everything posted by frogmaster

  1. Trying to post them now, might need a few minutes to figure this out... 6 pics on the way...
  2. Monty aka Pat, Thanks Bro ya just saved me some Big Bucks Stealer wanted @$217 + $90 to mount just the Front.... Front is $134.xx and Free Shipping, Other Dealer only $50.xx I KNOW I should have done this MD-2013 Charlie & Tess
  3. Post Pics and report of how they work for you. Any install questions send me a PM Frogmaster aka Charlie
  4. Forgmaster is in the area "Cadillac / Mesick, MI". Sounds good to me however I will be a last minute YES or NO so that makes me a MAYBE. I will keep in touch with this thread.
  5. You all make me laugh and Mimi Smile. Yes next year!!! Ride Safe
  6. Bob, My BACK feels like your's LOOKS . So I'm guessing your not under the Willow Tree either? Charlie
  7. Frogmaster missing MD, Who is under the Willow Tree? I have to be the ON CALL ENGINEER for North America this weekend and have to stay near my AT&T Lab Equipment. Arrrrggghhhhh. I know MONTY and Dave Wells will be nearby! Anyways HAVE FUN and DRIVE SAFE, see you next MD-2012.
  8. Beave, #1 is just not synthetic 5w SYN is same as 5w Dino. Without #1 the fuel would not be moved, replenished, flushed through the Carbs. As Gasoline sits around it will evaporate into a varnish type goo. So having the 5w Oil allows the RSV to be started in below 32 Temps for many months on end and fuel to be moved, replenished flushed through the carbs and not allowed to sit for 6 months (In Northern Michigan thing) and turn into the varnish type goo. Ya heard of Varnished Carbs? Sticky Floats? Plugged Jets??? Yep fuel evaporated in Carb caused this. I once won a dinner from an old HD Dude who said I was full of BS about starting my RSV every weekend all winter long... he said he could not start his V-Twin in the Winter and my V-4 would be twice as hard to start!!! Should of seen his face LOL I bet he had HD 20-50 Oil Hope this helps Beave
  9. Sir, Read these and like anything else you have to decide. http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Oils1.html http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Consumables.html IMHO The engine will tell you IF it is too old for Syn Oil with Blow-By or Burning Oil, Ect... Earlier I posted 2 Main Reasons for using this Oil and it has more to do with Carbs & Fuel and that first time metal on metal startup in the Spring after sitting a Looooooooong time. Listen and Observe your engine it will talk to you ONLY if your listening...The Bike Whisperer LOL Now back to the regular scheduled program...Sandbagger Drive Train Noise on Deceleration (not oil related imho)...
  10. Yep dual typing LOL. The 5w part of the oil "kicks in" when coldest... otherwise it is just a self adjusting Oil Weight as it warms up. The Top end of Heat Range Acts like a 40w. Seen it either here or here: VERY GOOD READS http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Oils1.html http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Consumables.html Also The US Army has had me in KS twice and it can be like Northern Michigan for 2 months or so Sandbagger, I'm betting this is not an Oil Issue if the oil level is correct. Staying tuned to this thread
  11. Oops SilvrT this was for Sandbagger... I LOVE this Rotella-T Synthic 5w-40. Why? I start my Bike every weekend during the Winter YES all 6.75 Months of Winter. 2 reasons: 1. Keeps everything lubed, no dry metal on metal start in the Spring Time! 2. The fuel with STABILE-izer does not have chances to evaporate in fuel bowl thus causing floats to stick, fuel to change to varnish, or jets to gunk up! These IMHO are 2 VERY GOOD reasons to run this Oil!!! Now the NOISE ONLY ON DECELERATION... Sounds like something is moving around in the drive train or rear wheel. Change Tire lately? Had Pumpkin of drive shaft off lately?? On Deceleration have you pulled the clutch in to see if noise stops??? Someone better Mechanic than I can take you from here... Trust me the OIL has no idea if your acceleration or deceleration!!! :080402gudl_prv:
  12. Owen, I think VR.Org has a new Rick Butler of Zumo GPS Repair Shop. I'm thinking $75 is half of $150
  13. I elected not to go to HID because it would not work with my life saving Modualtor (IMHO). However running down the road at 55 mph plus at night and headlite goes out is a scary thought Or a 100% power outage causing immediate BLACKOUT is twice as scary :shock3: Here was my SOLUTION it has independent wiring and switch directly to the battery. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34552&highlight=passing+lamps See Post and Pictures in post #8 Hope this helps somebody someday
  14. Owen, I posted this here before... maybe dollar late or dollar short but this describes exactly what you described above. $150.00 That is a Bargin for what you get. I love my ZUMO $25.00 Home Fix: http://www.kawasakiversys.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7622 http://www.kawasakiversys.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7622
  15. Chris, See http://www.bigcrank.com http://www.bigcrank.com they UPS right to my Door for a very good price. Good Luck
  16. http://www.glarestomper.com
  17. Sir, I believe this is manufactured by HF (iv'e been wrong before). Anyways I had a HF Trailer and cut it down to make it less wide. Every thing rolled just fine when attached to the frame (thus holding the axle in a fixed position). I noted when disconnected from the frame it acted all funny like Toe In and Toe Out was just wobbling all around the garage floor. Just then my Brother grabbed the axle and held it straight and rolled with Toe IN and then he flipped axle 180 degree and it rolled Toe Out. So you can imagine we paid close attention to what was UP vs Down when we cut and welded the shorter axle. There was a very slight curvature to the main axle. Connect it to the Frame then roll it see how it goes. Yes maybe bent Rim or crap tires too. Let us know what ya found. MORE Info Here : http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=51272
  19. BUICK REGAL...... Had Friend had one for 14 years and sold it with 220,000mi, The Michigan Fertilizer (SALT) ate the body like candy but other brands was eaten alive in 8 to 10 years, so his BUICK withstood rusting better than most.
  20. I work for a big corp phone co and I get to "Telecommute" (work from home). I have to pay for my dsl internet connection and then go wireless from there. In my Home / Office I have 3 Laptops. 1 for Company, 1 for Me and 1 for Mimi. 99.9% of the time I NEVER cross emails or personal website searches, ect between Laptops or email accounts. Like one guy above said "(Some have been Fired for such activities)". So I'm overly cautious but in this economy who can blame me? Also Big Brother IT Dept can find 100% what was done on their PC's if they want too, those who do not think so are the next to be let go.
  21. Joe, I'm no Vet, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express...LOL. My Country Vet had me live the dream for 6 weeks of the Hydrogen Peroxide and Water Gun into deep flesh wounds (That part is true).
  22. WOW... I never knew the 2nd Amendment was suspended in 2 States??? and who says this is just a M/C Site?
  23. Joe, Just finished using 32 oz of Hydrogen Peroxide on my German Short Hair after my other LAB opened her like a can opener. We were shooting HP with a water gun into wounds that were 3 to 4 inches deep. Taken nearly 6 week to close the wounds due to NO STICHES due to infection that was the stinky part. Neosporin is good too for shallow stuff. Looks like composed reply nearly same time. LOL
  24. A KEEPER DOG. Now for some VET advise. Keep putting Hydrogen Peroxide (Brown Bottle w/ White Top) on the wounds 3 to 5 times a day. Also keep sniffing the wounds and if at anytime it starts to "stink" then get to a Vet for antibiotic shot and follow up antibiotic pills. Dogs like people can get an infection that can get into bloodstream and cause long delayed painful death. Good Luck
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