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Everything posted by frogmaster

  1. For the record "DITTO Here"
  2. Goose, Chilled out here, and not upset with you either. Seems I have sparked your nerve which was not my intention. My posting history has always been helpful in nature and non confrontational too. Since I started this thread to be helpful and the last half of this thread has not been helpful feel free to have this thread deleted. I think you will see on several occasions I have supported your mechanical positions and opinions such as Valve Jobs every 26,600mi & Floats. Secondly I wanted to get with you on MD-2010 to do my floats too ((Too bad I will be in Iraq in 2010 all year serving our country so we can have freedoms and ride motorcycles)). I hope to do floats at MD-2011.
  3. Lil beaver, Sorry bro did not compare them because the electrodes are of different shape and material to begin with so that would not of been apples to apples comparison. But I know what your talking about and have done that in the past.
  4. V7Goose, I'm too smart to get into that contest with you simply because you have mis-read or mis-understand what I'm trying to say. In a nutshell all I said was my OEM-NGK's had degraded in performance from 7k to 8k. And I was getting about 200 miles before Reserve fuel Light came on from 00001 to 7k (average). then reported I proved the spark plug degerdation by replacing them and got my "Original MPG" range back as a result of this change after 1k which is about 5 tanks. I'm sure your not telling all of us that spark plugs never degrade with time / mileage are you? You see no claim by me saying (more horsepower or better fuel milage head to head). I will continue to monitor my mileage vs sparkplug performance over time / mileage... and hoping the NGK-Iridiums degerdation will last longer than the OEM-NGK puking around 7k. I will need more than 8k to prove a better spark plug than OEM-NGK and NOT the MAGIC PLUG you seek to dispell. Peace Out fellow mechanic
  5. YES that is it.
  6. REBOOT = Turn it off and wait 1 minute and turn it back on. Sometimes a PC LOCKS UP and if a Laptop it has a battery and unplugging it will only convert to Battery... The trick here is to hold the POWER ON down for 7 seconds. It will then SHUT DOWN then START UP.
  7. I have been on FF for last 4 or 5 years and every time I did the "Update or Upgrade" from earlier version I never lost my FAVS here. Cliff if she can NOT access it now might as well reboot. Reboot worlds #1 Majic Bullet with 98% fix rate 2% OH CRAP rate.... Good Luck
  8. Tracy, My cell# is in my Profile. Hit me after 8:30am YAWN and before 9pm. Charlie
  9. Wally World (Wal-Mart) has Rotella 5w-40 SYN in Blue Bottle $20.00. I see your in IN much like N.W-MICH... I like to run bike every 1 week in winter Nov - Apr (6 !@#$%^&* months) and the 5w is a blessing then.
  10. 2008 RSV STOCK and serviced at 600 miles by me. Now at 8,000 miles-ish. From Mileage 0000001 thru about 7,000-ish miles got about 200 mpg before Reserve Fuel Light came on. From 7,000-ish to 8,000-ish the Reserve Fuel Light was coming on regularly around 150-ish miles vs 200 miles earlier, that is a 25% loss of mpg. (Thinking to myself Hmmmmm the 8,000 miles Service is soon and then replace (OIL= Shell Rotella 5-40 Syn, Oil Filter, 75-90 SYN in Final Pumpkin and replace spark plugs). These were the same fluids used at 600 mile Service. Had GREATEST of performance enhancement with NGK Iridium Spark Plugs on (Toyata, Subaru, Two Yammie Outboards and Yammie-Rhino-660) using the NGK Iridium Spark Plugs. Threw them in my STOCK 2008 RSV at 8,000-ish and BAM got my MPG back to 200-ish miles before Reserve Fuel Light comes on again... NO LIE So the Owners Manual was DEAD ON in regard to spark plug replacement around 8,000 miles. Hopes this helps someone... NO I'm not a NGK Stockholder or Dealer... Just a decent Mechanic and a simple M/C Rider.
  11. All my M/C friends comment then order this... http://www.chromeglow.com/catalog.asp?prodid=561931&showprevnext=1
  12. I bet if you started a "RELAY MY TRAILER" THREAD these VentureRiders.org members could get it to you. In 2 weeks (12th Sept) will be in Flint / Clio Michigan then going to Bardstown KY 48 hours later!!!... That is about half way
  13. Anybody have a Cut & Paste of Warranty? I would certainly ask dealer for a loaner bike. 3 cents.
  14. Congrats
  15. TOM, Ahhhhh RADIALS... now i see. Actually about 2 years ago I did an internet search for Radial vs Bias and after that education I concluded (to myself and only my opinion) that the extra costs of Radials were not justified in Vehicles under 1,500 lbs like my ATV's, M/C-Trailer and RSV-08 and RSV-08 owners manual recommends Bias Ply Tires too. I know your looking for M/C-Trailer tires.... research Radials vs Bias on the internet and see if you really still need Radials (Personal Choice based on education and belief). I had a retired State Trooper on an ATV Forum swear by 2 things (GoodYear & Radial) [kinda like HD Kool Aid], regardless what independent Radial vs Bias information found or links provided. Good Luck
  16. You might not find that exact brand or model but the size is very common can be found at: Wally World Harbor Freight Tractor supply JC Whitney Northern Tool Cabelas Bass Pro Ect... If you wheel wells allow it ya might want to move up to 12" Good Luck
  17. I,m guessing this is a TAX issue and if a lawyer is needed maybe a TAX LAWYER. Heck prisons are so over filled and the streets are full of Violent Criminals, rapist, child molesters, drug dealers, auto homicide, repeat drunk drivers, Ect...... And she forged a tax form and will go to prison at your whim? Confused Here??? I hope the 14k you say is owed is in the judgment by the court??? I did not sleep at Holiday Inn and have NO LAW education... Either way wish you luck my fellow Brother In Arms.
  18. A HD Friend of mine said he was looking for a Touring Bike that his Wife could be comfy on. Immediately I said you have RSV or GW to pick from! He shook his head and said "You don't understand HD is not just a Bike it is a way of life". From my limited background and reviewing some HD specs vs RSV & GW I concluded.......... "I DON'T UNDERSTAND" and I'm glad I have not been blinded by the HD Mystic Spell and skipped the koolaid offering too. Still respect them as fellow rider no matter what they ride.
  19. Fatigue can be similar to alcohol . Needless to say the US Army pushes this limit in training to illustrate this effect so you can recognize it and take corrective action (stop training and get some sleep before some gets killed). Glad you made it to remind us not to push it. Everyone should carry a small tent and small sleeping bag (I have pulled off on some 2 tracks to get some Zzzzzzzz's) sometimes it is many mile between hotel where I like to ride.
  20. What got my attention was first and second degree burns on both calves. YIKES
  21. Sapper, See post #19 in this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39986&page=2 A former GW Owner opinion. Either way they are both in the top 2
  22. Earl, Man O Man you sure know how to hook a guy up!!! Impressive skills (I'm not worthy).
  23. [ame=http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=498478]Nice but dangerous: Kawasaki’s new 1700 Voyager- an owners 1500 mile road trip evalua - ADVrider[/ame]
  24. Niiiiice... Low center of gravity (thumbs up)
  25. Gary, Hope to see your trailer at this event: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38612]Mid Michigan M/C, M&E and Camp Out 2009. - VentureRider.Org[/ame] not to far for you maybe 2 hours drive max! Should be many trailers to see there. I will have Mimi's Motel there and weather as of now looking to be fantastic...
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