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Everything posted by jburrell

  1. Before paying all that why not check out pinwall cycles. They part out completely new bikes sometimes and you could have a shock for less.see here http://stores.ebay.com/PinWall-Cycle-Parts-Inc_Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star_W0QQ_fsubZ5820835QQ_sidZ12458664?_nkw=shock Its a shock off a 99 but still a bargain at $149. You can also contact them and ask for notification when a newer model is parted out. I have seen the part out a 2009 already. just a thought, James
  2. As a Network System Engineer for a major corp I would want to know who the writer is before I download a program with exectuables in it to run on my computer. It may be nothing but, there are way too many malicious programs running around the net right now trying to steal key strokes/ Id's/Pw etc. Beware of "Free" sometimes you get alot more that you really want. Just my 2:2cents:
  3. Glad to hear something finally worked out, and its still near us so we get to enjoy your and Lonna's company on ocassion. We knew something would eventually work out. Isn't it great to know that there are friends around like Gunboat and Ponch? AS far as riding time. Remember we have a ride next weekend with Kbay. Lets all go and congraulate them in person. James
  4. Just show up at this MD and I am sure someone will be able to sync your carbs and show you what you need to know about maint on the bike. Always ask here. There are a lot of members who will always help even if it means riding to your house to be sure you get it done right. jb
  5. I remember "I like Ike" I remember Nixon as VP saying "I am not a crook" while IKE's VP I rembember the Berlin wall going up The earliest thing I remember is having a train set on a big board. Dad loved it jb
  6. When you put a 180 tire on the back you will see that it possible rubs against the driveshaft housing. I believe olng timers here recommend against this change. Many wail against the Metzlers and I had them on mine and switched to the Dunlops and like them better. Not sure why you would want a larger tire on the rear but thats my opinion. I sure wouldn't do this as a load on the back such as a passenger may cause too much rubbing against the driveshaft housing and cause an issue with the tirewall and cause the tire to heat up on long trips. My
  7. You need to get over the idea that the bike is top heavy and just decide you can do the manuvers. I went one step further and went to the 130 width front tire and the handling is completely different. I can make any turn with my feet on the floorboards at almost a stopped speed. The top heaviness goes away and you can make any turn and you dont feel that handlebar weight anymore. Barring tire change you just need lots of practice in all the manuevers. My
  8. I had PONCH help me and all we did was remove the half disc and the wire. Remove the wire completely (throw it away)and the half disc then install the replacement full disc and then all the other disc on top of that then new stronger spring and your done. If the metal disc are blued or work sand them in cross hatch pattern and reinstall in order they came out. Remember to match the notches when reinstalling them. Many here will take your phone call just look under VR assistance. James
  9. I have arem rest on my 2 get and they mount to the "grab bars" that are mounted to the fender and swing out as needed to get onto the back seat. Wife loves em. Not sure how your's would mount thoug.I ahve see them on a Hd and they mounted to the rear trunk and swung out from that point. I would think you would want to put in some wood blocks and steel plates to keep the bos from cracking from the weight it someone leaned on them too hard though. Just my 2c
  10. Well really you cant drive to the Southernmost part of the US but you can get to Key West which has a marker for it. The really most southern point is Fort Jefferson that is 60 miles west/sw of Key West. However, if you want to go through "the Dragon" you will need to travel farther west as you go through Virginia. I would recommend going from Shennadoha VA down the Blue Ridge Parkway which is SSlab like with nice vistas until you are at the northern end of the Dragon then getting off and running the Dragon then going due south from the South end of the Dragon to Florida. Visit a Civil War site along the way. When you get to key west take the day trip to fort jefferson and go snorkeling at the fort. Stop by Datona in Datona beach while in Fla. Bike week is coming up there this week I belive. Just my 2c james if you make it deeper into Texas your Welcome to come on by there is always room for one more Venture rider.
  11. I hve a 99 and I can make a figure 8 in my street with it. Can do a turn on any road. Just have to learn how to handle it but a 130 tire on the front alos helps. my
  12. 99 RSV here with Barons 4-2-4 Nasty Boys. Kinda loud when you get on it but just a good rumble when you are running normal speed without acceleration. I believe the db allowed for mufflers in Texas is about 105db and after that you can be ticketed but it seldom happens as evidenced by all the Harleys around that are deafening and rattle windows. Attached is how my exhaust look
  13. These fins do not assist in cooling the block in any way since its watercooled. Paint em any color you want just dont try to run engine with them off. Jim
  14. How about march 27th at my House and we have Hot dogs, chips and drinks and a good time? Take apart a few bikes and share with others how to do specific maintenance. I can show them how to do the clutch upgrade, remove the wheels, do brakes. Ponch can discuss/teach guage hookups, Gunboat can teach some of us how to do a Carb sync and I guess we can find something for Squidley to do. I'll go ahead and post it. James
  15. Sound like a good idea to me! I am sure you would get good attendance.
  16. Instead of pasting the pictures you need to attach them using the "Additional Options" ( manage attachments) available below the window you are writing in for new messages and replys. You attach it by browsing to it and then "uploading it" to the site. jb:hurts:
  17. You can have my entire system cables mounts and all for $115 off an 07. Just PM me if you decide you wanna go that way. I am using my BB for music now.
  18. I would, have, will continure too. So you want help finding a bike, resolve an issue and you wont spend a mesly $12 on this site for a years worth of information and assistance not to mentioned the number of friends you will end up meeting. Geeezzz James
  19. Most likely Malware. I would run a good sweep of the system with Antivirus and malware programs to see if you can root out the culprit. There is nothing within the Windows OS that will create this. This is an attempt to get you to start its "program" and infect you further. ****************************NOTICE IT IS FROM IMAGEHACK.INFO.******** look closely at the "alert" of course it says its a PDF document but who knows whats behind that button. MY jb Network Systems Engineer
  20. jburrell

    US Census

    I am going to answer to the besto f my ability. Of course I am like Ronald Regan. I can't remember. is a good answer to most of them. they can just try to come get me. I have to be tried by a jury of my peers.
  21. I had to change out my ignition last year so my trunk keys did not match my ignition keys.Your key only has to be cut on one side to work. I solved that by buying spacer keys online. for $1.85 I bought ILCO-YM63, and took them to the local ACE hardware and they cut the bag keys on one side of the new key and the ignition on th other side. All work great. I now have 1 key that unlocks everyting even though they are not a matched set. I have 6 blank keys in my tool box if anyone in the Houston area needs a ley. my
  22. Welcome back and we wish you luck tomorrow. Go get em.
  23. Well I found the rubber plug that was mentioned when I restarted the bike and it started dumping water badly right under the fins as explained. I took the fins back off and saw the plug was way loose. I talked with Gunboat to make sure I had the right plug while I was in the garage. I took some tape and a penny and put it where pushed against the plug and refilled with water and viola I am home with no leaks now. I want to thank every one for their contributions to this thread and the offers of assistance from everyone. I guess I will order some new plugs and replace all four to be safe since I need to add antifreeze now anyway.Sure is lots of good folks on this site. Thanks Freebird for making the site available with such good info and people. :hurts:
  24. ECK, Thanks for the info. I pulled the cover and I don't see what you mean. No rubber items there that I seel I ran the bike for a few mintues and did not see more leakage. I had added water to the resivor. Not seeing anything. Pulled gas tank and found radiator empty.(not good). I checked the water lind that runs down the outside r side of the upper frame and no noticable leaks or evidence of leaks ( white powder on hose). I refilled the radiator and restarted but no leak. No idea what is happening. I had checked the radiator level and resivor level before I went to Big Bend in November but not since. Water is leaving somewhere though. I may have to hire someone like Squidley that has the expertise to find the problem and resolve it as I don't have enough experience yet. Owen offered to tow me home but I am going to try to ride it home and see what happens how that I have water in it again and if I have to stop I can call Roadside assistance. Kreg offered to come over and assist but I have to go to the Hospital later to see Lynn as she was admitted yesterday with severe Bronchiatis/pneumonia and will be there 3 or 4 days yet. I will head home early just in case. I normally get off at 6pm cst but will leave about 4 today so I have daylight to see issues on the way home. I appreciate everyones assitance. Hopefully we can figure it out quickly so I can continue to ride in this nice weather. Its gonna be 78 here thursday. I also have to take care of a car problem as Lynn sideswipped my car with hers as she was leaving to go to hospital. At least I have a great job. :You_Rock_Emoticon:
  25. I am sure some one has seen this before and can point me in the right direction. I am at work now but I do have my tools with me. As I was riding to work this morning I noticed a Puff of steam from the left rear side of the engnine and upon looking down I noticed that I had some anti-freeze on the pipes ( silver slivers and specks on hot pipes.) it was not much but there. The puffs at first were intermitten as thoght something was starting and stopping the leak. Now I know there is a water line along the upper frame that I believe goes back to somewhere in the top end of the engine. I made it to work after stopping once to check and see if I could see any water leaking. Getting here I had a constant small amount of steam but never got any indicator lights that I was overheating. I removed the resivor cover and yes It was out of antifreeze. This same thing happened last year on the right side and I never found the leak and until now it has never appeared again. I refilled the resivor and the issue disappeared. I plan on removing the tank at lucch to see what I can find but does anyone have a idea where the issue comes from based on its apparent location on the L rear to center of the engine? Nothing shows up on the Right side of engine and all steam rose from left side of gas tank. Byt he way it is about 67 here so its not from the cold. IDeas??? jb may be walking home. Actually, I have Roadside assistance for towing but would like to fix it here at lunch if possible.
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