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Everything posted by jburrell

  1. EVer think of getting a magnet to hang from the front fender? How about sweeping the driveway etc with a magnet. I ain't had 10 flats in 40 yrs of driving. just a thought jb
  2. Have a great time? Take a tire repair kit and maybe add "ride on" to your tires for safety. I am heading that way in late septemter. Everyone has great ideas here but one that may be better than a card around you neck is to add an entry into your cell phone for an Emergency contact. It should be entered as ICE then name and number. I-IN C=case E Emergency IN CAse of Emgergency. EMT's etc will look for this if something happens. Be sure to check your bike often for loose bolts etc. And as mentioned, take a coat and be sure to take along water and keep hydrated. You may not realise that the heat and wind is taking a toll, until too late. Drink lots of water while riding in august weather. Again have a great time and be careful. Remember the turns on that road can be dangerous and several have died this year on it due to not being able to make the turns due to speed. Make it back ok and then post your pictures for us to envy. jb
  3. have a great time and let us know what you find along the way that you like/dislike. I know the roads are great but info on restraunts/lodging you find that is worth our stopping would be great. I am heading there late Sept for a week. Can't hardly wait. James
  4. :hurts: Lots of info on this in the TECH section along with a multitude of other items that will help you maintain you ride. I see you are not a member yet! Membership is only $12 a year and allows you to view and use all sections of this site. I would guess that I have saved ~$2000 by being a member here and using the tech articles and a lot of assistance from members here who are more than willing to assist you when you have issues. Having said that. I drilled out my stock mufflers after removing the rear cone cover and drilled 4 holes. If you decide that is too loud you can get a "Cap" at the hardware store that will plug up the hole and avoid having to weld them shut to return to the old sound. However, most of us just buy some Harley Roadking slip ons for $15-$25 along with the necessary monunt and clamp and avoid issues with our stock pipes. This mod and the necessary parts are in the TECH section too. And no, I am not the owner of this site just someone who appreciates its vaule and certainly appreciates all the assistance I have recieved from numerous people on this site both in person and online. One Happy Camper!! jb
  5. Great news. I am scheduleed to head there Sept 25. Just need to make my plans on where I am going to ride once I get there. jb
  6. You may want to consider using some rainx if your using the Clearview or as this guy did you can cut down you windshiels just enough so when you hve fog you can sit up straight and see over the windshield but be behind it when not sitting straight up. There is a write up on how to cut down your windshield in the tec section. I plan on cutting mine down this weekend in anticipation of issues this fall when I go east. Jb
  7. About 3 months ago I saw that Pinwheel cycles had a salvaged 2009 with 400 miles on it. They show them running in a video then tear them into parts. This one's engine was for sale for $1300 plus $295 shipping . This does not include the carbs, jsut the engine/trans but a good deal for somone with a love for their bike. However, as other have mentioned these things run forever. Just my JB
  8. Tom, I am leaving the 25th and staying out there 5 days then heading back. I will pm you when its closer and see if we can get together somewhere. James
  9. I am going across Alabama just not completely north. I am going to stop the fist night in Birmingham. Then to Atlanta and finally to either Asheville or Cherokee..just havent decided yet. I'll get back with you when its closer. james
  10. Squidley can show you how to do the carb tune and I will show you how to install the PCW kit. You may need to flush the fluid. Is the fluid in the resivor clear or brown? Hows your brakes? Check those pads! We can show you how to change them out if nee ded. Nuttin to it. Ponch helped with my clutch change. I''ll bring a couple of chairs, and some baked beans and a few brews. jb
  11. Owen, Sounds like a plan. I have an available room if someone needs it. Just have them PM me. Let us know what to bring and we'll get'r done. Sounds like your trip will be a good ride. I don't ahve any work to do on my bike at this time but will help others if they need it or I can come help BBQ if you need assistance. Anyone need clutch upgrade or brakes etc done let us know and we can assist. Order your parts. James
  12. Thanks everyone keep the info coming. I want to ride all over the area buy need more info as to how long I need to stay in a specific area. Would love to ride in N Georgia with some members too. Question is where should I stay to ride the Dragon/BRP/Cher/NGeorgia? Should I stay in Robbinsville/MValley/Cherokee/Asheville etc? I know riding int he mountain can be decieving on time frames. I want to see as much as I can and I plan on leaving the area and heading over to Virginia if possible and then west across Tenn for the trip back home. I want to be home by the end of the 6th day. Again thanks for the replies. james
  13. Planning to ride out to the Dragon in late Sept and spend about 6 days out on the road. IF anyone is interested in riding along or meeting up please post here. Dates can be OPEN but, as of now, my vacation starts Sept 25 for a week. Now, also I would like recommendations on where to stay and what to see in the area including NC/Tenn/Va. I am interested in Riding the Dragon of course but, also want to ride the Blue Ridge and Cherolaka Hwy, as well as any other recommendations here. I dont think I want to spend all the time right down the street from the Dragon (hwy 129) as I know there are a lot of other things to see in this part of the country. I am planning on leaving really early on the 25th and want to be back within the week. I plan to do a Iron Butt ride to get as far along as I can and I think it will be about 800mi or almost there. I like Senery, twistys and good food, so what do you say! What should I see? Ride? Eat? Can't leave earlier to go to Ashville meet so this will be my chance to see the area. James
  14. We'd all like to meet ya too. If you decide you want to hold a MD just pick a date and I will guarantee you we will come and eat your food and drink yer Beer! We might even do some work on the bikes. We never miss a change to get together and destroy others bikes and down some grup. There are a lot of really knowledgeable people in the area that can help with numerous issues on a bike and you will find that everyone of them is willing to help. Don't be afraid to ask for help with anything. I had a MD at my house last year but wifes Health precluded one this year. When you post it...they will come. I had people from as far away as Dewberry Texas (Lowell) and others from Roundrock,Rockport,Sugarland, Conroe etc. I think there was 25 at my house. Kbay recently held 2 MD (he covered for my cancelled MD) and had members from all over the state show up. We all help one another including with the food and drinks. There's not much you can't get accomplished at one of the MD's. Now as far as meeting everyone another way is to post a "Meet N Greet" for the area to meet everyone. This is typically done at a local eatery and could continue with a ride somewhere. Post it in the Meet n Greet section. Hope to meet you soon. James
  15. Montgomery TX is Just north of Houston near Conroe. If you need assistance with your ride a number of us in the Houston area are willing to assist. I live in Tomball area and will not be going to Freebirds MD this month. What do you need help with? If you want to have a MD at you House then a late season one sounds good. Say October time frame. LEt me know what you need and we will make sure it gets done. James
  16. I had my switch quit but not the issues like you did. For a quick test pull the gas tank and unplug the 2 wires that go to the switch to start the engine. You can jump across these wires with a short piece of wire and find out if the switch is the issue. In my case I found that i could now start the bike and everything worked correctly. Check the tec sectio n on how to install a by-pass switch in case it ever happens again.With my switch i can reach under the seat and hit the toggle and start bike withour the key. That is why you may want to install in and then disable it until you need it. If this works buy a new switch and swap out only the bottom half and you can continue to use the same keys. my
  17. I agree and have had many help me and continue to offer assistance. Remember Pay if forward! enuff said.
  18. labor day! Thats a ways off~!
  19. 1. The bike is known to be top heavy but there is a way around that issue. You can practice..practice practice. or do like I did. I put a 130 tire on the front and all those issues disappeared. Also lowering links have helped some but nothing replaces lots of slow parking lot practive. In my case the new 130 appeared to make the bike completely a different ride with turning lots easier and no forcing the slow turns but that's my opinio. 2. From 99 to today there has been nary a change in the bike. 3. All the bikes come standard with black tires. If you want WW or WWW you will need to get your own. I use Dunlops but everyone swears by the AVons. 4. There is no recall for the Whine on the bikes. If yours whines very loudly you can turn your radio up. or get loud pipes or even replace the clutch basket with a "I" basket. Some bikes dont have the whine whil others are awful. Enjoy you ride but be sure to practice turns and slow riding on it in parking lots until you get really use to it. My 2c
  20. Do a search for it!! there is all kind of info int he technical specs page and a search will bring up post of replcaing brakes. Brakes front brakes replacing brakes If you also look at the bottom of your page once you find one you will most likely see multiple post on it. Jb
  21. Lonna, Sorry, I wont be able to make it. We are due to be in New Orleans that day for a Major Poker Tournament. I hope to be able to meet with you and Brad again soon and see your new digs. Have a great time.
  22. Now where do we line up to get our painted? I'm thinking a Bright red with ghost flames. My 99 would look great in a RED/Black swirl or Red with ghost flames. I can get to your place in about 5 hours. LOL Really nice job on that bike feller. Signed Jealous I want one!
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