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Everything posted by jburrell

  1. Aint this site great. Enjoy your ride. We want lots of picts and be sure to let me know if you see anything interesting as I am leaving for there next friday from Texas...no trailer though.
  2. The best place to get used parts is from PINWALL cycles out of Ohio. They part out all kinds of RSV and I have even seen the with salvage ones with less than 1k miles. They break em completely down. You could contact them via the web or call them and tell them what you need. Use the part guide available on this site, to give them the exact name/pn and perhaps email them a pic of what you want. Prices are OK and service is good. Hope this helps I'm leaving on a 2700 mile journey next week to the Dragon in NC. Have a good and safe trip
  3. Just one more week before I leave. Sure be glad to get away for awhile. My job is easy but high stress and I need to get away from that stress plus the stress of having my home remodeled. I'm heading out about noon next friday and headed to Biloxi. Spending 3 days minimun in the Robbinsville/Asheville area and then heading back via unknown route at this time. I am just gonna turn around at some point and head home route undetermined at this time. Favoring AshevilleNC/louivilleTN/NashvilleTN/MemphisTN/pine Bluff AR/Shreveport/Houston route so far.that allows me to ride in 9 states coming and going. Still Open to company along way. Will post daily where I am headed etc. Later
  4. I have the Dunlop 404 WWW tires and have not had any issues and have gone 6k miles so far. I also went to the narrower tire and love it. I will never go back to stock size on the front. The bike rides a lot "lighter" with the narrower front tire, handling at slow speeds is greatly improved and althought others complain about high speed issues I have not seen any issues on the highway due to the new size. Now about cleaning these things. I have tried all the cleaners and a "SOS" pad is the best at cleaning them. I have tried Tire Bright and all the others and some work well but SOS gets em really clean. OF course you gotta get close to the tire to scrub it. I have been unable to find anyting that helps keep the brake dust off the whitewalls so far. I have tried 2 or 3 off the shelf items and finally gave up and just accepted the fact that I will have to clean the tires regularly. my
  5. I used Carbon Ones mount bracket and it was great for my first Stebel. Ponch hooked me up with a mounting for a second Stebel Horn. Ponch mounted it under the bike right next to the filter. Ponch drilled and tapped a hole into the base just to the right of the filter and he had a bracket that allows the horn to fit up under the bike and be just below the filter. You muct remove the mounting bolt when you want to change oil but boy is 2 STEBERS BETTER THAN ONE!!!!!! Scares the heck outta people when they try to pull over on me. Thanks again Ponch....once again he comes through.
  6. I live in South Tomball so give me a ring and maybe we can go ride the Montgomery twistys Saturday if your still around. James
  7. According to our new laws. The LEO can hold you until an officer with a kit to draw you blood comes by and they then test you blood while they send you off to the clink for the night. License gone for 180 days..there is also a surcharge (in addition to the fine) it's $2000 they can tack on to all your other cost. Court cost, lawyer cost, fines, towing, impound fees,surcharge. Gonna cost you to drive and drink in Texas DONT MESS WITH TEXAS by the way....you do know we all carry weapons here too right! You can open carry a loaded weapon in your car with no license, but not an open container of liquor. Someone attempted to accost an elderly lady yesterday (70+) and she shot him.
  8. The adapter to attach the RK pipes is $40 total but you can use a Pclamp if you choose and save some money. You should be able to find the RK's for See tech articles. my
  9. Nope! In Texas now you cannot refuse to take the DWI test. Failure to do so will enable them to take blood sample for testing. We are getting the drunks off the road. It has already been tested and the courts upheld the mandatory testing. this is not just random testing as they are targeting specific times and noticable driving issues befroe they pull you over. Personally I think its a good idea. Maybe a fewer people on the road to run over me or my family or friends. my
  10. Aas you can see there are a lot of people on this site thatr would be willing to assist you. do you have a drive way big enough to have a Maintenance Day. Do you have a couch or bed to allow someone to "stay over" and help. there are a lot of members who know how to repair everyting you listed and will do it for "food/beer and company". Jut invite them Set a date saying you are providing food and drink and you'll be suprised at how many show up. If you have it in early October I may even show up from Texas as I am headed to the Dragont he first week of OCT. I am certain that if you have the MD everyone will show up with the appropiate tools/lifts etc to accomplish all your needs. How about you post close up pics of the brakes/calipers/rotors and the other items you need assistnce with as well as several of the bike. This will give everyone an idea what they are looking at. Once you have the MD you will know how to effect these repairs yourself as everyone will help show you how its done. Order the new pads, oil filter,air filter, tires etc if you need them. Have them onsite ready to go. If you need help finding something just post it here and someone will assist you in finding what you need. I have been a member for 2 years and a number of people have helped me with my bike and continue to assist me and I certainly appreciate it. Now when I ahve a problem I can usually figure it out or at least get a good start on the repair or replacement. Although I have been helped several times by GUNBOAT PONCH..almost too many times since I seen to run into issues once I start SQUIDLEY KREG Owen Freebird annd numerous others here who have answered questions, offered ideas, listed examples and technical items as well as those who sold me parts for my ride thanks to all these wonderful people on this site I ahve been able to change my oil change my diff fluid flush my radiator replace the freeze plugs change front brakes change back brakes change both tires grease my splines change windshield change grips change seats to the pilow top add bag rails add rear trunk lights add hitch add hitch rack fix several light issues swap out to 4-2-4 nasty boy pipes...man they sound good too I know I'm probably missing something I have been to several MD and have held a MD and will have others at my house. ITS A BLAST Without the knowledge and assistance of the members of this forum I would not have been able get all this done now would I have enjoyed my ride nearly as much. So set up a MD and learn how to effect these repairs so that you can enjoy your ride. To all those that have helped me in the past and continue to offer thier help and support I applaud you and send a heartfealt THANK YOU AGAIN for all your assistance and friendship and for sharing your time and knowledge.
  11. Ok date is set for this trip as OCt1-9th. I will ride first to Biloxi Ms and spend a full day there (I am addicted to poker tournaments). I will be leaving Biloxi on Sunday, Oct 3 and head to Robbinsville via Chatanooga and Cleveland Tenn to Tellico Plains then across the Cherokala to Robbinsville. I should arrive in Robinsville late Sunday afternoon. Then I plan on spending at least 2 and a half days int he Robbinsville/Asheville area. On Wednesday I will either head south thru Georgia with a seop somewhere in GA or head north and west for Nashville ( Can't seem to decide how I want to return to Texas). If I head south I will go to Panama City Fla for a one day visit. If I go the toward Nashville I will visit in Nashville then on to Memphis and south to Tunica MS ( again those dang Casinos calling my name) LOL Most likely I will take the southern route as I would like to see Panama City Fla. and maybe do some fishing. Any recommendations or anyone want to ride along. I can front the room. Now is OCt 1 would just get here.
  12. I'm basically the exact same size and I love riding this bike (RSV). NOTE: Consider either getting leveling links or using a smaller dia tire which makes slow handling much easier. Weight is not a factor until you are going slow. You can handle this with no problems. I hadn't ridden in 25 years when I got my bike and once I changed the front tire it was a whole new experience. Welcome to the site now go out and get a yourself one!!
  13. We all wish you the best.
  14. Yes its normal because you are no longer forcing wind across the radiator to assist with cooling the water in the radiator. When the fan turns on it helps but once you start riding again the wind helps the radiator more than the fan does. Its a lot better than the vtwins with no water cooling. my
  15. Sorry I missed it. Had planned to come and it just didnt work out. Family emergency came up and I found myself tied up until last night around 8:30. Still have a few things to work out for my Son. We are also now dealing with a remodel that was supposed to be starting in about 2 weeks and were informed Saturday they were going to start Tuesday demolishing my kitchen and master bath, so we had to spend any time we had free from son trying to unload the bath/closet and kitchen. House is a wreck now, with boxes everywhere and the crew hasn't even demolished anything yet. Now I also have to deal with no master bath, no master closet and no Kitchen for 3-4 weeks. I guess I'll be eating a lot of burgers and chicken. Glad everyone has a great time at Owens and again I sure whish I had been there. I certainly would have rather been there......
  16. I ahve the 130 on the front and will never go back to the 150. I have enough sense to stay out of the cracks in the road where I can. Low speed handling especially in Parking lots is VASTLY improved and hight speed handling is just as good as before. I took a 1400 mile trip afte adding the new tire and have not had a single issue. Not having to wrestle the bike at slower speeds is well worth any issues I may see on the hwy which so far I have not and I have 6,000 miles on this set. I am going on a 2700 mile trip next month and when I get bach I may have to change tires and the new front will be another 130. Just my thoughts
  17. The new breakfast meet is Luby's 249@2920 in Tomball, TX. THIS IS IN TOMBALL NOT AT SPRING CYPRESS. Just so everyone notices its not the Lubys @ 249 @ Spring Cypress. Hate to have someone show up at wrong one. I was going to make the breakfast and now it seems I can't as I have to go to pick out some stone etc for the house remodel we have coming up. :sign13:I have to meet the contractor at 9am and stop by one place that is on the way to Owens and then finally to Owens. I will bring some chips/etc on the way. I will call Owen when I am close to see if I need to pick anything else up for us. I am still going to bring my Dremel in case Kreg needs it. I'm not having anything done but I may add some front pads if we have everyone else taken care of. I have a friend/coworker with a 600 that wants to drop by named Axel so, I am sending him the address I am in no hurry to complete the few items I want done. Gunboat gonna miss ya. Hope everything goes OK I guess I can get the bluebell now. Ponch,Dale, Squidley, Owen see you as soon as I can get there,you all be careful!
  18. Kreg, I have the poster board we can use and I also have the newest dremmel we can use along with the needed jigsaw. I have the bits from grinding down the edge too to make it smooth again. I was planning on doing mine too. I'll bring along all these and we'll se what we can get done. Bring markers and tape. Ponch. I'll meet at the IHOP at 8 am save me a seat.
  19. jburrell

    Help !!!

    Tell your insurance company you want them to "suborgate" the claim. Basically they can pay you and then go after the other insurance company This is done all the time. You are being a little fast on the draw though. It takes a while to resolve these. The other company is used to having to wait until you are almost completly healed before they start paying up. Use you std medical insurance if you have it and tell the dr's etc that this is from an accident and see if they will file against them. Lastly dont be in a hurry to get healed. The longer you take to heal the more they expect to have to pay you. Ask ECK about his experience. My wifes claim took 2 yrs
  20. INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW??????? If first gens are so fast and so good "How come all the first gen owners-----hold it----- Have Second gen bikes that they ride now????????? yet still have the first gen sitting around!! Sorry! Had to go there!!! Personally, I love my Second Gen and Hope someday to have a 3rd Gen and when that happens the 3rd Gen had certainly be better then the current 2 gen or I'll feel robbed. Of course I dont think I will ever "wear out" my second gen, since I only put atbout 16k miles a year on it and its only at 59k now.
  21. One thing to remember is that under those fins is a water freeze plug( the little black thing). If you dont tighten up the bottom bolt thouroughly and the bolt backs out the plug may move slightly causing a water loss. ( Don't ask how I know). OK, My stealership left the bolt out when he did my slave clutch replacement and I didn;t notice it until too late. I got a small leak once that went away then the next day near work I lost all my fluids and had to use a penny under the fin to get the plug to stay in place with another bolt. Thos FINs MUST be in place anytime you have your bike running and MUST be tightened all the way down when its running or the pressure will dislodge the rubber plug. I went ahead and replaced all 4 of mine and changed all the fluids too when it happended to me. thanks for all the good people on this site who assisted me with answers etc I was able to get back home and make the necessary repairs with no damage to the bike. thanks Gunboat and Ponch again for all your help.
  22. Be srue to check the Master Cylinder too. I rebuilt my slave and it turned out to be a problem with the master Cylinder. You can rebuild it too if need be. my
  23. Well, if the TATER Salad is covered then I'll bring bread, chips and some desert. ( not the sand kind). LOL Can't wait. Gues I gotta though!!!
  24. Lets all be careful out there even at stop lights. Watch those mirrors while you wait. ROSENBERG, Texas -- A Marine survived two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan only to lose his life in a crash at home. You always hope you wake up and it's a dream, but the reality is he's not gonna be back," father Dwanye Stidman said. Cpl. David Stidman, 23, returned home to Rosenberg about four months ago. Instead of spending quality time together, fishing and working at the family's manufacturing business, Dwayne Stidman is making arrangements for his only son's funeral. "It was very heart-wrenching when I got his belongings back," Stidman said. Police said the Marine was at the intersection of F.M. 762 and Brazos Center Boulevard at about 12:45 a.m. Monday when his motorcycle was rammed from behind by a pickup truck. Authorities said the driver, Sean McGuire, 33, was arrested shortly after the wreck and accused of driving under the influence. "Of course, you're angry and you have all of the emotions from guilt of why did I live and he had to die?" Dwayne Stidman said. This father's guilt comes after his son returned to help him recuperate after he, too, was hit by an alleged drunken driver and badly injured while riding his motorcycle. "He was willing to stop his life … to come back and help me out," Dwayne Stidman said. The father wants to repay the favor by pushing for tighter penalties for those who chose to drive drunk and drive. "Its just something ... we need to make sure it does not happen to someone else," he said. He said it's especially important because for the rest of his life he'll have to go on without his son, his best friend and proudest joy. "I lost my son and I will miss him beyond words," he said. "I hope to see him when I get there, too."
  25. I have a lift and an adapter that I can bring along. I only live about 6 miles away. Do we need an Air Compressor cause if we do maybe Ponch kin bring his or I can bring mine! I can put the lift on my new hitch rack and get there is 15 minutes or bring it in the car the day before. We need to start talking about the FOOD! WE gotta decide who brings what! WE gotta eat dont we??? LOL I kin bring Tater Salad or Beans! Maybe a desert too!
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