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Everything posted by jburrell

  1. Hmmm! How about a ejection seat and parachute with a chute designed to slow you down as you go forward? Up and over that dang cager I say. I ain't got no $8k for a safety suit.
  2. It depends on how loud you want and what you are willing to $$$$$. I have Baron's Nasty Boy 4-2-4 pipes. Not overly loud but have a great sound especially with revs and the 4 pipes with slashes out the back look great IMO. For a cheap way just upgrade to the Harley pipes as you can get them fairly cheapy. Lastly you can drill out the back of the stock pipes for more sound and not change a thing. Info in the tech section is available on how to do this swap and the Harley pipe swap. I started with the drilled out stocks, then went to the Harley pipes then the Barons. Happy Holidays JB
  3. I have one Stebel on the R side where the regular horn used to be and on under the bike in the front part of the motor. Ponch installed this by drilling a hole for mounting and the horn sits right below the oil filter. It is supported by the one bolt. Ponch drilled a hole and then threaded it so we could install the second harn. Ponch is good like that and I hope he is still doing well. I know we all wish him the best on his recovery.
  4. Why aren't you at the GYM now? You have some free time and you spend it on a computer instead of trying to get those "rock hard abs". You shoulld be ashamed. You paid for the GYM now go use it. Hows that? Does it help? We always try to assist our friends. Now get out there and run a few miles at this GYM and play with some Dumbells while your are it and before you know it you won't even be able to type you'll be so sore. MY
  5. Great job Perry!
  6. Thanks for the update Cathy. Lynn and I are still praying for David. Like everyone has said, David has a caring group of members here and I am sure everyone who knows David is pulling for his quick recovery.It's good that you are getting a response from him and its great that he is at TIRR as far as recovery/rehap is concerned. If Lynn or I can do anything to help you please feel free to give us a call. James
  7. What he said...........DITTO! Just my 2cents Do what works best for the site. JB
  8. Still prayin for ya bud! Get better we are all wishing you a full recovery! Jb
  9. Yep what he said!!
  10. Our prayers are with David. We wish him a quick and full recovery. We just saw this or we would have wanted to be at the hospital too. Please keep us updated when you can. If you need anything remember we are close by and are willing to assist in any way we can. James n Lynn
  11. There may be a point here. Recently we had a gentleman who lived down a dirt road and his bike got extremely hard to shift. When Squidly took off his shifter he found it clogged up making it hard to shift. Easy to eliminate as first thing anyway. MY 2c
  12. Just drive with the wind to your back and the breeze will cool you. Of course you might not want to Open up too much on the gas and outrun the cool air.
  13. me too Did just that yesterday.
  14. So what did your wife say when you told her about your RIDE????? HMMMMMMM?
  15. I got ya all beat. I paid 19 cents for gas and I was paid 65 cents an hour at first job. I worked for a Theatre though and got me and all my friends in free. How about 25cent movies at the theatre with double features every saturday. nickel coke. My first new car in 1971 was a Corolla I ordered from Japan and paid way to much at $1756. Now a transmission repair cost that much.
  16. 25 I remember no TV Then 9 in Black n white My Grandparents color TV in about 63! Red/green blue in every picture. The TEST screen and the one that came on with the American flag at end of night Rode around in a Packard with a friend. Man they were rich. Nickel coke Penny candy 25cent movies I remember Victoria TX has 2 theatres downtown and on Sat I could spend a whole dollar going to double feature westerns at both including popcorn and coke. Coke bottle machine in garage..made us popular. bikes with baseball cards flapping at the spokes. and finally 19cent a gallon gas as late at 1968. My how times change. Short story about 15 years ago I graduated from tech school ( second or third career) I was working manufacturing microprocessors in the worlds most advanced manufacturing plant with things like Electron Microsopes adn Plasma Etchers that cost millions each Anyway I worked with a lot of younger people and one night starting work one of these 20 somethings was complaining about not enough channels on TV to watch. I replied that when I was younger we only had 3 channels and they went off at 10:30 during the week and midnight on Saturdays and was B/W only. He thought about that a few minutes and said "Well I can remember when the Berlin Wall came down" ME and another gentleman laughed out loud and the young guy said "WHAT" to which we both replied "We saw it go up" Things are always changing one really old fart! jb
  17. Freebird, I gotta have one! My neighbor got a new Harley so I want to show him up by having the first invisible Motorcycle on my block. Heck actually I need 2, each a different color, so I want the best. money is no object, so throw in all the extras you can find. I can just see my neighbors face now, when I roll down the street on this thing. Me sitting there in mid-air rolling down the street with the pipes roaring as I roll the throttle on more and more as I get closer to his house. Of course, I know he will see me because he is always out front washing his new harley so that everyone can see it. Just think, I will be the envy of the neighborhood, Especially when they find out I have not one, but 2 invisible Motorcycles in different colors. I prefer RED and Yellow. Ship them as soon as you can and I will go ahead and wire you my invisible money as soon as I know they are shipped. Your friend James "the Banker" Burrell
  18. Can't make it until after noon. I gotta work that morning so I guess I'm going to miss this one. Glad I live near Ponch cause I know iffn I needed it he would show me too. Maybe at a later MD he can give another Carbs for Dummies demo. Lots of us fill that description. All of you have yourself a great time and drink a beer for me. James
  19. ADd some Ride on to the tire after plugging it and forget about the plug. Is should be fine especially with the Rideon in it. my
  20. >> A man, while playing on the front nine of a complicated golf course >> became confused as to where he was on the course. >> >> Looking around, he saw a lady playing ahead of him. >> >> He walked up to her, explained his confusion and asked her if she knew >> what hole he was playing. >> >> 'I'm on the 7th hole,' she replied, 'and you are a hole behind me. So >> you must be on the 6th hole.' >> >> He thanked her and went back to his golf. >> On the back nine, the same thing happened and he >> approached her again >> with the same request. >> >> 'I'm on number 14, and you're still a hole behind, so you must be on >> the 13th hole.' >> >> Once again he thanked her and returned to his play. >> >> He finished his round and went to the clubhouse where he saw the same >> lady sitting at the end of the bar. >> >> He asked the bartender if he knew the lady. >> >> The bartender said that she was a sales lady and played the course >> often. >> >> He approached her and said, 'Let me buy you a drink in appreciation >> for your help. I understand that you're in the sales profession. I'm in >> sales also. What do you sell?' >> >> 'I'll tell you, but you're going to laugh,' she replied. >> >> 'No, I won't.' >> >> 'Well, if you must know,' she answered, 'I work for Tampax.' >> >> With that, he laughed so hard he lost his balance and fell off the >> bar stool. >> >> 'See,' she said. 'I knew you'd laugh!' >> >> 'That's not what I'm laughing at,' he replied, 'I'm a salesman for >> Preparation H, so I'm still a hole behind you.
  21. Glad to hear you are back hme and doing OK. Our thoughts are with you. Take your time and get better another ride is always around the corner. James
  22. Our thoughts and prayers are there for Gunboat. Hope all goes well
  23. I just listen for the Whine and go from there. If'n you got in in to high a gear she wont whine she'll cough and sputter and slow down. In that case downshift. In other words do what works for you. You only have 5 thats rigtht 5 gears to worry about and once you are rolling your down to 4 to worry about. If your going over 40 your down to 3 to worry about and once you pass 95 you probably have just ONE gear to worry about until you start slowing down. Repeat above....repeat I would suggest worring less about the gears and pay more attention to that car turning left in front of you. Become one with your bike and learn its sounds and you'll know withour thinking about it. 1 get er doing 2 get er down the road 3 help me! help me! she tops out at 95 here! 4 good for freeway under 70 lane changes..passing Harleys..etc 5 Crusin Gear!!!! Not to be used on side roads or city streets . Ok If I am under 65mph I may never get here Remeber the Venture loves RPM's so being in to high a gear can result in less than stellar performance. Whoo Hoo lets go ride now!!
  24. Skip all the rest and just get the sping. I have a 99 and his symptom points to the spring. By a new spring and just add it and he will be fine. Did mine 99 13k miles ago @ 54k and not an issue since. Have heloped others and the fplates and steel plates were all fine. Its almost impossible to wear out these friction plates and steel plates. Ask anubody here....just use the spring and it will be a quick easy cheep fix that is all that is needed. Seen many buy the plates to only realise they did not need them so easy even a caveman could do it. just my
  25. I fyou live in a hilly or mountainous area they will wear faster
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