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Everything posted by jburrell

  1. I have the clearview XTXW and like it but if your on a budget you can get an inexpensive on on Ebay or at jcwhitney. YOU can also get cleaners that will take out most of the scratches on windshields especially if they are not deep. Try toothpase with a buffing wheel.
  2. Here is the article. It is in the TEch section under engines. Plugging the AIS will not affect your bike.... but if you are ever in CA you will not meet State EPA guidelines. And the tree huggers won't like you if you tell them. Its a Don't tell Don't ask type change. LOL [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=485]Plugging the AIS - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  3. I just changed last month to the 4-2-4's from Barons and I did not have to rejet. Why are you changing the headers. The slipon' fit right into our headers. The only items you would need would be the chrome "O" ring clamp. I know Gunboat has the BUBS and he said you dont need to rejet.Ocassionaly a user will run into "popping" on decel due to the AIS system but then you can just disable the AIS and sometimes a carb tune will do the job. I love my Baron 4-2-4's and they slipped right into the existing headers with no issues at all. Took me about 30 minutes to attach the slipon's and then another 30 for the 4 "Extreme Slash Tips". Hope you enjoy the new sound. My Ditto on becoming a member. Best $12 I ever spent. I believe this site has saved me about $2k as well as meeting a large number of great people. Therefore I bought $2k in Chrome. LOL James
  4. Sounds like you need to contact pinwallcycles.com for parts. They salvage bikes and I have seen complete bikes with almost no miles salvaged. It would be a lot cheaper than any dealer at least. Gas tanks usually runn about $250. My
  5. Yep. Too many cages out there with idiots not paying attention to what their doing. As a side note recently there was a motorcycle fatality near Galveston Tx. Three riders were leaving Galveston from a local meeting and as crossing back onto the mainland the lead motorcycle broke an axle ( dont know specifics as to why). This threw the rider and passenger off as it went end over end and the sad part it that the 2 bikes behind them also crashed into them and 5 people went to hospital with one dead and 2 in critical condition. Be aware of things around you..both the cages and the other riders and look for those "outs" you may need to use to avoid a crash. Obvioulsy here they didnt leave an out to protect themselved from a crash from their leader/
  6. Congrats on the new tire. I went to the 130 about a month ago and I feel the same way, it just feels and rides like a completly different bike. I love it even more now. Not sure why its not the std tire.
  7. jburrell

    MM part

    Ok, I just saw my first close up of a 2000MM on Ebay and I gotta know if the (Instrument pod with tachometer and water temp guage) is available anywhere. This is located on the switch cover and looks really cool to me. Anyone know if this part is still in production or why its not on later versions?
  8. I have had my 99 for a year now and have added 11k miles on it so I have changed my tires already. I went with the 130 dunlop on the front and was absolutely AMAZED at how much easier the bike handles in ANY turn at any speed but especially in slow handling. The first thing I realised is that I no longer have to 'push" the bike through a turn..it now just falls the way I want it to go. If you have someone near you that has a bike with the 130's on the front ask them. There is absolutely a very very big difference in handling. Another thing you could do witout spending a dime is lower the front 3/4 to 1 inch. This will also inprove slow speed handling. If you were in my area I'd let you try my 99. Good luck and let us know what you do. BTW those tires really are really really old.
  9. If you go the 130 front tire you will see an amazing difference. Sudenly the bike is no longer quite as top heavy and it seems to just fall into turns and making a slow turn in a parking lot becomes quite easy.I changed mine 2 months ago and the change is unbelievable. So much easier to ride now. my Jim
  10. Is anyone still interested in going. Owen? I would like to go around the last week of Sept I was thinking around the 24-25----. Like Owen said 2days there as its ~972 miles there(from Houston), stay 2 says and then ride back. Perhaps head up there via a northerly route and return via the southern route. I would be willing to share room cost and I have the vacation time if we can get this decided soon so I can get it on the calendar. LEts get this discussed amoung those who can attend. James jhburrell@epco.com
  11. If it spins but doesn't fire then we know your switch is most likely working. Now pull a plug wire to see if your getting ignition. If you have ignition then we move forward to fuel. Most likely fuel. If you want to check the switch pull your gastank and there are two wires connected to your switch. you disconnect the plug with the two wires (see article in tech section for ignition bypass) and just put a jumper across the female plug that goes back toward the seat. Then try starting the bike. More is available on this in the tech section covering replacing/bypassing the ignition switch. You can use this quick test to just see if the ignition switch is working. However, when mine went out I did not hear the fuel pump spinning up unless I used the jumper ergo (bad switch). IF its not the switch and you have spark then remember the last thing you need is fuel........
  12. try pinwallcycles.com They salvage bikes and you can look at their listings and/or call them and tell them what your looking for. You gonna try to find your color or paint one? There are other salvage sites but none of it comes cheap. I am guessing you have a RSTD? You didn't say.
  13. anything on this? Bump!
  14. try this http://www.motorcycleroads.com/routes/SouthWest/TX/TX_3.shtml and this http://www.thunderpress.net/MONTH_ARTICLE-pdfs/2007/0707/ThreeSisters/RidingtheThreeSisters.shtml Elevation changes from several hundred feet to over 2500 feet. Country road 335 has a section of undulating hills one right after another and at the end you are on the Edwards Plateu @ 2500 ft elevation. Country road 16 from Kerrville down to Median is not one of the 3 sisters but is a great ride too.There is very few towns on these roads and almost no homes. It is mostly commmercial hunting property. You CANNOT ride at night. There is too much wildlife. My last ride i say ELK, Antelope, Deer, Camels, Horses, Buffalo, Turkeys, Hogs, Kangaroo, Armadillos, skunks, and numerous birds. You can arrange to come out and hunt almost any wild game you desire...it will be shipped it for a price. Look up Medina,leekey and Vanderpool tx on google maps and set the elevation view. Come down and have some fun. Just remember you cannot ride at night at any time as the deer are too plentiful Hope this helps
  15. jburrell


    You've found the "right stuff". Lots of good people and information on this site. When you need a friend/help/information/someone to ride with/someone to vent to about your bike etc. Come here! Just want to warn you. You are supposed to post pictures of your ride and yourself. I have a 99 too. If you need any help or info be sure to post it here, as there is always someone that can give your their "opinion" of what is wrong and I will be glad to assist too. Most will be right! LOL I have benefited greatly from this site since buying my 99, as a number of people have helped me with issues and changes. You will be suprised how helpful they will be. Its like a "brotherhood" rather than just a web site. You'll eventually say "I love you guys" LOL LOL
  16. Extremely nice riding area. I also like the ride from Kerville down to Median on Hwy 16. Very extreme ride with 10 mph turns. Went and rode it for Memorial Day weekend. Now I want to go to NC for the "Tail of the Dragon" and the Blue Ridge ride. We have a few nice twisties out toward Montgomery and Livingstone Tx where you also get to see 2 nice lakes. Have a nice day ya'll. Born a Texan and will Die a Texan...just not soon I hope!
  17. What he said....... Sounds to me like the ignition is bad. An easy cheep test is to pull the tank and add unplug the wires to the ignition and put a jumper from one side to the other on the back side of the cables and try starting the bike with the key in the on position. If she starts there you go. It would be good to go ahead and follow the tech article on installing this bypassHad. the exact same thing happen to me. See the ignition bypass article in the Second gen tech section. You need to add it just in case. Hope you figure it out but my money is on the switch!!!
  18. jburrell


    It East Texas its dinner!! Road Kill stew...BBQ it along with some Gator. Surely, don't leave good food lying on the road!!
  19. Squidley, Like KBay said. Give us a call when you get here and we'll all get together and help you unolad etc. My number is in the Vr assistance.
  20. Have you considered that perhaps you hit the kill switch momentarily? Happens more than you think. Another item is the key switch. Mine went out and in for about a week before it died completely. You may want to go ahead and add the switch by pass just for protection. When the switch was going out I would just suddenly lose power and just as sudden it was back. Doesn't cost much to put in the bypass and it may keep you from walking home or calling roadside assistance. Good luck with it. my
  21. I have progressive insurance too and I also have the Roadside assistance thru them for $10 a year and being an old Fxrt my policy is $250 without uninsured/underinsured. I have used the roadside assistance twice. First time was to get bike towed to the dealer when my clutch master cylinder was out and a second time when I needed a battery jump. I figured they would dump me or raise my rate on renewal but they didn't. Just paid the new permium.
  22. What he said!!!
  23. Just plug it and go until you feel you need to change the tire. If you want to be safe plug it then when you get a chance have the tire patched from the inside. I had a nail hole in my rear tire directly in the center. I plugged it with the soft gooey rope plugs and never had a problem Put about 600 miles before I got my new WWW tires. I have a Harbor Frieght and we used it for the Southeast Texas Maintenance Day back in april and I have used it numerous times with the Carbon one adapter and it works great. No issues and with the adapter the bike sits there very firmly and you dont have to worry as much about the bike. My
  24. with the old GM stock you cant even get CHANGE for it. Perpahps you can wallpaper a area in your house
  25. Owen, I am interested. I have time off left and that is around my BD and I have the 25th off already and can use other days I have saved. Depends on Lynns health at that time. Get with me in a few weeks on the dates. Jame
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