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Everything posted by jburrell

  1. To remove the rear wheel you do have to jack the bike up really high. I am sure that the idea of the carbon one adapter with legs was to have the bike in a stable working height for most work on the bike. It is very seldom you will want the bike at the height that you need for removing the rear wheel. Its a great product and I really like mine even without the legs. Where else can you find something that can get you bike off the ground and be very stable for that price. Be sure to grease your hub/splines while you have that rear wheel off. MY
  2. Well, if you have your license and he's just sitting around WHY NOT! Just think of the how he will look that first day you ride off on the trike to work. I'tll be priceless. just my
  3. I want to go in early June myself and have been looking at area attractions etc so I can determine how long I want to stay. Wanted to go last year but couldn't find any one interested. Maybe this year someone will want to participate and enjoy the ride.
  4. Just 3 more days here for the rain to clear out and we're back to 50's. Of course weather is subject to change any day down here. Just getting over a cold so I havent rode in over 3 weeks which is the longest I have driven a cage in almost 2 years. I think I put 2500 miles on the car in the past 12 months and 15k on the bike. Last long ride was to Big Bend with the Houston VR riders and totaled about 1500 miles in November. Being from the south I just couldn't stand to go through a winter like some of you have up north with all that snow and cold. Winter here is Southeast Texas is now down to about 3 weeks at the longest. Last year I only missed riding 2 days due to the weather. Once the weather warms up I am outta here for a long ride perhaps to Mississippi. Stay warm everyone
  5. let me know as I am interested in a set
  6. Time with my kids and grandkids. New Coat, gloves, George Forman grill, and new Lower wind vents for the RSV. Hope they arrive soon. LOL. Had a great time and got a lot more than I deserve or need. I guess I was better than I thought I was this year. Now to get thru this winter weather so we can have a Maintenance Day again down here in Houston and get back to riding.
  7. Now that's just plain lazy!! I thinkg the people wanting these questions answered should be "Supporting Members" Only!
  8. Sweet. Now you can spend the winter buying all the "necessary" chome "protective" parts that are "required". At lease that's what I have told my wife. You do know the chrome reflection protects you right? Again, Nice ride you will enjoy it and if you need info just post for help on this site.
  9. Just think though in Texas no we are allowed to carry guns in our Cars and trucks--concealed--open it dont matter. Under the "Castle law" our car is just like our "Castle" and we are allowed to protect it. This is without a permit. We can also get a permit to carry a concealed weapon (pistol) just by applying and taking a 1 day class. Rules are lax so much so that a blind man got a license. Be careful who you Rob/Attack/piss off in TEXAS as our shoot law no longer states that we must be "in fear of losing our life: before we can shoot. If used to be that you had to first try to run from the situation or be afraid you were going to die. If you shot someone that had broke into your house you had to make sure they stayed in your house. Couldn't let them get out and shoot them.Now all we need is to be afraid that we are in danger. A much broader range to be sure. REMEMBER NOW '" DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS" really means something.
  10. It is important to remember that the pressure int he tire is important when towing the trailer. It is best to let the tires be a little lower to prevent the trailer from "HOPPING" when you hit a small bump/hump or rock. Remember its like a race car, softer tires equals better handling.
  11. I wish they sold the strips so that they could be added to the bike's trunk my coat or wherever I feel I need the protection. How about one is yellow for side lights.
  12. No winter down here in Southeast Texas yet. We might get a day or 2 a year of JB
  13. My clutch started slipping in 4th and 5th after it hit 50k. Anytime I hit the gas hard in 4th or 5th you could hear the engine REV up but movement lagged behing badly. this was a sign the clutch plates were slipping. I Talked with John Gayne and got the new spring, full friction plate and gasket and Ponch came over and helped me change it out. Took us about 40 minutes to make the change. As Squidley and others have mentioned no need to change the friction plates. At the most you may consider sanding the steel plates if they seem slick. I had zero porblems since adding the new spring and plate. The clutch pull will be tighter after the change but you won't slip anymore. Total cost for my change was about $80. You could probably get by with just a new spring if you get the new heavier spring from John at Barnett. just my jb
  14. Ditto the above. These pipes sound great and once you get to speed the sound levels out somewhat. Still convers the whine to a small degree. No preformance change but it sure sounds nice when I twist that throttle. Pic's of mine added.
  15. The NUVI's have a zoom in zoom out feature you can use to see the surrounding area and Name of the city if I am not mistaken. Haven't used my 780 much as its int he car and only 3 weeks old but I know I zoomed in and out on it. Never had a problem with turns or passing turns. JB
  16. Bought my 99RSV Julu 2007 and it had 35k then, It now has 55k 16 months later. Just rode it back from Big Bend about 700miles in one day.
  17. I ahve the WWW tires on mine and I will post a new picture tomorrow. Check PICs for Ponch he has the Avon WWW. They make the bike look cleaner/sharper in my Opinion.
  18. My wife and I use this and it works great. Wife won't use sleeping pills as they leave her feeling "drugged" the next day where the Melatonin doesnt bother her. Take 2 and give it about 20minutes tops. You can get it at Wally World. Get some b12 pills for the "tiredness" Ihave a b12 defeciency and it makes me feel a lot better. Hope this helps
  19. I ahve the Harbor Frieght lift. Paid $55 on sale. I have had my bike up on it numerous times and when I push down slowly on the pedal it lowers the bike slowly. Never a problem with it dropping fast. I have had my 99Venture all the way to the top and it sits there perfectly due to the Carbon One adapter. I can shake the bike etc with no effects. You just need to get to know you lift and treat it accordingly for your own sake. 800+lbs in a lot of bike to drop on your self. Just my
  20. Currently 59 here wife is younger. Not allowed to mention age but, we have been married over 40yrs....2 sons 38 and 37 with 1 15yr old Grandson. Riding a nice 2nd gen like I stole it. In the past 12 months 12,000 mi on the 2nd gen and less than 2k on my car. Beautiful day here in Texas about 78 outside. 5 days till the ride to Big Bend for the weekend with other Venturerider.org members. Woo hoo!!
  21. I replaced my slave and within 2 weeks my fluid level was low again. Two weeks later completely lost clutch again. Seatler had to rebuild the master cylinder before I stopped having leaks (I never saw any leakage but sight level would go down). Once the master cylinder was rebuilt I have been fine for 9 months and counting. IT appars it wasnt a slave cylinder issue after all. Consider having the master cylinder rebuilt with the kits that are offered.
  22. I believe you are correct. Hooters is at NASA RD 1 exit. Meet ya there at 8:30 tomorrow. You can show me how to take the shuttle to the seawall. Not much to see there though unless you have transprotation up and down the seawall after all it is just a seawall. My Grandmother used to live across the street from the Flagship hotel pier that back in the old days was "Pleasure Pier" amusment park. Rode the ferris wheel there many times. Some good Seafood is available down that way though. My room is actually on the seawall blvd. See you tomorrow James
  23. Sound like a decent plan. I never have been down there but remember last year was less than half the usual people from what I heard. I will follow your lead since I dont even know where to go or what to do. I will be at Hooters ready to leave at 8:30 am Saturday. NOTE: I have not been to the Hooters in 7yrs so lets just say near the restraunts at the Mall on the feeder just south of Bay Area blvd. Exit BAB then Xcross it and pull into Mall parking lot and stay out near the access road. Should be 5 or 6 restraunts there and one was a Hooters with Chinese next door. I quit working at NASA back in 2000. James
  24. I agree totally. Have you decided what time you want to arrive at Hooters? LEt me know by tomorrow so I can make sure we can get together. Roadhand is going to call us once he gets to Galveston later in the day. James
  25. Now thats dedication to the sport!!!
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