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Royal Venturer

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Everything posted by Royal Venturer

  1. had smiliar situation... told the guy it's new japanese-american hybrid. A Yamaharleyha...and then hole shot him...left him in the dust .
  2. The rear speakers are mono. The wires R/Y and Br/B. don't worry about + or -, makes no difference. Let me clarify...makes no difference 'cause all it does + or - wise would be to put the speakers out of phase. If your a audio purist and in a envirorment where you could hear the difference, well then fine...but on a motorcycle going down the road...you'll never know it.
  3. McQueen didn't make that jump, man name Carl Ekins did......great guy, was in the same motorcycle club back in the 60's with him ...we raced desert bikes! he held "I believe" the #1 AMA plate for desert racing quite a few times...even won the Catalina Grand Prix.
  4. thank you all for your input...great stuff. Got home from work, walk thru the garage and patted the mistress on the seat and said "tomorrow girl...the fun starts". Later on this evening went out to the garage, loaded the saddle bags, and checked the tire pressures. Saw something shiny on the rear tire...leaned in close...........hmmmmmm. tried to pick it with my finger.....metal....ohhhhhhhhh. got some needle nose pliers and pluck at it. Out came a 1 inch staple........psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, the wife pulled up from work, jumped out and started to go on with excitement about this that and another...looking forward to tomorrow. "Honey......listen" we aren't going anywhere....."but why not", "listen" ....she looked at me and said what's that noise. "That's our weekend going into the toilet". She turned and headed into the house...turning to say"dinner will be ready when your done pulling the tire off".
  5. thanks Mini, Eck...somethings to ponder!
  6. Thinking of going to Savannah,ga . Leaving thurs and coming back by Sunday night... what's ta do there... sites, sounds and fun? Jim
  7. This maybe affordable compared with other accomendations and considerations in mind. My problem with anything you buy is what are they selling you......and why are they charging you $199.00 anytime anybody yanks my crank with the it "seems cheaper than it is" to buy showing you the penny or dollar under what it truly is bothers me. Hope you like these people. I don't already!!!!
  8. Don, the test I did was with the bike not running......so I eliminated the motor , coil, coil wire factor. I even tried with the audio running on thru the bikes speakers, the IC on and mic-mute PTT mic off position.
  9. The Mic-mutes system is a after market add-on that allows you to toggle the mic on and off from the drivers PTT or the Passengers PTT. go to Mic-mutes.com It wires into your exsisting system. If you turn off the mic....where would feedback (noise,static) come from?
  10. Exactly!!!, and that is what it's doing. Noise there whether the mic is on of off. Which to me means.....problem in audio control head. I always thought before, when we didn't have the mic-mute that with IC volume having to be turned up loud enough for us to talk to each (cause we wear ear plugs) that it was the nature of the beast, the mic was picking up ambient noise. But now I'm not sure!!
  11. Nope....CB off. I tried it on as well as off as another avenue of possibility. Squelch up or down.....no difference. Buddy, my thinking is if I can find the actual schematics for the mic wiring going into the control head.....I could build a filter on that line. But I'm afraid a filter may compromise the volume of the mic output before ampflication by the control head!
  12. Buddy, I know you have good intentions with your replay. And I appreciate it. I was being facetious and sarcastic with what part of "mute" in mic-mute I was alluding to. Like I said with the test I performed. Key in accessory postion and audio sound at zero, IC at 20, hearing "any" sound im my helmet speakers after keying the PTT on to off......any sound in the off (non-talking) position is to me, unexceptable. If it is a quirk of the electronics of the mic-mute or the inherent craftmanship of the complete audio/intercom/cb unit on the bike is what I'm trying to pinpoint. Bill Morphy said it was in the bike, thus the need for more input from all that will try the test would put me in a position to better pursue and possibly resolve the issue. The concept of the mic-mute is great, but if I have to still constantly adjust the IC volume up and down when cruising down the highway to better enjoy the clarity of my music....then the mic-mute is a toy with no true purpose. The wife and I agreed we can live with the present situation in a around town mode. But out on the Highway.......well......I could have used the money for fuel!! Jim Crockett
  13. Thanks for responding BuddyRich, I guess there are not many with mic-mutes to help with this test. but as to your statement "I think the way around your problem is some type of noise cancelling device/filter".........but I nod and bob my head and say....what does mute in mic-mute mean then ??????????
  14. Ok, I talked to Bill Morphy who builds the Mic-mutes. He says I have microphonics!!!! This is not life threatning , nor will I need antibiotics. But I'm P.O.'d nonetheless. This is a follow up thread to the mic-mute one I did a couple days ago. I did a test in the garage. Turn the key to accessory, leave motor off, turned on the stereo, turned down the sound of the music audio to zero. Turned the IC up to 20 with helmet plugged in and then toggled the PTT. The mic would mute but there was still a ton of white noise (background noise, static, whatever you want to call it) Would those of you with mic-mutes try this test and tell me if you have this same noise. I'm about ready to get ahold of Yamaha mothership if my case is unique and ask about warranty replacement. Your help with this test would be greatly appreciated. Look forward to your input. P.S. if your interested......look up "microphonics" under google or more bike specific to a "goldwing microphonics" search. Thanks for your input. Jim
  15. Yes...i get that continuous. Plus the motor as your accelerate up thru the gears until it's at a more steady rpm. But, I find the white noise annoying. The whole idea is to be able to turn the IC off, listen to my tunes (static, white noise, engine noise free) then toggle on when we want to talk. I don't care much about the noise when we talk....we get what we need said then go back to the tunes!
  16. Is the motor noise being picked up by the mic? Or is coming over the HS with the IC turned off? With the IC at 0 there is no noise. With it turned up the noise is there whether the PTT is on or off. I've long ago dieletric greased everything on the bike. I'm at a real loss as to where it's picking this up. The mic-mute is located behind the battery. Reason I ask is that on my first 99 RSV I had motor noise/interference and when I accelerated it got louder. IC was off. I also had intermittent popping noises in the HS. I was installing a Diamond R backrest and noticed connectors under the seat not fully seated. Pulled them apart, cleaned them and put dialectic grease on them before putting them back together and the noise went away never to return. If you haven't already done so, I suggest putting dialectic grease on EVERY electrical connection on the bike. This might help your problem. Darn sure wouldn't hurt.
  17. I installed the mic-mute on the bike and so far i'm not happy with it. We ride with ear plugs in and have the volume on the intercom up high. The mic-mute toggles the intercom but we get motor feedback no matter the ptt position. Anybody else have this problem, noticed it? We can eliminate the noise by turning down the intercom volume....but that defeats the purpose of the mic-mute!!!! Jim
  18. Yep, those employee discount xm online links died...... quite awhile ago. Used them myself!!!! Jim
  19. Did you hear about the joke on the motorcycle forum commentator, on having it bother him hear about opinions about not having opinions~! HEHEHE ô¿~ I'm in total agreement with what ever I'm supposed to agree to....ask my wife!!!
  20. Now maybe I just don't understand, or I'm to old to really appreciate someone screaming "Hey look.. I've got a band" 17 times in a row while accompanied by a four cord change rip. But..... is this really music. The Beatles a bu$$ load of money doing 3 cord riffs!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I'm 6'1" 210 I found the xxl pants with the xl top to be more to my liking......legs are a little longer.
  22. One time before Christmas came, the wife, while strolling through a mall, mentioned she'd like a warm jacket......a little longer than most...like down to her thighs or so. Well, I shopped around....which i hate doing, and found nothing. Then a lady I knew at work mentioned after I told of my delimma, a store that might have what I'm looking for. I went there and sure enough they had a very nice coat, fur collar, long, lots of pockets and a nice color....matched her eyes. That xmas morning while the kids opened their stuff I held back the present to the very last for her. The kids had finished, I was done and we all gathered around her to watch her open her last gift. She went thru unwrapping like she was recieving a gift of a Fabrege egg. she took the coat out of the box and held it up. A twinkle in her, the kids all going " how cool mom" and I sitting there so proud that I'd finally pulled one off. She then looked in the collar at the label.......she started to change colors...her demeanor was definitely being altered. I'd seen this look before and knew things were not well in the kingdom.......She slowly turned to me and said "Lane Bryant?" Lane Bryant is a store for "plus" sized women. I thought the ladies working in the store were a little large.....ohhh crap!!!!!!
  23. All of them 2nd Gen................!!!!! Jim
  24. Miss Safeco, Edgar, Joey, Bone, The Unit........Saturday nite games in August when you have to bring a sweatshirt. Alaskan Way viaduct at sunset looking over the Olympics......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ohhh...my name , play on words!!!!
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