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Royal Venturer

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Everything posted by Royal Venturer

  1. there is a little amplifier called a "boostaroo" you can get at radio shack or lots of plces on line. it plugs into your mp3 player and your headset plugs into it. they cost about 20 bucks. they work great, I had one.
  2. It goes to show you where they make profit. The RSV, RSTD and Roadliner make the largest margin even though they sell less volume with the RSV, although the roadliner is always in abundance at any yamaha dealer you go to.. This is how they spin their press releases by going with the numbers of high loss....the stock purchaser thinking the value is down now but will rise as the market is really shifting to more motor cycles being sought out in the future because of fuel savings. Thus, they buy into a company with proven growth. Just my musings!!!
  3. http://www.yamahadiscountprices.com/yamahaonroad.htm#touring lake hills motors corinth,ms
  4. I can set it at 95.......but then it coast back to 85 before the throttle comes back on..
  5. Hawaii, and you must ride to get there.....really weed out the weekend riders.:rotf: Anywhere in or near Tennessee.........great states all around with outstanding roads.
  6. Ken, I'm sure you will get alot of enlightened answer here.....but there's a forum on Delphi dedicated to motorcycles trailering http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCTrailertowing/start
  7. I just changed out my tires ...to Avons...and whilst the wheels were off I was expecting to have to do the front brakes. I did rotate the back pads 'cause of the uneven wear....but my fronts are still good, 40,000 mile on them. Now the caveat is I ride fairly aggressive one up, with the wife on , not so much. I like to think I'm using the brakes when I stop, but I'm beginning to wonder.
  8. If I keep my knee slightly bent and foot on the side that the rear tends to drift , bring up the RPM's I use a controlled approach.....like this! Now this doesn't work unless your cajones are large and your brain is small.
  9. Glad to hear the Rally was a wonderful success, beautiful experience, Moment to remember........ BUT, WHO WON THE TRAILER?????
  10. qoute from movie Starman by Jeff Bridges playing the role of a alien after watching Debbie Allen drive: Red light mean stop, Green light mean go, Yellow light mean haul ass.
  11. As in not usable??? or just different size width wise....bigger or smaller?
  12. Thanks Eck....I was lazy, didn't feel like searching out the answer....appreciate you help!!! Jim
  13. Is the MT90HB-16 same as the 130/90-16? or close enough? I maybe jumping ship from the Metzlers to the Avons, but I still want the narrower front, I like the responsive feel of that combo with my leveling links!
  14. I'm a transplanted yankee Crockett....just happen to live here. Amazes me that most of the folks here, that have been here their whole lives can't even spell my name. We were in Chattanooga today on a ride....stopped in @ Olive garden an had lunch.....If I was from the south....it would've been supper!!!!!!!
  15. I've done business with Yamaha dealers in Lynwood,wa and Texarkana,tx., they are large apparell and accessory dealers . I bet if you contacted them they would send you a Yamaha parts catalog. I know it's not a touch and feel thing but it's a start.
  16. Money sent.......3 tickets
  17. Tried it (inside fairing), not a good idea.....very spotty-poor-to non exsistant reception. Mounted it on a little platform above the XM, best place. In heavy foilage it can be hit and miss during the summer, or on the inside of a northeast facing cliff...no reception. I've had mine on the bike for almost 4 years. I'm surprised it has lasted this long what with vibration, water and sun beating down on it. I do have a water cover my wife made for it. I dielectric greased the connections on a regular basis.
  18. Good luck Steve, get well soon. I've had many a observer ask is that a stock Yamaha accessory...and where can I get it !!!! I've been proud to get down on my knees and clean the bugs off it!!!! Jim
  19. My birthday is fathers day.....It only COST me once for taking all the kids to dinner.....I'm gettn' off cheap....maybe it'll be enough of a savings so I can get that new stator......I might definitely get a charge out that!!! Har har
  20. Also no need for trailer tags or license plate in Tennessee...I do carry a copy of the stated requirements or lack thereof for the LEO's in other states who don't believe!!!
  21. In '76 I went to the Long Beach F1 Grand Prix...We sat about 100 meters into the curved long "straight" away. Went with a friend of a friend who owned a Porche dealership in SoCal. He offered me a job as a mechanic...with a paid trip to Germany for training......turned him down, what was I thinking!!!!! The race was pretty boring....where we sat there was no passing, great acceleration as they whizzed by. I remember one car had two front tires on each side. Tyrelll I think...but I maybe wrong. I watch the races now for just the starts and first couple of corners of action...then I pass out from boredom!!!!!!
  22. Anybody know secure places in new orleans to park the bike while there and seeing the sites?
  23. Being a ex-Seattleite... I miss the Mariners. Living in Tennessee left little hope of seeing them, but alas, this year for inter-league games they'll be in Atlanta, so June 21st I'll be at turner field for the game.
  24. I take them from work... haven't paid for ear plugs in 20 yrs. I like my music clear and the wind noise at a minimun. We have the ones that have a tether(string) between plugs. Cut the string off flush, lick my fingers to get the plug a little moist ,roll 'em between your fingers and slide them in.
  25. Nice loooking Landing Gears... we build those!!!!
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