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Royal Venturer

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About Royal Venturer

  • Birthday 06/15/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jim Crockett


  • Location
    Winterville, GA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Silver RSV

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  1. Thank you, Skydoc_17, Earl is the mans name and i have a call into him for the kit. appreciate your responce.
  2. Hi Everyone, I've been amongst the forum since 2004 (before the server crash, some will remember that). not always a contributor but a avid consumer of the outstanding knowledge here.. I bought my 2005 silver RSV in dec of 04. Well, after 2 knee replacements I'm going smaller with bike needs. Probably a super sport tourer, FJR, connie, still looking. I have mine tore down, cleaning up the carbs, changing the coolant, adj the valves. i'll admit that buying all the tools I need for this is not a prudent long term investment. I don't for see ever adj. valves, syncing carbs going forward because I'm going to sell the big girl. My ask is there anybody who will let me borrow their Carbtune sync, a valve shim kit? I had to trash my mecury sticks, they were shot. I know this is a big ask, but I'm hoping the generosity will prevail. I can pay all shipping involved and rental if asked and will treat your tools with the utmost care. Thank you, Jim Crockett 360 5021525 BTW... I'm located in Athens, ga.
  3. Thank you, but I'm afraid pulling the carbs is the next step. I let them get gunked from inattention and now I'm paying the price. Do the float bowls on these need new gaskets if opened up? Is there a kit? or will I see what I need when I pull them apart?
  4. Very nice, thanks for the pics, and tutorial!!!
  5. Ok the title nabbed ya!!! Need to drain the carbs as first resort, sooooo….anybody know the O.D. of the nipples on drains so I can buy appropriate hoses to slip over them?
  6. I bought a Caltrix (part #PP114) 2005 XVZ13TFT fuel pump off amazon. Listed as the same one advertised on the classifieds here. The inlet and outlet pipes for hose connection are 2mm larger than the one I removed off of bike. Called Yamaha (part # 4NK-13907-00-00) They want $340 for pump, out rage us. In the process of contacting Caltrix, getting run around. Has anybody bought the one here that is a Ebay link have successful fit?
  7. like a miners lite on my helmet!!! I'll do some research about lcd back lighting, see if there is other solutions or a alternatives. 800-1000 bucks for a light, good friggn grieve, that's robbery.
  8. Been awhile since I've been on the forum. Been around since late 2004 when this all started. Have a 2005 RSV Speedometer, odometer, trip meters and and gas gauge all work. Cept at night its all in the dark. heard tell a new unit is $1K....can this be right and is there other solution. I've not pulled the fairing yet. Thought I'd get some feedback from one and all first. Also is there a fuse just for the LCD illumination back segments? thanks Jim
  9. I pull in the garage and the bike goes on the battery tender (used to have a battery tender junior , now have the dual from them) and it doesn't matter how long I've ridden, or how hot the bike is. My battery is 6 1/2 years old, same as the bike, since it was new and not problem one!
  10. Side note: Took the cover off the clutch reservoir last night........what a messssssssssssssss. I was real surprised at the amount of moisture in the rubber boot. I have a power vac, from harbor freight (like that mityvac I'm guessing). Took a bottle and a half of DOT 4 to get it to run clear of the gunk. And that included scrubing out the reservoir. Didn't have a chance to even fire off the motor and give it a try after the clean out. I'll just wait for the spring to come and change it out. My advice.......flush-bleed your clutch at least every 1-2 yrs.
  11. OK, I like things right. I called John at PCW. He says his spring is stronger. I laid out all the syptoms and like you folks great input he suggested a complete bleed on the hyd system, new fluid......etc. I ordered a couple gaskets, his spring. I'm not inclined to put 2 in, although as well as you all say it will work, I'd give it a try if this wasn't a long trip comin' up. Thanks for all your input regards Jim
  12. Ok I was in the middle of working the bike, old ladies car, a few house issues and I took a quick peak were the bleeder was for the clutch and didn't find it, Enlighten me.
  13. I got it from SkyDoc. I guess I haven't been following the threads that close, didn't know there was a problem with a weak one. But you CAN double the old with the new.....That will work? Is there clearance in the pressure plate to allow both springs to seat in the lip they sit on against that ring spring?
  14. Hello everyone, Did the clutch upgrade(2nd gen). Installed new extra disk, removed wire, half disc, 2 rings. cross sanded the plates, soaked all the disk in fresh Rotella. re-installed with two notches on disc all aligned, installed pressure plate to marks, put new spring on, ring that holds bolts. Bike has 45k, but was barely slipping in 3rd gear with two up and pulling trailer. NOW watched the pressure plate move freely with clutch handle engage, disengage. put the cover back on, fill up oil. Took for a spin..............slips with barely any throttle. must have missed sumptn.!!!! Any good suggestions on what I missed .....hate to think I have to find another gasket. Leaving on the 3rd of June for a 3000mile trip. Clutch lever feels even weaker than before...also clutch doesn't engage until it is almost totally released. Jim
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