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Everything posted by Bvinson

  1. Time is running low...Only 2 Days left to get Your Photos In for the 2008 Calendar. Win the $100.00 Dollars and have your Ride posted for everyone else to see. If any of you are intrested in taking a peek at what has been sent in so far click on this link Come On send them to us.
  2. My new LG has the micro sd card. I have it loaded up and now all I carry are my earbuds and phone. Sounds great and it is nice having only carry one item.
  3. Steve, There was a couple on the other Venture site that had one on a 99. It has been a while since I have been a visitor over there but maybe Hugabear "Marshall" can help you track them down. I know he is active on both sites. Maybe Pyro on this site will remember since he was also a "Hacker". I found him, Real NameRonald P. McDonald E-mail Addressthemickeyd@yahoo.com Website Address IMhttp://www.sidecar.com/megabbs/images/icq.gifICQ http://www.sidecar.com/megabbs/images/aol.gifAIM http://www.sidecar.com/megabbs/images/yahoo.gifYahoothemickeyd http://www.sidecar.com/megabbs/images/msn.gifMSNwhitewaterrafter@hotmail.com LocationLakewood, WA 98499 InterestsTouring by 2,3 or 4 wheels.
  4. Hey Bobby, Not to hijack the thread but, when are you leaving for the Hill Country? Next question, is Claire going with you this year? Bill
  5. Hi Ventureriders, I have been out of the loop for the past week or so dealing with stuff that just comes our way every once in a while. Thanks to Christo for keeping the ball rolling. Anyway, I am back and from what I have seen we are going to have a great Calendar this year. It looks like we have photos from about 20 different members. So.. that leaves about 3,515 of you that need to get them to us by the Oct 14th deadline. Don't have a Pic? Go for a ride and take One this weekend. We still need more pictures!!! If any of you are intrested in taking a peek at what has been sent in so far click on this link There are ONLY 9 days left to get those photos in. Thanks, The Calendar Team
  6. Well, I don't know what to say. If you can't get another volunteer to take her place. You will just have to do it without her.
  7. Only 10 Days left to get Your Photos In for the 2008 Calendar. Win the $100.00 Dollars and have your Ride posted for everyone else to see. Come On send them to us.
  8. Yes Charlie... Any brand, as long as you are a VentureRider member. We will even let Don's brother in with the HD.
  9. WOW! A chance to win $100.00 for sending in a Picture that you just haven't gotten around to yet. What more of a reason do you need? Send us your photos. Thanks for the contest Don and good luck to everyone.
  10. We have photos from 15 members and I want to say thanks for the submissions. That only leaves 3479 members left to send in a photo before the OCT.14th deadline. Lets keep them coming!!!
  11. Hi Al, Please click the link and it will take you to the Calendar Thread with the photo requirements. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14869&page=3 Send us your Photos:cool10:
  12. Eck & Then The Rest of the Group, They are all runtogether. However, Christo has it fixed so that if you click on the blue link it will send it to all of us. Go ahead and click on the link below and see what happens. Just trying to keep it simple... After all not all of us are Rocket Engineers. Now Please send us your pictures. cnont@sbcglobal.netgdb@arteflorum.comchristo66@comcast.net Thanks
  13. Oct 14th is the deadline for all submissions. Thanks
  14. Check out Ed Sets http://edsets.com/ . I have had several different brands High end models & low end stuff and these sound the best of any I have used.
  15. Good Morning VentureRiders, The photos are starting to roll in and we have some very good one so far.... But we need more a lot more! Send us some of the rally pictures you have taken in 2007, the monthly Meet & Eats, any of the rides that have taken place this year. We need all of the members help in making this project work. Where do I send my Photos? Please send in an e-mail and include all 3 of us in the message with attachments. Copy and paste all 3 of our e-mail address's below into your TO.. line cnont@sbcglobal.netgdb@arteflorum.comchristo66@comcast.net Thanks Everyone Your Calendar Team, Bill, Christo & George
  16. A few pics I shot and posted to another thread but this is about Indians.. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/IndianMC.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/IndianMC2.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/IndianFender2.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Indian4MC.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Indianfender.jpg
  17. Hi Peggy, Check this out. The attachments below are a copy of my Uncles warranty papers from 1951. He still had the Indian and had just finished restoring it before he passed away last year.
  18. Hi Folks As many of you know we are in the process creating a 2008 calendar. We would like to include all the monthly Meet & Eats like Pyro has in NH, Eureka Springs, Venture In the Pines, Vogel, & The big yearly Venture Rider rally. You get the idea. So if there are any firm dates let us know. Maybe some polls like ReinyRooster did for the Canada rally would help get these dates set. Any feedback on this would be helpful. Thanks, 2008 Calendar Team
  19. Attached is a troubleshooting guide. I would test it cold and then after it is warmed up. My bet is on a bad Regulator/Rectifier unit. Hope this helps out.
  20. I was with a group about 8 years ago. We all made it back but never again. Dogs were barking one nite, looked out the window and 2 kids about 13 or 14 had a Harley on 2 skateboards pushing in down the road. It is not an enjoyable trip. It is like you have to worry about all the small stuff the entire trip.
  21. I am thinking of giving it up also. I had my knees replaced 5 years ago. I get around a lot better now but I have a hard time trusting them when riding 2 up on the Venture. If it just happened to lean just a little in the wrong direction Loookout. I darn sure don't want to go thru any more replacements until I have to.
  22. I have done that also. The one draw back I found is that if you do get caught in any rain it sure throws it up in your face. Other than that, it sure helps in the Texas heat.
  23. Here is a pic of my gauges. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/99Tach.jpg
  24. Come on over to the North side of Dallas. North of the Frisco area we have several roads that are better than average for the flatlands. FM 455, 902 and several others. Granted it ain't the Dragon but there are several turns you can drag the boards on if you are so inclined. Biggest drawback is the sportbike riders know about them also. Nice dayride mapped below with a stop in Tioga (Gene Autry 's Home town) for a Brisket sandwich
  25. Here are a couple of charts that will be helpful for troubleshooting your charging system. Don, you may want to move to the tech section. Chargingfault.pdf
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