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Everything posted by Bvinson

  1. Stop in Dallas if you have the time. I am sure we can find something to do. Are you on the Bike? If so I may ride along for a while.
  2. You are right I missed one. Let me go look for the problem and swap them out. They are correct on the calendar. The ones I have posted on my site are not in the correct months order. OK Fixed it.... Old Hippy was getting twice the Press
  3. OK, it seems that everytime I get a paying gig someone else opens the mail... Time for a talk with the little lady of the house. At the very least she could have offered to split it.
  4. Just buy a good set of rechargable batteries and they should last a lot longer. I know on my camera equipment that my external flash will last 3X longer over just regular alklines. The cost of the batteries and chargers has come down over the past couple of years. I have them in everything around the house. All the remotes, clocks ect...
  5. Scott & Redneck, there seems to be a problem with your payment (bribe). Now, just which one of the calendar team members did you send it to.
  6. I have had a few requests about vewing the entire calendars. Last year this was an option with the publisher. Well, this year the outfit we selected does not offer this feature. I have posted the photos out to my family photo site for viewing. Click on the Link Below Go to Ventureriders Folder & click on the folder. This will Open up to a 12 & 24 Month set of pictures After you have selected one or the other Look in the upper Right side of the screen and Click on Slide Show. These are not full resolution pics and the 12 month calendar is much better than what you will see there. I am working on getting a better copy of the 12 month files from Christo and I will post them ASAP Hope you enjoy the show and then Order the Calendar of your choice. http://www.lookingglassphotos.com/ Order Calendar Click Here http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=1318879 Tally To Date. 27 units sold $162.00 raised for VentureRiders.Org
  7. With Thanksgiving and the Holiday's approaching I wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Day and weekend. With changes swirling around us it's tempting to think the swirl is the one sucking us down the drain and pulling us down the pipes.. but maybe it's the wind taking us higher to a better year and greater opportunities! Either way I'm thankful for many things, least of not are the friends on this forum that have worked so hard to have a successful year. So.. Thanks to all. Bill & Family
  8. It's only about a 1/4 mile from my office. Go ahead and do the Buy it Now and I will ride it to my house fo safe keeping until you get here...
  9. Hi Barry, Welcome to the site... I think the windshield offer may be in a section of the site that ECK is in charge of. Send him an e-mail and I sure he will help you out.. Bill
  10. We will post the Picture with the calendar preview. Maybe in a week or so we will have a final version. We are now in the second draft and need to get it to what we think is a final. Then we are going to have 3 made and sent to us just to make sure it is up to High Standards. Still a lot of work ahead but I think everyone will be happy with what we will have to offer this year. Just hang in there it is getting close. Thanks, The Calendar Team
  11. That group was Don's old Texas riding buddies. It was Rick Butler, Longtrain and a lot of Chapter 6 group from MTA . They are headed up into AR for what we call the Dying Leaf run. Usally a 3 day ride in the little mountains around Mena. I had to pass this on it this year. Work just seems to keep getting in the way.
  12. The Winner Is Keith Rose of Grand Falls - Windsor Newfoundland . User Name KeithR. First, I would like to thank everyone that sent in photos for the 2007 Calendar. We had over 200 entries and it was a tough call to pick just One winner from all the great shots. So, join us in congratulating Keith on his win. Second, a special thanks to Don and New Enough for the 100.00 Gift Certificate. Finally, Thanks again for everyones support on the calendar project and remember this is all about supporting this great family out here in Cyberspace. P.S. The calendar will be ready for preview in a couple of weeks. Just wait and see what we will have to offer It is going to be great . Bill, Christo & George
  13. Here is another one to check out. Small company out of MN. http://www.1stheat.com/homepage1.htm
  14. I just did the same carb adjustment last weekend to mine (all day job). Cleaned the pilots and set the floats. Something I wanted to mention is that when I removed my air induction box from the carbs one of the rubber boots was not fully around the throat of the carb. So, from what it looks like to me that cylinder has been sucking some dirty air ever since it was new. It has never been to the shop for anything other than the trunk replacement. That tells me it was assembled that way. If you want to check yours it will be a pain but you only have to tear it down to the induction box under the tank. Just pull it, flip it over and you will see a crushed part of the rubber boot that fits over the carb.
  15. I just finished a call with Zack at Lifesaver. Great people. He is the owner and explained to me how it works. He assured me that if you stay on the brake you will get maximum brake force. I did order one for the rear. He matched the best price I could find on line which was $61.99 from Competition Accessories. Zack, Will you honor the 61.99 for people on the forum? Thanks, Bill
  16. Bring it on I have skin thicker than a Rhino. As far as Priorities go everytime I think I am on the correct path the wife tells me otherwise.
  17. Everyone please hang on. We are working on it. We ended up with quite a few photos any many with no names (real or user). We (the calendar team) have a conference call this week and will get it sorted out. Don't forget we all have day jobs and sometimes that nasty thing called WORK gets in the way. Thanks, Bill P.S. It will be a Great calendar
  18. The Harley RK's I bought from a California dealer had a catalyic converter in the right side pipe. A dowel rod fixed that problem
  19. Go to www.getfeetwet.com They don't have the 2610 but do have a 2720 at a great price with 1 year warranty.
  20. We are working on it!! Just please hang on. Having a conference call today.......
  21. What he said... They are the best I have ever used. Those little speakers are great. I have the set that i can use earbuds or swap to the speakers.
  22. We really need these Dates for the 2008 VentureRider calendar. Thanks,
  23. Ok, This may take a day or so. We have over 100 emails stored in our Outlook calendar folder and 200+ photos that need to be matched with names. We need to check with each other to make sure that we have included everyone. Not everyone followed instructions and we have to make sure that all the photos have a name that will attach with it. So, just please bear with us and we will let you know ASAP. Thanks for all of the Pictures and , The Calendar Team
  24. Time is running VERY, VERY low...Only 9 Hours left to get Your Photos In for the 2008 Calendar. Win the $100.00 Dollars and have your Ride posted for everyone else to see. If any of you are intrested in taking a peek at what has been sent in so far click on this link Come On don't miss out on this send those Pictures to us.
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