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Everything posted by Bvinson

  1. Woot is a block down the road from my old office. Myself and a couple of coworkers made a field trip down there for lunch one day. It is rather impressive, the way it is set up to ship item out is state of art. We made a second trip after they were bought out by Amazon and the whole internal culture is no longer there. Internet storefront looks basically the same but the independent nature of the business is gone. They do have some great tee shirts if you have never looked at the archives check them out.
  2. Let's just say he was very handy:rotf: Those were tech inspection guys checking carbs during teardown. All of the first 3 cars had to pull the carbs, and a front & rear tire for post inspection.
  3. You could defiantly see the teams that had the dollars. Big Toy Haulers almost like Nascar teams. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L25.jpg Most of the hobbyist don't stand a chance against them. They simply can't afford a new engine to try out or new tires every couple of heats.
  4. I can't believe no one has it right... that needs Duct Tape for a proper repair.
  5. When I was shooting the Rusty Wallace Driving School this past weekend I also stayed and did a little walking around the pits of the Legend Racing Series. The engine they all have to use is a Yammi. They haul... Radar gun showed 98MPH on the small straights. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Lengine.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L19.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L24.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L13.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L8.jpg
  6. I just hope he bought the insurance. With the insurance it will cost him $1060.00... without I don't know. He said something broke in the car however, the in car video shows him driving into the grass and then panicked and drove it into the wall. Photo does not really show all of the damage... it's totaled.
  7. I hired on to shoot the RWRE Driving event this past weekend. It was mighty hot... Felt like I was going to fall out from the heat on the second day. Anyway, here are a few shots of something other than people sitting on the door getting a photo taken. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver1.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Insurance--.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver6.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Kid1.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Girl2.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver2.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Driver3.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Cheers.jpg More on my site if you care to go look...
  8. Yamaha had to do something with all of those leftovers.
  9. The high end market has gone crazy in the past couple of years. The McIntosh amps I just picked up sold for $160.00 new. A pair that has been reworked by a good tech will bring $3000.00 today.
  10. Well Vintage for the electronics from the 70's qualifies. The 950sx is a very nice unit. bad news is that it really needs to be recapped. The speaker protection circuit is one of the first things to go in the SX lineup. I have a 850 as my garage system and she still cranks it out. Yamaha turntables like everything from that era had its ups and downs. The YP-b4 for example is a great table.. You can still get NOS tape and I pick up a lot of new tape from estate sales. My wife goes to estate sales with a friend and calls me if she sees something intresting. You are correct Vinyl Rules...
  11. I don't go that far back but I do know someone that does. He collects old radios and I will say that some of them are amazing. I will see if he is interested.
  12. Luxman is some good equipment. I bet that is a sweet sounding amp. Do you have the equalizer that goes with the 901's? Just curious because I have heard them with and without. Refoaming the surrounds is no big deal. I have a buddy that does them all the time. He buys the kits off ebay and I have watched him redo them. Takes about 15-20 minutes a speaker. I always thought there was more to it but it is pretty simple.
  13. 1++++ Try this, I make this one served as a side. Works well for beef & pork 2 cups ketchup 1/2 medium onion, minced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon unsulphered molasses 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon malt vinegar 2 teaspoons kosher salt 2 teaspoons mustard 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper 1 teaspoon Tabasco 1/2 teaspoon thyme Cook it low and slow like the meat in the smoker. It will keep in the fridge for a week or two.
  14. ust curious, I have been collecting and and reselling vintage stereo equipment for about 3 or 4 years now. It is a addictive hobby if you enjoy music in a full and more spacial format than a set of hearbuds and MP3 compressed format. I have worked my way up to a system now that I could only dream of earlier in life. I think I may have my ultimate system in the works. I just picked up a pair of McIntosh MC-30 tube amps. Can't wait to hear them up and singing. My current main system consists of, Klipsch Forte II & Klipsch LaScalla speakers Yamaha C4 preamp & Yamaha M4 amp Empire 598 Turntable Pioneer 707 Reel to Reel Rotel 855 CD If you share this little addiction let me know what you have for a setup. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/sys1.jpg
  15. I have been using Pandora for a couple of years. I just made a change over to Slacker. I like it so far I prefer the interface and I guess just looking for a change.
  16. Did you park it next to a 1st Gen?
  17. Another option, not good but an option is the link below. Also, look on the roofs of homes in the area of your house for an antenna that is out of the norm. Before I had AT&T we used a radio service. It worked fine and uses a point to point system to relay the signal to something like a water tower. Attached is a pic of my neighbors (he still has not pulled it off the roof. Anyway, if you see something like this there may be that type of service available in your area. http://www.broadbandblue.com/wireless/broadband/Texas/Cleveland
  18. I will need to pick up a tire on the way back.
  19. The wind was really blowing. I just thought it was bad inside the track. On the way back to my truck the dirt getting blown up in the parking lot would about choke you.
  20. Those are the smallest earmuffs made. That little guy was always smiling. Must have been a Greg Biffle fan . He will know better when he grows up....
  21. It was like JR. had the wrong gearing. He had a pretty good long run car. However, when they would pit and come out as a group he would lose 20-30 car lengths before they got to turn 2. He would finally catch them again and pass a couple then it was time for green flag stops and he would start the process again. He more than likley passed more cars during the race than anyone else. Here are a few more pics http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS13.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS16.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS14.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS15.jpg
  22. Some shots from the race. It was tough shooting under the lights. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS1.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS5.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS8.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS4.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS2.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS7.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/TMS3.jpg
  23. I have pretty much tried them all. Seems to me that Kaspersky is a little friendlier with the system resources. I have been using it for 3 years now.
  24. There is a saw that is used to cut the bottom of door jams off. When they laied the tile in my house they had a saw that looked like a side cutting Skill saw. I bet you can rent one. It will do most of the cut. You will likely have to finish with the dremal.
  25. Lewis, Also check out B&H. I have been using them for around 5 years. It is a great store with excellent service. Prices are very good and a lot of times the shipping is free. I buy just about all of my electronic equipment from them. Do a Google search and check out what everyone says about them. Hope you enjoy the new toy
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