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Everything posted by Bvinson

  1. Try this link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=84967#post84967 Should give you everything you need.
  2. Get you wife to change the headlight bulb. I could not get my hand in there. get a long screwdriver or something to use as a pointer. Then explain what you need done. They can reach behind there and change it with no problem.
  3. Not on my Venture but I did put it on the front of my trailer. 3m makes kits for several bikes but I don't know if the Venture is on the list yet. Once it is installed you can hardly tell it's there. Curves are the big catch however, someone that does it for a living should know all the work arounds.
  4. I use the EDset with earbuds for my full coverage helmets. Best I have ever heard. My 3/4 we have the highend J&Ms. They will not come close to working as well as the earbuds.
  5. A couple of years ago we were on our way down to Kerrville for the Texas Gathering. I stopped by Rick Butlers place to join up for the ride. Well he was having a problem with his trailer and time was slipping by. Finally it seemed the only option was to load everything in my trailer. We could barley get the lid to close... It had everything in there but the kitchen sink. I don't know what the entire rig weighed but I can say it was a hell of a lot. Pulled it just fine 70 +. Need to keep an eye on closure and stopping because it comes up quickly with the extra weight.
  6. I have a buddy that has a hopped up Honda Accord. He as well as most of the others in his car group all use the Odyssey 680 for their battery. They say it will spin over a maxed out V6 or 4 cylinder as well as any larger battery.
  7. Ricks was one of the vendors I contacted last year. Their answer was no plans in the near future. Maybe that has changed. Buddy Rich mentioned the rectifiers/regulator. Well there are options in that area. One of the outcomes from talking with the different companies is that there are a lot of different regulators out there that will work.
  8. I have called or emailed every aftermarket stator company I could find. None of them makes a replacement stator for the second gen. My second question was do you plan to? Answer was not good.. none of them even plan on building one. I guess you could buy one off ebay(hard to find I have been looking) and take it and get it rewound for higher output.
  9. Attached is a medical info form that we should all carry in case something happens to either yourself our passenger. This form can save a life Please use it.... :223: Here is a quote from an Ironbutt rider that was in a serious crash (He also happens to be Vice Admiral & Surgeon General for the US Navy). "I carry all my emergency personal and medical information in the left chest pocket of my Aerostich and have written “Emergency Info This Pocket” on the flap. The paramedics and hospital emergency staff said this helped them a lot, especially before I regained consciousness."
  10. Those vests are worth a look. I just bought 2 Jackets from Cabelas that are on sale. They are waterproof, 200 gr. thinsulate and the reflective piping is great. Size runs a little large. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp;jsessionid=HI0TX5VUDN2CMCWQNWRCCOAK0BW0GIWE?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=Featured&id=0035638922689a&navCount=4&podId=0035638&parentId=cat21158&navAction=push&catalogCode=UF&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat21158&hasJS=true&_requestid=11332
  11. It was 20wt syn fork oil. The reason for the DELCO trans fluid is because it swells seals and helps stop leakage. My thoughts were with the age and miles on my bike it could not hurt. I saw the shock Rick Butler cut apart and decided that if mine was anything like that one internally it would help by swelling it some.
  12. I have a 99 with the original shock and it has groaned off and on. The last time it started groaning (about a year ago) I pulled the core from the schrader valve and gave it an injection of 1/2 ounce of transmission fluid and 1/2 ounce of synth 20wt. It has not groaned since. With that said it will probably start again today. FYI, I use an old syringe with point ground off for shooting it down the tube.
  13. I use Mobil Devlac1 in every vehicle I own.
  14. Here is another option. Good stuff, made by folks in "Minnnnasootaaa". I think thats how OWL would say it. http://www.1stheat.com/accessorypage.htm
  15. I will second Starbogs suggestion here. I have a friend that rides a Beemer and installed one of these systems and it is great. The stock Yammi is pretty lame in comparison.
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