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Everything posted by RickH

  1. Still Breathing!
  2. I would not.
  3. That's Interesting!
  4. Don (DBOB) Bobilin Won by just three minutes! Thanks for playing!
  5. I have two free tickets to the Easyriders Bike show tour. Good at two locations Feb. 5 2011 Knoxville Tn. @ Knoxville Convention Center or Feb. 11-13 2011 Columbus, Ohio @ Greater Columbus Convention Center First come first served PM me your address and I'll send them right out in the mail.
  6. Hello All, Well it's vacation time. Buckeye Performance will be closed from 06/25/09 thru 07/12/09. All orders have been shipped except for the Works Shocks which have been back ordered for a little while. I'm hoping they arrive soon after we return. If you need anything please email me at info@buckeyeperformance.com I'll be answering them when I have a connection while we are on the road and coordinating Yamaha, Honda and other aftermarket orders for delivery soon after we reopen. Thank you for your patronage and looking forward to meeting those attending the Spearfish Ride-In!
  7. Buckeye Performance contact issues. Hurricane force winds cause area wide power outages. Yes, we got them here in Ohio! If you have orders pending or waiting of a quote or answer to a question we have no power and very limited Internet access. Please bare with me while we will work through this. It may be a few days before we have power.
  8. Yeah I read that one also. RoadRunner did the same test between the two bikes and placed the GL above the Bmer for the same reasons. Then the next couple months the Bmer owner wrote in complaining about the test and how dare they rate the GL above their Bmer. What you read may depend on whom is paying the advertising.
  9. Thanks for asking!
  10. I road tested both the K1200LT and the GL1800 both for about 100 miles. Both were used and both had about 28,000 miles on them. I found the Bmer Buzzy. Parts are dear (expensive). Found it was no match for the GL1800 The GL did everything better. Just my take on them.
  11. All makes and models. If we don't have the specs we can copy them. 1St. & 2nd Gen. RSTD and many more!
  12. BUMP! Sale Ending Soon!
  13. Hello Members We are having a mid season sale on Stainless steel Brake lines for all models. Please E-mail me at info@buckeyeperformance.com for details on your model! Free shipping to lower 48 states discounted on international orders. Good Thru 08/15/08
  14. Because the RSTD uses the H-bars to mount the meter. You have to be careful what you do. Flanders has a upgrade bar for the RSTD that pretty much does the same thing as the RSV Flanders bar. It added 2 inches of pull back. We have been doing these kits for a couple years and everyone that does the upgrade likes it.
  15. Flanders makes a bar for the RSTD that will give you what your looking for.
  16. Security System ! We don't need no stinking Security System ! Just make sure you park next to a HD!
  17. Eck U have mail
  18. Thanks Lou I got you order and will get it processed and shipped Friday! (((Opps that should have been Thursday))) It's late I was already on next days business! Thank you!
  19. Thanks Lou we had been looking for something for a while that size and style. You can thank my crew for the find on that one! They are nice and made well! We ship world wide by USPS whenever we can. International buyers will pay the international shipping cost but the domestic cost will be credited.
  20. No issue there the Quiet-Mic mounts on the bar between the grip and the control pod. The switch mount is not real wide. As seen in the picture above the control pod was not moved when install. At most you may have to slide the control pod up the bar a very small amount. It's out of the way and real easy to use. If you wanted to you could mount it on the other side of the pod. It's a bar mount design.
  21. Here and a couple more pictures of the bags and Quiet-Mic http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/4264343/BP%20PICS/IMG_0728.jpg Once installed this is all you see of the Quiet-Mic http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/4264343/IMG_0731.jpg
  22. Hello Fellow Venture Riders Members I've just added some new products for the RSV to our web site Please click the link below. One item is Passenger Rail Bags and the other is Quiet-Mic now the testing is done and in production. Should be shipping by 06/26/08 http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/products.htm#2nd%20Generation If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Also to advantage of Venture Rider discounts and Free shipping on these new items be sure to add Venture Rider Member in the comments area.
  23. It comes with the needed gaskets and a new high output stator. Installation is just like replacing the stock unit except you need to hard wire it. Wiring is ran the same as the stock unit the only thing you have to change is to remove the connector from the bike harness and solder the new stator wiring in place. There are three wires and just need to connect any three stator wires to any three bike harness stator wires. The only thing you need to be careful of is make sure the connections are at different lengths as in staggered locations and are separate from one another. As for the soldered connection it's the same operation as for any other solder operation you will need a good soldering iron the better one from Sears is the one I have and it does the job well. And of course it needs to be done correctly. Other than that it's the only thing different from doing a stock swap. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
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