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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. I have the E-3's on my 86 also. Great tire for peg scraping and great on wet roads.
  2. Daughter has a 650 v-star with forward pegs and controls. She feels no need for highway pegs. The only crash bars I've seen for the 650 are kind of like those on harley's so you could just buy some that clamp on around the crash bars. As far as the passenger pegs, hers came from factory with them. You have any pic's of the bike and crash bars? If I remember right.....650 v-star classic has rider floorboards and the custom has forward pegs and controls.
  3. Hope they find out whats wrong and get it fixed soon. Get well soon Allen , and Annie you take care also.
  4. Drag them down the road behind the bike and then hang them up and tell new friends how many accidents you survived..... Just kidding....I found a dumpster and pitched them in...
  5. My kids have been telling me all winter that last year I rode these motorcycle's, but I just don't remember, but I'm not telling them that...they might put me in a retirement home.
  6. Good News...
  7. I've read alot of bad about the Timeout look alike. Yes they are cheaper, but you get what you pay for.
  8. Takes me about 10 min. to get folded up, but I haven't practiced it and you have to make sure things fold into proper places. With a little practice, I'm sure I could do it in about 5 min. Easier with two people folding/tucking so you don't have to walk around the camper.
  9. Wish you owned it don't you.....
  10. Paypal sent Lew....Thanks
  11. I bought a used (2004) Aspen classic a couple of years ago. Love it...Not much different from the Buckhouse. I went used because of price and to see if we still liked to camp. Can always upgrade to a newer one in the future. Used campers go fast no matter where you look, so be prepared to search every day and know prices and be prepared to buy when you find one you like.
  12. Praying you have a fast and complete recovery Dick.
  13. Was just there and no one home.....
  14. No comment...................
  15. I sleep with ear plugs in and just let the doberman take care of late night visiters.....He does have to eat you know..... We will have to figure out when we can meet half way some weekend.
  16. This item needs to be claimed in 48 hours.............. Might end up in the classifieds if not claimed.....I'm sure someone on here would like to buy it. Need to figure out when we can get together so you can get it and install on your bike. Here's a pic to remind you my friend....
  17. Dick, wishing you the best with everything and a speedy recovery. Prayers being sent.
  18. Bump............ And don't forget about the T-shirts...........
  19. You ever come over for a visit..I'll let you shoot some of my guns. As I'm sure other members would let you try thiers as well.
  20. Chris....With respect for your concern, if this was a discussion on the right to bear arms or a discussion on weather we should be allowed to carry concelled legally with permit, I would have to agree with you. This is a discussion from a person wanting info on different calibars of handguns and is only asking what others prefer and why. Many VR.Org memebers are hunters and shooters and do so as a hobby, so I personally see nothing wrong with asking advice from other members. It also gives us something else that we have in common along with riding motorcycle's.
  21. Dave...Alot depends on what you plan to do or use the gun for. Home protection, carry, or both or just target shooting. Which ever cal. you decide on, you need to practice with the gun on a regular basis. That being said, the 380 or 9mm would be cheaper to practice with. If I had only 1 handgun, I would problably choose the 9 mm as the smallest cal. that I would go with. The 40 cal is in the middle and has been gaining popularity for some years now. My suggestion to you is to go to a gun store with a shooting range and spend the money to shoot all the calibars several times and see which one you prefer. It also gives you a chance to shoot the gun you are looking at buying. Alot of guys like the bigger calibars because they have more knockdown power in case of an emergancy. Being able to shoot the gun accurately is equally important. And practice is not a once every two or three months deal.
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