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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hope you have a great birthday Don. :Crazy_139:
  2. Post it and they will bid.....
  3. I don't know about you Eddie....but my Harley drug two 1st gen's into MD last year. ( and they both needed worked on )
  4. Sorry to hear this James. Stay safe
  5. Dan, so sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers sent for the entire family.
  6. Son's first bike was a sporty and now he rides a Low Rider. Both had/has the same seat. It looks like the Harley Sundowner seat. Very nice seat and makes a big difference in the ride. Oh and your welcome to try my Ultra if you make it back up this way.
  7. Venturerider FB is a closed group that you have to be invited into. That may be the reason why.
  8. I could be wrong, but I think the Venturerider FB page was started to help us keep in touch just in case this site ever crashed again ( god forbid).
  9. moving my helmet must have put the wires together....don't know what your problem is then....sorry
  10. Had the same problem on the Yamaha and Harley. J and M found a bad wire in the wires inside the helmet.
  11. Now I feel important....I'm on the map.
  12. My company tried to tell me the same thing once. If I didn't use the vacation time I wouldn't get paid. I told them so what, I'll use my sick time up then go without pay for the rest of the recovery. Most of the time they say you have to use vacation time so you are still getting money coming in. They thought I was living paycheck to paycheck. I fooled them. Didn't use vacation time and took it all at a later date and had fun.
  13. Thanks Eddie...Christo over in Indiana had Fuel Moto do alot of work to his bike also and speaks highly of them and their work. If I remember right, he had a small problem and they came to his place to fix it.
  14. Sorry to hear this Lewis. Sending prayer's for a complete recovery. You sure its not the ACL thats gone ? I had a torn meniscus and was off about a month. Both my kids blew out their ACL's ...and that was a pain and took along time to heal after surgury.
  15. What all did you do to it Eddie ? Did you use Harley parts or aftermarket?
  16. Well, he already knows where I live. If he can remember.
  17. Don't worry Annie....the more they pick on us and our bikes...it just shows how jealous they are of what we are riding.... If anyone really wants to know why I bought a Harley over the RSV, ask me in person and I'll be glad to enlighten you.
  18. No problem Lew, you take care of yourself and heal quick.
  19. Just wanted to say Thank-you to everyone that bid on the belt buckle. By far exceeded my expectations, but then that doesn't really suprise me with VR.org members working together for St. Judes. Thanks again everyone. Gil
  20. Latest St. Jude Auction winners............. DragonRider (03-24-2013)
  21. send thu paypal is all I know Dick. partin_guy@yahoo.com mark as gift so no fee's come out. there is an underscore in front of guy in his address.
  22. Hey Eddie...Lets see which bikes depreciate the fastest..their RSV'S or our Harley's.... The main reason I didn't buy a venture is because they didn't upgrade it over the years. RSV is a great bike, just think how much better it could be with upgrades. As for the original post....If I wanted new and color wasn't an issue, I would look for a leftover.
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