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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. No luck---maybe my daughter can help tomorrow. Just have to wait till I can get it figured out. Sorry Gil
  2. I just downloaded them from my camera onto the laptop--how do I downsize them? Also tried one pic at a time. No luck Gil
  3. Ok guys---I go to manage attachments--click on browse--select pic--hit upload and it says failed. I'm lost
  4. shoot not working what the heck.
  5. I Win--Just released pics of 2010 Venture---I am the first to find them.
  6. Just to let everyone know--When I was looking for a new bike early this spring, I had one stealer that gave me an exceptional price on an 09. When I had them break the final price down so that I would know what I was paying for everything , they had an extented warrenty figured into the out the door price. When asked about the ext. war. the salesman said they sell quit a bit below everyone else and sell more bike because of their low price and that on a full dress bike I would want it. He even said it would be silly not to spend the extra money for it. When I said that I shouldn't need it because the bike had a 5 yr, he said I was wrong, it only had a 1 yr. He said they could sell for less because they only offered a 1 yr warrenty. Then informed him that I wanted to talk with the manager and he went to get him but came back and said that I was right. He then asked when I wanted to pick the bike up , because I told him I was paying with cash. I laughed and said very loudly that I would never spend a dime there because they were crooks trying to get me to pay for extra warrenty on a bike that had a 5 yr factory war. Severl people their and I know they heard me because they watched as I walked out the door. You already own the bike--CALL YAMAHA ASAP !!!!
  7. Yea---What he said. 1st gens rule, 2gen drool:stickpoke: I'm sure you will be more than happy. Welcome
  8. You could check Searchtempest.com, Helper for craigs list. Also cycletrader.com--- An 03 with only 6500 miles, I consider very low miles. I only put on 5000 last year from july 5 ( bike was in the shop) I may be wrong, but I would have to guess that most on this site put on between 5 and 10,000 a year. Welcome to the site.. If you find a bike to far from home to look at it yourself, just post and someone from here usually will check it out for you.
  9. Sorry everyone, would really love to meet everyone but my daughter graduates college that day. Sooooo, I already have plans. Gil
  10. By next Sat. do you mean May 2 ? Gil
  11. If I hear of you taking a shower with the trike---this club will have to have an intervention.:rotf::rotf:Don't get me wrong, we all love our bikes but you can go to far.
  12. One Wing parked beside Buzzman's bike--Week before one different Wing and a Wing trike.
  13. Sometimes you don't have a choice. Back in 86 on the way to Florida, no place to pull over. Overpasses full of cars and everyone was doing 10 mph. Lighting hit in the field probably 50 to 100 yrd off the expressway. Talk about scary. Its to bad about the rider. I'm sure there will be a special place for him.
  14. Sorry bud---Don't have a 2nd gen.:cool10:he he he Do love the looks of your trike though.
  15. Looks great--Need to show this to my daughter, she is looking for a bike and complaining that they all look like guys bikes.
  16. Sounds like everyone thinks it was one of the MooseRiders. We don't care if we ride with the Mooseriders or not. Its about the Moose Lodge being a national organization. You can go into any moose anywhere in the country to eat or have some refreshment, just like if you joined a leagon ( where a vet or a son or grandson of a vet) They have dances on Fri. and Sat. night, good food, you get the picture. Don't get me wrong, both of us are very upset about this as is my 24 yr old son. I think he already knows his own mind and can form his own oppinions.( he's more like me than even I like to admit) I do know one of the moose riders that was their, have know him for 25 yrs and worked with his brother and rode with both of them. Haven't seen him in a couple of yrs. and he was glad to see me. As for riding partners--Buzzman's two sons ride, my son rides, and my daughter is looking for a bike now. We both have been on the rode sence we were 16 . We also have many friends that ride. Plus we both have joined here and can't wait to meet everyone. We went to City Barbque last night, rode awhile and went back to Buzzman's house for a campfire and was talking about Freebirds M-Day and the rally in Ark. Looks like we will be in Ark. and will be taking a second week to take our time coming home. Freebirds I'm trying to get someone to work for me. Man, can tell by this post that I like to talk:rotfl: We are really leaning on asking for our money back (60-40 now) We both realize that this could have happened in any parking lot anywhere though. Keep the thoughts coming, everyone of your opinions is very much appreciated. Thanks.
  17. The Moose Lodge is a family oriented organization. The Moose riders is just a bunch of members that have bikes and get together for rides and meetings. We know for sure that it happened at the lodge. No Question. Weather it was another rider or someone else at the lodge or a child, we have no idea. Being a Thurs. night, it was not busy, probably 30 to 40 people total. Moose riders are like American Legion riders.
  18. Buzzman and I rode our bikes to the local Moose lodge Thurs. night for burgers and my son drove sence his bike is in the shop ( he joined and Buzzman and I just joined a week ago) It happened to be Mooseriders night and we parked with the other bikes. Stood outside for 10 min. talking with a Wing rider before going in. Buzzman had just wiped his 08 RSV down before coming to my house and I had washed mine the night before. As we were leaving ( one and a half hours later) , we stopped at the road and I noticed something on Buzzmans trunk, Yelled at him and we got off to look. SOMEONE HAD KEYED HIS LOWER TRUNK ! So deep that it went though the paint and gouged the plastic. Looked at my bike and found a four inch key mark on the left saddlebag lid (side) not deep will rub out no problem. Went back and talked with the other riders and they all seemed upset and checked their bikes. Ours were the only ones gotten. Security camera not working over the bikes. Everyone said they will be fixed shortly after this! Mostly Harley's there that night. They did ask if we wanted to go for a ride with them afterwards. We diclined as we were not in the mood. A couple of them did mention that they looked at our bikes when they got there and they loved Buzzman's speedometer. It kind of bothered me that noone asked who had the strange bikes out front and would we like to join their meeting before it started. This lodge is out in the country and quit a ways off the road. Probably 3 or 4 hundred yards off the road. Anyway--We are wondering what to do. Voice your 2 cents worth. Do we stay members if we are approved or do we ask for our money back ? PS--The member that recruited us asked around and no one has heard of any other problem of cars or anything being keyed before. Everyone he talked to seemed upset about this incident. Thanks Gil Opps--title should read 4 or 5 inch ( typing to fast)
  19. Nice looking bike. Wish a dealer would have one around here to look at in that color. Called 6 dealers yesterday and all they have on the floor are the red and black.
  20. Jeff--Looks great. You may need to look at some wing trikes and maybe you could make some money making and selling these. More chrome for your trike.
  21. I have been looking for a bike for my daughter. We looked at a Honda shadow 600 (07) that was bought new in 08. I'm 53 and the gentleman that has it for sale looks late 50's. He would not let me test ride it even after a long talk about the bikes we have owned and what I'm riding now. He said that he has a friend that let a stranger test ride a bike he had for sale and the guy went around the corner and then had an accident that cost the owner 1500.00 to repair the bike. The owner said if I bought the bike, then I could ride it--period. Needless to say we thanked him and drove away. I would not buy a used bike without a test ride period. Or new bike for that matter. Of course antique bikes would be an excemption. I could see handing the owner an unsigned certified check or cash till I got back with his bike safe and sound. My insurance covers anyone with a mc indorsment that I have given permission to ride my bike. It also covers me on other bikes that the owner has givin permission for me to ride.The last insurance company that took those options away from me was canned and I got a new ins. co. I can see being fussy, but don't go extreme. Making a long story longer--I almost bought a bike once but luck was with me when I found out from a friend of a friend that the bike had gear problems that the owner was not admitting to.
  22. I have one friend(kind of) that rides an HD, and he always gives me a ton of s**t about my Venture and all the Jap bikes I have owned. But he rides on poker runs with us once in a while. All the other HD riders I know don't care. I even have a couple of friends that are past presidents of Harley clubs and don't care what I ride, as long as I ride. It always amazes me that some people don't wave, whether its because of what you ride or not. I have been wondering the last couple of years if some don't wave because they don't know any better. With all the new riders out there the last few years, you have to wonder. I also thinks its funny when I meet a group of HD riders coming towards me and half of them wave. It tells you real fast who the real men ( and women) are in the group.
  23. When I was camping, I pulled around and 400 lbs. on a regular basis. You do have to be carefull about stopping distance, and watch for the cars moving into your lane when you leave plenty distance between you and the car in front of you. Other cars like that space. Loaded properly so the trailer doesn't sway, I haven't had any problems.
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