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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. Great looking ride. Always love your posts and pic's. Ride safe.
  2. Looks like a great setup. Nice bike and trailer. You should have about 10 to 15% of total trailer weight for you tong weight. You may have to put some dog food bags in the trailer or something for weight. Loading the trailer correctly is critical. Take your time with it around the block for a few miles to get used to it. When turning from a stop, try pulling forward a little before starting the turn. I am sure that if you ask, someone could possibly meet you from that area with trailer experiance, to give you some advice on the spot. Just take your time and get used to it and don't forget that it is back their. I am always checking mine when riding in the mirrors and looking it over at every stop. Wouldn't hurt to have the wheel bearings checked on the trailer before you head home with it.
  3. A big thank-you to Herb and Squid. They fixed my speedometer Sunday night at the Hub. Sure was nice haveing it working again along with the cruise control. Thanks guy's. Gil
  4. Bill has put on a terrific rally. Everyone has been haveing a great time meeting each other, etc. Ride's have been wonderful. OH, and the trailer will be mine.
  5. Buzzman and I are on 44 about 1 1/2 hours outside Branson. Be at the Hub tomorrow.
  6. Hope you get to feeling better. Take it easy. Do hope to meet you at the rally. Prayers being sent to heal fast.
  7. Things will get better with time. Prayer's for you and the kids.
  8. BuckShot

    I WON!!!

    Glad you done it. He deserved what he got. Only problem I see is that he probably is telling his friends a different story. Thats the way these guys think. Had to back up a game warden one time against 6 guys, he could have given them all tickets for trespassing and shooting a doe without a licence. One guy was carrying a pistol under his coat to hunt with and got lippy even after several warnings. cussing a threatening. He got a ticket for concealed carry. 2 days later I heard the same guys in a restaurant telling how much of an a**hole the warden was and telling a completely different story. I called them on it and told the people the true story. Lucky for me, I had a few friends eating there that day.
  9. My son got his lic. in 07 and got full coverage for his 05 sportster. cost for the year was 350.00 He was 23 at the time. Has come down every yr. sence. My daughter got her lic this year and got full coverage on her 02 yam.650. Cost was 375.00 I believe. She is 21 years old. Both got their ins. from same agent and it is progressive. It was cheaper for them to get their own ins. than to add to mine.
  10. Looks like you all had fun. Nice pics.
  11. Well I know brats, etc. are better in natural caseings. Mountain men used to wash the caseing out and fry them in fat. It was a treat for them.
  12. Went to a locksmith Friday and had a spare key made. He gave me some info that I didn't find on here. If its already been posted, sorry. On your original key there is a number. He said to write it down on the registration and on a piece of paper in your wallet. He told me that any good locksmith can cut you a key using that number if you happen to lose your key and need one in a emergancy. I know that most of us carry a hidden key, but I thought this info was good to know. I guess you really do learn something everyday.
  13. Dan, thanks for the offer but we aren't leaving untill Sat. morning. Fri. will be a goof off day, laundry and whatever. probably seeing everyone else off Fri. morning. Gil
  14. They all will be donated at the rally for prizes, right ?:crackup:
  15. How can I go for a ride when someone keeps putting post like that on here to read. No time to ride.
  16. You should know nothing goes on here:crackup: Boy---have you got alot of reading to do.
  17. Reading all the posts about the rally for the last year, all the committe members have done an outstanding job. I am sure they will all get their thankyou's. Cindy took on an awful lot to begin with and took on even more later. Cindy said she wanted to party at this rally---sooooo I will have something for her when I arrive.
  18. Buzzman and I, with our wives can't wait to get there and meet everyone. Sounds like alot of fun. Also sounds like you have alot planned, so if somebody is bored, it will be their own fault. We have the week after off also and was just going to head back to Ohio slow and easy, siteseeing along the way. Wherever the wives wanted to go and see. Was talking last night about swinging into Georgia and stopping at Vogel for a day or so anyway.
  19. Bill--Are you looking for the 5 to 4 wire converter box for the trailer lights? If you are check Hitch dealer locally. Drawtight Modulite Model (part #) 18146 Camper sales also,any busisness that install's hitches.
  20. Its one or the other. They don't play at the same time.
  21. You will love it. Spent 2 vac. on the bike, on the parkway several yrs. ago. Need pics when you return. Ride safe.
  22. Buzzman and I took another look at the Kaw. today. Rear lights were great in trunk and taillight, LED's Exhaust sounded great. Plastic was very thin and flexed very easily, fairing and everything else. Vents in lowers were nice, but hinge system was weak Two pockets in fairing,but had to use key to open Bag lids flimsy --did have a strap to help keep them on. Didn't want to close easily. No intercom No CB Fairing looks like a flat pigs face, needs to blend in more ( our 2 cents) Plastic on whole bike looked cheep. Grab hold of any piece of plastic and shake it and the whole piece shakes and twists. Evan if Yam. keeps the same old RSV, neither of us would consider the Kaw. over the RSV. Not even a contender, in our minds. Harley and Yam. just seem to have a better built,stronger built bike. Was disapointed- the old Kaw's. were nice bike's. Price was 16,800.00 plus taxes, etc. WE were told 1 yr warrenty Just my opion, everyone needs to decide for themselves.
  23. Well people----I got to sit on one today. Dealer was extremely busy and I had work at home to do. Will have to go back tomorrow because dealer gave me wrong part for daughters bike. First impression--Square fairing and trunk---rounded bags. Bag lids need to be squared up some. Fairing needs to flow more ( not so square) Liked the 3 lights in fairing, and rear looks like it will light up nicely. Sat on it and lifted it off the side stand--felt heavier that the RSV and more top heavy. Seat to handlebars possition was very comfortable. Went over and sat on the 09 RSV--seat to handle bar was about like the Kaw. Seat was alot more comfortable on the RSV. Opened bags on the Kaw. and they don't look like they will hold as much as the RSV. Did like that the trunk opened from the side on the Kaw. Will spend more time tomorrow comparing both and get a price from my dealer. Maybe even get a test ride, if I'm lucky. Bought several bikes from him and sent a lot of business his way.
  24. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Prayer's being sent.
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