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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. Congradulations!!!!!! One of my best friends retired last spring, doe's not regrete it at all. You will be busier than you think.
  2. Welcome to the site. If you need help with any repairs,just ask--the guys here are very good at working on these bikes. Oh and we do need pics of the bike.
  3. Heal fast---listen to the doc. for at least the first two weeks.
  4. Thats to bad. You should have not led that young person astray by leaving your car unlocked and the tom tom in plain sight. Just joking--Makes everyone of us mad that you can't leave for a minute without worrying about things like this. Hope you didn't have your home address programed into it. My home address in mine will take them to The Hub in Ark. for the international rally. hahaha:rotf:They won't be able to find my house if they take mine.
  5. sent another back. thanks
  6. Yea Mike--that where the bike is. They decent or do you have to watch them and their bikes? Are you close and have any time ?
  7. Looking at a RSV in Big Bend, WI. Talked with a salesman. Anyone close and have the time to look at it in person? I'm about 5-6 hours away and have to work next two weekends (mandatory) Thanks Gil
  8. Yea thats it--that should do it for him Thanks Need to learn how to do that.
  9. Go to search--drop down to google search and click venturerider instead of web and type in markland hitch install. should bring up pics. sorry--don't know how to show you a link. Maybe someone else will.
  10. Nice looking bike--same color as mine. I think yours would look better without those passenger arm rests---just take them off and send them to me.
  11. Like that view---Looks like August, corn high in my field, sun shining. No bikes is the drive, but all the cars there, must be out riding with the kids.
  12. Last year dad had a 1st place taken from him because of the judges. Two clubs combined into one to survive, No one there could believe that he didn't get the win. It was a no brainer---Everyone told the judges off and told them that neither would judge their trails again and that they were going to spread the word. The clubs told dad they were sorry and said he should have complained to the judges, but he said that he had to keep his mouth shut because they might be judgeing another trail he was in sometime. That first place he lost would have been the dogs third. He finished the dog at the next trail. Enjoy the new pup
  13. BuckShot


    Sorry to hear of your mishap---You may want to hire a food taster for the next week or so.
  14. The field trail clubs are closing or being taken over by gun dogs. When I was a kid, I remember Dad and I running our hunting dogs in the trails and doing very well. Dads 85 now and all the old timers are wondering why the young aren't more involved with the trails. Just look at the boreing walkie talkies and the gun dogs that run so fast that they overrun the check by 20 yards or more before they realize the rabbit made a turn,and they are not smart enough to turn around and go back to find the scent. By the way, Dad runs field trail because he figured the walkie talkies were doing their own work more than likely and he didn't like the a**ripers. I think he would still prefer the old way's also, but how do you change it back. I don't think they run packs around here much anymore, more like a couple of dogs down and the judges watch them run. You move up or get dropped, then run again. Both in field trails and gun dog trails. Haven't been around it much and only go once in a while to watch dad. keeps him active though.
  15. Field trails or gun dog trails ? Dad still runs field trail dogs. Only females now--sells his males. I think he has one pup (8 weeks old) still left.
  16. Ken, Check out www.cycletrader.com there is a new one in Ohio about 3 hours from you. Wants quit a bit for it though. Gil
  17. No. 1 or 3---Both look great. figureing it out
  18. As usual,Squid make's some good points. And he didn't :stickpoke:anyone this time. The warmer weather must be doing him some good. Think I'll send him some snow:whistling:
  19. Heal fast--Like others said---Don't feel bad, it could happen to anyone.
  20. I've been watching that one.
  21. Don't beat yourself up to bad. I'm feeling the same way. Looking on the net everyday at both. I think with me its the fact that Yamaha hasn't upgraded in years.
  22. Thanks everyone--I called Squid and talked with him. He said its downtown but we will not have to drive side streets, just expressway. He said not the best area,but we are just going to a presentation about a vet school on Saint Kitts, She has two classmate's taking classes on Saint Kitts now. She would really like Ohio State or a school in Canada somewhere that another classmate is attending. She is really hoping one of them will call. If they do, I just lose a 1,000.00 deposit.
  23. Thanks guys===No not going to school in detroit. Just going to view a presentation about a vet school on Saint Kitts. ( some kind of island, tropical weather and all that stuff.) I wouldn't let her go to a school in downtown detroit anyway. Don't care if she has wanted to be a vet sence age 12 or not. Last year wait list for Ohio state Mich univ. (?) California somewhere or something Reapplied to Ohio state for masters in science ( after 1 yr, switch to vet program and an automatic in.
  24. Have to take my daughter to Detroit Sat. morning. Viewing a thing about a Veterinary grad. college that is in St. Kits (?) She has been accepted at this one and is waiting on a couple more. Better than the 4 wait lists she was put on last year. I have map quested this place and have a gps, but I was wondering is it is in a decent area, etc. Has anyone heard of this place. Thanks in advance. The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit 1114 Washington Blvd. Detroit, MI.
  25. Tell her thats great and keep hunting.My daughter passed her hunters safety when she was ten, loves to trap shoot,but no interest in hunting.l
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