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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. Couldn't help myself---2009 Ultra Classic--$2000.00 under book from PO---5500 miles. Will still have my 86 VR though.
  2. Very interesting responses. We all have concerns when rideing. My wife and I delayed our honeymoon for 2 years and took a 2 week bike trip. We still ride that same bike today. She said I can never sell it. When the kids got alittle older, we added a sidecar and took them. Now they both ride their own bikes,(son 25 and daughter 22 yrs old now) We enjoy rides with them all the time. Its great family time together. If the bike comes out of the garage, my wife if putting on her helmet and so are the kids. Last year at the international rally, I hit a dog and the bike was going all over the place. My wife just sat back there, didn't move,yell,scream or nothing. Scared us and the couple behind us. When I asked her if she was alright and that I was surprised she didn't do anything, she said she trusted me to do my best to get us out of danger. We have such wonderful memories on the bike and riding with the kids. Last summer my son's friend almost died because of a bike accident. His own fault---Affected my kids ,wife and I but we still ride. I worry about my kids as we all do, but when they are out on the bikes I worry alittle more. When I worry, I think of what I told my mom when I brought my first bike home. Mom, I don't want to be sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair saying to myself, I wish I would have tried that. Enjoy the ride and the company. The more you do together the closer you become with one another.
  3. My ground runs from the battery all the way back to the plug on the bike and through that all the way back to the trailer lights. I was having the same problem with reg. lights and LED's. Ran a short wire off the ground wire on the trailer to the trailer frame under the trailer and it solved my problem. I think the ground wire was to small to carry the current ( if that makes sence) that far. If your trying to ground through the ball, you may never get a good ground.
  4. Glad to hear your doing better. Hope everything heals quickly. Hope everyone else is fine also.
  5. Someone started something Looks great
  6. Happy Easter to Everyone.
  7. I have heard of the rare instance when the elec. brakes locked up on a mc trailer and caused problems. BF Specialties.com (bunkhouse campers sells brakes for their campers.) I think Timeout and Aspen do also, all as an option. With the weight you will be pulling I wouldn't worry about brakes on the trailer. My trailer weights 180 lbs and loaded I have had it around 300 with no problems. Just give yourself a little more room for stopping and be aware of your surroundings.
  8. Cut down a tree and hang your ar** over the trunk and have the newspapers set out along the trunk. If you run out of newspapers, you can use the leaves.
  9. Sounds good Don---Work you magic. Been wondering who all was on facebook anyway.Just another way to keep in touch if need be.
  10. Prayer's sent for all
  11. Tell him congradulations! Nice looking ride.
  12. All I know is that it takes the bugs off and everything looks better and a lite rain beads on the leather. I'm not a leather expert. Oh--it also feels softer and not as stiff.
  13. Meltonian All Purpose Cleaner and Conditioner (Propert's Original Formula) It cleans-condition's-and water repellent all kinds of leather. We use it on jackets,chaps and my son and daughter's leather saddle bags. We buy it at our local leather (biker) shop. $7.00 a bottle last year.
  14. He deserves your buisness or at least a good shot at it. Keep in mind Yam corp. called him, but you can usually tell how a dealer will be by how they act.
  15. :sign woo hoo: Great news Squid--So glad for you and Lonna. You were in my thoughts almost daily and was always praying you would find something. Enjoy the new job and life. As always the best for the both of you.
  16. I agree:thumbsup2:
  17. I have an 86 VR and I get 37 to 40 around town. Trip last year to the international rally I averaged 40-43 mpg and that was 2 up pulling a trailer that weighed about 300 lbs. Wouldn't go to that dealer again.
  18. Glad to here you were not hurt.
  19. Very nice looking lights.
  20. Sorry to hear about her accident. Hope everything goes alright. Know how she feels, fell backward a few years ago and broke my wrist. Not as bad as hers. Learned an important lesson from the doc. that day---No matter what, when you fall backward, don't put your hands out behind you to stop your fall. (its very hard not to do) let your behind take the fall, and lean forward when you hit the ground so your head doesn't hit the ground.
  21. If a cute 18 yr old boy asked her to go it might be a different story. Hope you took it real easy even though you didn't get out of 3 rd gear. Maybe her friend will keep talking to her about how fun it is.
  22. Nice bike---enjoy the ride.
  23. 14 years old and a Honda CL 125--little brother tore it up bad. Next bike was a Honda CB550 and after that a Honda CB750
  24. Thanks --- but see edited post. hahahaha
  25. Buzman sent me this pic that his wife found of my 86 VR and my kids. Thought I would share. Should have said this was an old pic. He rides a sportster now and she rides a Yam 650 twin.
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