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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. Thoughts and prayers sent your way for a full and speedy recovery.
  2. I forgot what IR it was, but they gave away a Timeout cargo trailer. The nice thing about that was if you wanted to add money, you could trade it for a more expensive model or camper. If you already have or don't want a trailer, you can always sell it. Seems to me Ragtop bought his trailer this way.
  3. I believe its an older Bunkhouse also.
  4. Puc and Tippy...Congrats, 34 yrs and counting...that is great. Loved the story and wishing you two many more happy years together and in the wind. Gil OH and Puc.....next time we meet, You will have to remember to ask me about my first date with my wife.
  5. So we all know how to help Eck out if he pulls a boo boo.....
  6. Prayers for everyone Dick.
  7. You will love Schiets.....great place and mechanics...If you have them do any work, ask that Eric works on your bike. Of course with all the help here, you can do all the work yourself. Keep an eye on the calendar for Meet and eats so you can meet some of the best people around on bikes. Welcome to the group I am sorry that you have so many of those crazy buckeyes so close to you, there are 49 other states you could escape to ! Don't listen to some of those guys from Mich......
  8. Glad you were not hurt worse Eck. Heal up quick.
  9. :beer: Happy Birthday Bob....hope you have a great day..... Gil and Gail
  10. congrats on your accomplishment.
  11. Happy Birthday Tom....
  12. Would be a better reality show than whats out there now for sure.......Hope they discover you soon Puc......
  13. Hey now Buddy......I don't have to remind myself....Its to let others know to stay out of my way around the bathroom..... This way I don't have to wait in line....... Hope your feeling better my friend.....say Hi to the wife for us also.
  14. Way to go my friend.....Now we just need to see you riding that trike..... But to be honest, I knew you still had her. Gail and I really enjoyed seeing you and the better half again.
  15. http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=85779&d=1405845046 Is this the ALL NEW AND IMPROVED 2015 RSV ????
  16. I'm innocent I say.....I just have not seen Bongo's trike this year. B2Mom and Dad's meet....he brought the car. Rag's meet....guess what...brought the car again. Bongo mumbled something about a bad battery and a spare battery that was bad aslo......Very convenient Bob... What does he mean, he's NOT B2DAD????? What the heck does THAT mean? Really Patti.....Puc and I laughed at that comment....we thought it was a pretty quick comeback for old Bongo... On another note, wonder if anyone else noticed the really neat shirt Buckshot was wearing during this event? That shirt sure had me making a lot of trips thru Raggy and Jeannies kitchen while I was there Now Puc.....I like my shirt...I think its funny...
  17. I only have 47,000 miles on her....but like the vid say's, she was parked in the barn for alot of years while the kids were growing up and in sports. I also bought a 09 Ultra in 2010 so I have been riding her also. I wouldn't be afraid to take the 86 anywhere in the country right now. She is running fine. AND the old girl still outride's the Ultra any day of the week for comfort and handleing.....
  18. Gail and I had a great time at Jay and Jennie's today. Missed the ones who said they were comeing but didn't show. Met new friends and reunited with old ones. Cowpuc was a hoot to be around and I don't think he put his camera down all day. Had some from over the border and they were so nice to be around also. Thought one guy was going to fall asleep on a comfortable lounge chair outside, so had to invite him over to talk and keep him awake....LOL... Jay and Jennie, thanks so much for putting this on, wonderful conversations with everyone and the food was terrific. Jay sure is a grill master for sure.
  19. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=58880 This should help.....
  20. Started, hualed two loads from one tree and two more trees came down in the storm so have alot more to cut and split....need to add to the cord I have out back for campfires......
  21. With the way things are going, will have to wait till I retire so I can find the time....
  22. Whats that....with Dad passing, I have been maintaining two houses....but next weekend I am rideing to Ragtop's get together....
  23. Got it off e-bay a few years ago..I have another off of an 87 part bike, but not a ventureline rack...look about the same. If your interested, I could post a pic.
  24. I got this done.....even with other work to do......
  25. I think I have one, will have to look around. Found it...looks good, only problem is the antenia mount on right side was welded and rusted and now cracked...left side antenia mount is good. PM me if your interested in it and we will figure out how to get it to you.
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