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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. I wouldn't worry about the switch--next time your going to think ,oh sh**, what now and then remember to check to kill switch.
  2. I should have mentioned that the stiffer fork brace will help also.
  3. Evan--how much air pressure did you have in the front and rear shocks? Two up approxiamte weight,etc. Trailer weight/tongue weight will affect front end also. Preload setting also. I have an 86 and sence my wife and I are both alittle heaver now than 24 yrs ago when I first started pulling, I have had to put the preload on 3 and bump the rear shock up to 50-55 lbs with a heavy trailer (300-350 lbs). Front shock I leave around 10-12 lbs. You want the trailer tongue level or pointed down alittle with both of you on the bike. Its something you have to play with and learn from. With a lighter trailer, I can lower the rear shock pressure some. It all depends on how it feels going down the road. Thats one thing nice about the MKII, you can stop and adjust pressure untill it feels right.
  4. Lights are good--looks good and nice job also.
  5. Looks like you had a nice ride, and those were great video's.
  6. Thanks Bob--Been thinking of a meet and eat, but have been a little busy. I'll keep looking at my calendar tho and maybe something will pop open.
  7. Thats just one of the great benifits of the site. Wait till you meet more of the members here at meet and eats or rally's. Welcome to the site-it become's addicting logging on everyday to see whats happening.
  8. Your not leaving anyway Jay--we will hunt you down---you know that.
  9. PM sent--hope it helps
  10. Hey Jay--I think you should have posted this under the Jokes and Humor section.
  11. If your gauge stays on the low side-you might have a bad gauge. I seen somewhere on here how to check it. There is also a sensor on the right side of the bike towards the front that if the wires are loose or connections dirty the gauge won't show temp correctly. I have an 86 and my connections were loose and dirty so my gauge would read on the low side and barely move up even when bike was hot.
  12. Nice bike,you sure did get it shined up. I've got two here that needs to shined, if you need something to do.
  13. Thats going to be worse than Freebird and Squid next to each other. The whole campground will never get any sleep:stickpoke:
  14. I'm here but don't see any pics.
  15. You should know by now not to ask him things like that. It only encourages him.
  16. See what happen's when you quit playing with wood. And quit complaining--At least you wasn't drinking by yourself.
  17. It really not the hunters. It has more to do with the crops being taken out and moving the deer around and the fact that the rut is starting and the bucks chasing does and establishing there territory.
  18. The more you ride it the more you will love it. The bikes are really a great ride. Have you realized yet the the purchase price is just a down payment for accessories. :crackup:Seems like everytime I stop by the dealer, I see another must have doodad.
  19. Ever sence he rode my Ultra to Indiana---I have to schedule it with him so I can ride it. Thats ok thu--he can't keep up with my 1st gen. --even when he rides his low rider.
  20. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery
  21. Planning on jumping ship? Look how many already have---whether to a GW or Harley or whatever.
  22. Let's see here---Ohio sends them out by mail with a return envelope---you should know when your B-day is. Guess all you can chalk it up to is :sign brain fart: But in your defense--you don't need plates on the bike in January.
  23. Here's some pic's. ( I hope) This is my wife's first time taking pictures from the back of the bike while riding. She's learning. And Dick--It's ok about the ice cream--You explained about the diet. I really wanted one of that Amish buggy leading our group up the hill also. Gail just couldn't get the camera set in time.
  24. Yes-as previously stated, I have waved them around and they still tailgate,and won't pass. And yes- I run the legal limit 85% of the time. If I do speed its 5 mph over and even on the expressways. I rarely go 10mph over on the expressways. The people that don't speed have as much right on the road as the one's that do. My attitude is great--Its the aggressive drivers that push it over the edge. Thats why when I have a chance to talk to them nicely and explain I do so. If they get into my s**t ---I give it back to them. If more drivers showed some common courtesy and drove reasonably and not acted like they own the road we wouldn't be having this conversation.
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