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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. BuckShot


    I don't care what Monty says -----NO way you are going to get me to believe-------------That Monty was up early enough to take a picture of a sunrise...........
  2. Prayer's sent.
  3. That at least says your old enough to know better......but still young enough to think you can still do it..........
  4. Happy Birthday to all of you........ Won't ask any of you how old you are......but ......... How many of you have your AARP cards?
  5. Nice looking bike---Hope you have many happy miles on it.
  6. Don't feed the Squid untill he gets out of the car. :stickpoke:No drive thru windows untill after the test drive.
  7. Hope you have many happy and safe miles on it. Enjoy. Don't forget the pic's after you get it home.
  8. Several in Texas would probably be willing to meet you to go look at it also.
  9. [quote=Eck;56207 I really liked my RSV though... it looked like a real bike and not a two wheeled tupperware party going down the road.. :rotf: Now thats funny--and from a Wing rider to boot.
  10. Hitchdoc.com
  11. Nice pic's. Looks like it was fun.
  12. Welcome to the family. Like some have already mentioned---check out the calendar, meet and eats, Venturerider rally in Cody, Wy this yr. - Freebirds maint. day is June 4 and is a must to attend for fun and info/repairs or adding acc. If you have any questions, just ask--the guys here will even tell you how to replace the kitchen sink ( maybe not the right way tho) and they will give you a hard time just like old friends. Its a great family. The site will become addictive and you will just have to check in nightly to see whats going on. Aussie Anne and Quickstep are comeing to the USA to visit us from the land down under this yr. also.
  13. Don't see any difference Don. Just thought I would throw in in the pot.
  14. Nice bike---You definitely need to come to Don's Maintenance day.
  15. See--even at that young age you were all smiles thinking of the wind in your face.
  16. Bought my daughter a v-star 650 2 yrs ago when she was 21, when she graduated college. She took the course and got her license right away. She grew up riding dirt bikes. She is around 5' 6" and about 125lbs. The 650 has plenty of power for her and will run all day @ 70mph. She has ridden it for 2 summers and loves it. She rode her brothers sportster last summer and came back grinning from ear to ear. She said when grad school is done--more cc's for sure. She told me one day last summer that she is glad that she started out on the 650 to learn riding on the road and in groups,after riding her brothers bike. She said the heavier bike would have been a problem learning on. She also was looking at the v-star 1100 (?) She said the bike is light and trucks blow her around a little, but riding the bike has given her confidence. She sometimes has to downshift for a quick pass,but other than that she loves the bike. I personally think the 650-750 v-twins are great starter bikes. Enough power and light enough to instill confidence. True,you will probably have to sell or trade it in a year or two for something bigger, but that is a small price to pay for confidence.
  17. From past post--it should be covered under warrenty. Someone with a 2nd gen should pipe in soon and be able to tell you more
  18. Oh boy---I see what I have to look forward too----- :crackup:
  19. Back in the late 70's early 80's they had maps you could put on your bike or cargo trailer and color the states in that you visited on your bike. I presume that it is the same---states colored in that you have ridden your bike to. Just saying---- I personnelly wouldn't color in a state unless I rode my bike to there---unless of course your to old or health wise you had to trailer your bike.
  20. Nice turnout--I remember some of those faces also. Mandatory work saturday,so was not able to make it.
  21. Thats a shame--As of Jan. 2009, Nebraska does not have a Castle doctrine law. Who knows now. Alot of states and people are finally figuring out that anyone who forces entry into your home, their intentions are not good anyway--so the states are passing laws so you can protect yourself and family before the intruder threatens or attacks. Which is a good thing. People are getting fed up with the criminal getting their wrist slapped. Some may argue that an intruder was just going to steal your possessions and they can be replaced---but that sometimes quickly changes when the intruder is confronted or your young daughter or wife, or young son is found alone in the house. Criminals just do not think or act like upstanding citizens.
  22. Just pulled up their website, and sorry to say its true. Its a shame that such nice people and a great company can't stay in business
  23. Most states have passed a Castle doctrine law----each state is a little different,but very basicly it states-----A person may use deadly forsce against any individual who unlawfully and forcibly enters that person's dwelling, residence or ocupied vehicle. The attacker does not even have to employ deadly force himself to legitimize the use of deadly force by the defender. The defender is presumed to be acting lawfully when he is in one of the three areas mentioned above. Ohio has passed a Castle doctrine. Again this is a very basic description of Castle doctrine law. This law also protects you from a civil suit against you by the attacker's family.
  24. happy birthday cindy
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