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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. Done again.
  2. Prayers sent for the family.
  3. In need of 1 handle bar nut cover for 86 Vr. While on a trip last week with the kids, one of my plastic covers that hide the nut to adjust handle bars came flying off. Hoping someone will have this small item, Gladly pay for it and shipping. Thanks Gil
  4. Larry, glad you two are ok. When I first seen this, I said--Oh no, hope not on the trike. You two take care. Gil
  5. Prayers sent to help Eileen thu these hard times, and also for you and the entire family.
  6. So glad Ponch is making some improvements. The RN's better watch out when he's doing even better. The little I know him, he will give them some grief (all in fun of course). Prayers still being sent and thoughts are with him and family. Gil
  7. Thank God for the good news. Still praying for Ponch and Kathy, and the whole family.
  8. I own a 09 Ultra and if anyone asked me about a Harley dresser they were thinking of buying, I would suggest to them that they look for at least an 09 because of the frame changes, etc. It does vibrate at idle a little,but on the road its smooth as silk. Riding the harley,its warmer than a liquid cooled bike,but that is to be expected. While riding, the lowers open to let more air flow in and that helps alot. I have a rider back rest and my wife and I feel comfortable two up. I did change the seat out for a Sundowner seat from HD and that lowered my seat and my wife's and it put her back perfect on the passenger back rest. ( she has some minor back problems.) I'm happy with engine performance and its a fun bike to ride. It is a cruiser tho, and riden the way it was intended works very well. Lean back and rack up miles. I've been hearing liquid cooled from everyone (even harley dealers) for 3 yrs. I'll believe it when I see it. The bike handles very well in heavy rain with rider and passenger not getting to wet. If you like to customize with chrome---harley has plenty to make the bike your own. Just remember---HD stands for hundred dollar. The HD will definately hold its value better.
  9. Prayer's sent for Ponch and Cathy--two very great people. May the Lord give Cathy strengh in her time of need and may he watch over Ponch and guide the doctors hands for a full recovery. Gil and Gail
  10. Happy Birthday, hope its been a good one.
  11. Glad you found a way to work things out. The 1st gen's are a nice (fast) ride.
  12. From Gail and Gil
  13. :Happy Birthday: Hope you have a great birthday. From Gail and Gil
  14. Yea, I was thinking the same thing. Seen a few on facebook,but figured the most would be on here.
  15. Glad there was no injuries to you. Everyone watch those wet roads. I've noticed the road snakes are slippery around here on the curves with all the heat also.
  16. Thoughts and prayers sent. Hope everything turns out ok.
  17. Great looking trike. Enjoy
  18. Very nice looking camper. Enjoy
  19. Your dreaming again Monty---your wife and mine will never admit we have had a good idea.
  20. No,but I did try to get them to throw in a 4 ft. tall pick panther.
  21. On craigs list I just typed in Motorcycle camper and it will pull up all brands.
  22. Trailmasterinc.com Timeouttrailers.org B-Fspecialties.com Craigs list and e-bay are good places to look for used. I found mine on craigs list. There is an Goldwing forum and motorcycle towing forum,with for sale but I can't seem to find them for the web site. Do a google search for mc campers and cargo trailers and that will bring up plenty. I'm sure others will chime in with more info. For a used one you need to check daily and call same day. Mine showed up on Craigs list 4th of July weekend and I was the first to call and seen it same day. I had been looking for a long time and knew what used were selling for. Didn't want to spend $ on new one at this time.
  23. I think all the MC campers are great. Buy what you like and enjoy.
  24. Bought without wife's knowledge. Wife upset with me. I know-- I'll tell her Monty made me do it. After all, he and Angel were tent camping when we met them. He has a camper now. Dog gave his appoval. Wife took a nap in it. All is good again. Its a 2004 Aspen Classic--screen room--elec. brakes
  25. Happy Birthday Alan---Hope you have a great bithday. What did Annie get you?
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