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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. Prayer's being sent for your great grandson and the entire family
  2. I'm still in motorcycle mode.....deer season (bow) has been in for almost a month. Need to switch and get some meat in the freezer.
  3. I do and my son (Fish on this site) owns an 08 Low Rider.
  4. Thats very good news....Keep it up Ponch, we are all praying and pulling for you.
  5. Happy Birthday Brad.....Hope you have many more. And remember, If you haven't grown up by 50......you don't have to.
  6. Cross Village is great. If your in Harbor Springs again, stop in at Boyer Glassworks and say hi to my cousin.
  7. Take a look at Timeouttrailers.org they sell campers and several cargo trailers and have been in bussiness for years.
  8. Praying for safe return Monty.
  9. Prayer's sent for your mom and the entire family.
  10. Sounds like you and Linda had a great time. Thats the only thing thats important.
  11. Great news....Hand him a shopping list and see if he smiles. Prayer's still being sent.
  12. :sign yeah that: What else can I say......
  13. Happy Birthday....Hope you have many more.
  14. In 09 my son bought a used 08 Low Rider...In 10 he was having charging issues. Took to dealer and they replaced battery and ran dianostic. He paid the bill and 3 days later, no start. The dealer picked it up and worked on it and said fixed, happened 2 more times after that. We called HD factory and they gave us a number to give the service manager. HD factory called us back and said stator was going bad when getting hot. Replaced at no charge after warrenty was over by a year. The only time my son had a bill was the first time it went in. No argueing with mother HD or anything. They fixed it for free no questions asked. I have a 09 Ultra with 16,000 miles and only a couple of minor issues that the dealer has taken care of after warrenty was over. And I hear you guys complaining about argureing with mother Yamaha about issues under warrenty. Like others have said, you can have problems with any new bike,but we are happy with HD service so far.
  15. Prayer's being sent. Hope everything turns out alright.
  16. I like that color...enjoy the new ride.
  17. :sign yeah that: Mine is not installed at this time either..would highly recommend them. I have an extra 10 gal gas tank in the sidecar with an elec. pump to pump to the bikes gas tank. One of the things I really liked about the Formula 2 was the lift nose and wide seat. You can sit two adults side x side in it. The Torsion Adjuster Handle is great. No putting in weight when going for ride alone. Just adjust torsion adjuster and it tracks straight down the road. The sidecar brake on mine is a disk brake and the pedal for it is right next to my bikes rear brake pedal. Use both at same time or just the sidecar brake for a hard right hand turn. I also called Motovation for some advice because mine is in the slow process of being redone. They were great and said call anytime for info and they would be glad to help.
  18. Thoughts and prayer's being sent for the entire family.
  19. I have to respecfully disagree with MiCarl and Snaggletooth. It all depends on how you want to run and the type of road you are on. These bikes will cruise at 50 in 5th without lugging the engine. If you need to accelerate quickly, just drop a gear or two. At 50-60 mph in 5th I'm running around 2700-3000 rpm (ballpark) I will agree with them, that the bike comes alive around 4-4500rpm. I'm always in 5th just cruising around. NOW if I want to PLAY ......I drop some gears and twist the throttle....the bike will handle that also.....They didn't get the nickname TOURING CROTCHROCKET for nothing. Experiment with the bike and check gas mileage...With the way I ride, I average around 40-43 mpg. Long story short---the bike will handle your riding style whatever it may be.
  20. Thanks for the update---Alot of my riding friends still ask about Ponch and we are all still thinking any praying for him and the family.
  21. If you get by Berlin, Oh...Stay at Zinks Inn. Great place to stay and the roads are fantastic. Gil
  22. Hope they get everything figured out. Prayers sent
  23. If you get around Nelsonville,Oh---Hocking Hills area is great. Lot of natural wonders and good roads. Gil
  24. Thanks for all the updates..... Thoughts and prayer's still going out for everyone. A little progress is sure encouraging.
  25. Jerry, Thanks,but I already ordered from Partsharks. Needed a couple of other small items so went that route. Thanks again Gil
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