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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. He followed me home and then went farther west toward Indiana......sent me a couple of messages,but I think they were from his phone....
  2. What can I say that hasn't already been said so very very well. It was a blast as usual.
  3. Made it home around 1:00 , hard to leave the hotel with everyone saying goodbye's. Angel had a great time and I think we converted him to Venturerider.Org for sure.( even tho he was a member, just not hooked like we are ) He couldn't believe the hospitality and getting his bike worked on. Don and Elaine, you outdid yourselfs again this year. Thank you so much. So nice to see everyone again.
  4. Here's one if anyone wants to know how Dano is doing......He and Rose were really enjoying themselfs.... More to come later....
  5. WOW is all I can say....Hope they stay safe..
  6. That bike was sure getting the looks at MD....Should get even more on the road.
  7. Don, I know how you feel. My son and daughter started riding around 22-23 years old. Son on a sportster without MSF course. Daughter with MSF course on a 650 v-star. I always tell them when they leave to ride smart and safe. They know I'm not preaching because of my 40 yr riding on the road. I do know that the riding has brought the wife and I closer together and now the kids are closer to us because of riding. My son is a member of this site and has made several friends here and loves going to meets with me. He was just down to B2Mom and Dad's with us and really wishes he didn't have to work for MD, because he had a blast last year. It scary and nerve wracking,but with guidence they do turn out to be good riders. I believe that most parents don't show enough interest in what the kids do and when you have a chance to spend quality time with them, you need to take it, My son and I shoot pool, hunt, and shoot guns along with ride together. My daughter and I shoot guns and ride together. The family vacations on the bikes are a blast and time together is well spent and only brings us closer together.
  8. Personally, I think they are to busy to ride......... How's that Mini??????????????
  9. As of this morning Fri is 60% chance of showers with a high of 65 Sat is 20% chance of showers with a high of 70 I know the last two years have been very hot and humid....Maybe get a break this year.
  10. :sign funny post: Least ways your not riding a 2nd gen with Harley parts on it.....
  11. Other than a trim shop for the nagahide, I had a trim shop tell me once that Jo Ann Fabrics sell some different good quality nagahide. You might try them. Just a thought.
  12. I bought this invisable cloak from Harry Potter movie, its big enough for me and the bike, but if need be we both can get under it and claim insurance for the bike's....
  13. Eddie..............I'm a little older than you and the Squid., but I'm riding my 09 Ultra in this year so maybe we can stick together for support....
  14. Last year he did my son's Low Rider....front fender....gas tank ( each side on top)... both sides of rear fender and back of rear fender. IF I remember right he charged my son $100-120.00 for everything. That would figure out to around 20 bucks a spot. That should give you an idea. I do know that everyone I seen paying him was paying with cash.
  15. Wecome to the site. You are right, it will be the best money you spend on the bike. Check out the calendar for meet and eats and get togethers. There is a large rally in western NY the end of July. You will find a wealth of info about your bike here and if you have a question just ask.
  16. Monty..40 yrs of riding and never had anything happen this bad before. Oh well, bound to happen sometime.
  17. Parked the bike and walked away about 4 ft. and heard something and saw it falling over into a pillar and block flower bed. Busted windshield, busted plastic chrome on fairing, rear bag guard twisted a tiny bit, busted two of my mini barron light chrome covers, but can't see any scrapes or marks in the paint. Will know more when I get a chance to inspect it better this weekend. Told the wife after I picked it up that we should sell it when its fixed, SHE did not like that idea.
  18. DragonRider--See first pic. I think you jinxed me. 40 years of riding and never had such bad luck on a trip. Oh well, some parts are ordered and looking for the others. Elizabethtown KY. hates me or I hate the town...
  19. http://s608.photobucket.com/albums/tt166/ventureroyale/ More pictures...............
  20. WHAT....Your not stopping by my house on the way this year....?????
  21. Don and Patti... Finally made it home today. Thank you for such a great time. M&E was better than last year for sure. Had a fun time seeing old friends again and meeting new one's. As usual, this VR family is the best..... I would like to thank the VR rider that stopped and asked if my inlaws were ok around Elizabethtown, Kentucky. We got seperated and they were just waiting. He remembered seeing him at the M and E, but could not remember his name. Thank you, its nice to know people still care. Don and Patti....We all had a great time and Thank you so much for putting this on. Love you both....and can't wait to see you at MD. Pic's later when I have some time.
  22. Very nice looking bike. What year is it ? Mine is an 09 Ultra. Hope you have many years of enjoyment from it.
  23. Wish I could....Will be in Tennessee at B2Mom and Dad's fish fry...Maybe next time.
  24. No need to go anywhere. I've got an 09 Ultra and love it. DO NOT....I REPEAT ....DO NOT LET THEM GIVE YOU A PARTS AND ACCESSORIES CATALOG. You will be drooling when you open it..... You can definately dress it up the way you like.. Injoy and hope you have many years of fun with it.
  25. We all will be there...6 for dinner Friday night also....can't wait.
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