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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. Just wanted to say Thank you to the NY crew for a fantastic rally. It was fun with great rides and great people as usual. Met Gunboat ( Don and Cathy) for the first time and now I know why Squidley is having such a great time in Texas. Two very nice people and can't wait to see them again. Met alot of others that I will remember their faces but I'm bad at names. The people at Pioneer Powersports were terrific. What a great dealer to have in your area. I hope the NY crew pass on our heartfelt thanks to them.
  2. Gail and I got home this afternoon. Stayed at the Oberlain Inn for the heck of it, was tired after riding thru Clevland,OH in rush hour traffic. Had a storm in NY just before the Pen. line but blew over in about 20 min. so not to bad of a wait. Was in and out of showers most of the day. Todays ride was sunny all the way home. The NY crew did a fantastic job on the rally. Sarge 46 got off the road just in time. They had stopped in a rest area and a car pulled in behind them and told them about tornado's coming that way and to get off the road. The wind was blowing so hard they could hardley make a turn from one road onto another. Called them this morning and they are fine,but powere didn't come on at the hotel untill almost 11 last night.
  3. Thanks, if the weather doesn't get to hot, it should be fun. One thing I do when camping is take my time and stop early and enjoy the evening. Don't worry about getting an early start in the morning either. The 6 - 7 am starts from the hotels are fine when you are in a hurry. Just throw the suitcases in the cargo trailer and race to where your going....
  4. You want a novel written back don't you. Got back into camping a couple of years ago with a 6 person tent and queen air mattress. It was fun, but getting up and down to set the tent up and take down and to sleep was a little hard on this old guy. I already had the cargo trailer. Bought an 04 Aspen Classic a year ago ( 4th of July weekend) and we are going to use it at the International this year. Should be alot easier. A friend who had both for years said he wished he had never sold his cargo trailer. There is to many times when you wish you had the other to use. Short weekend trips to VR events where everyone is staying in a hotel the trailer comes in handy. Having the camper for the same reason is handy also. What I'm trying to say is that maybe 2 used trailers instead of 1 new one may be in order. Decisions....
  5. I've got a slipstream windshield here from Dano's parts bike. Its dusty and dirty so I don't know about scratch's and such. If your interested PM me and I can wash it and get back to you.
  6. Nice looking bike. Hope you get many safe and carefree mile's from her.
  7. Prayer's being sent for her and the family.
  8. My grandmother always said bad things happen in 3's...if more than that you will have a long run of good luck. Better buy a lottery ticket:080402gudl_prv: Hope you at least got a road kill permit and put that deer in the freezer....
  9. Thoughts and Prayer's being sent.
  10. Do a search on how to put these bikes on the centerstand. Its here somewhere and is very easy to do once you get the right technique down.
  11. My 86 VR only had 10 miles on it when I brought it home. Sence I'm the origanal owner, I should be in the running.....
  12. Once you get used to it, you will like it. Done that years ago so I could take the son and daughter with us. Hooked the cargo trailer up loaded for camping and away we went. They both ride their own bikes now.
  13. Pull the trailer. Makes things alot easier. I unhook mine at the hotel and go find something to eat and explore for awhile, when I'm running the 2 lanes. Its alot easier to pack in the morning also. Hope you have a fun and safe trip.
  14. :wow:Your really asking for it Don. You had better practice
  15. Glad things are going well for you Annie. Next time your in the states, maybe we will have more of a chance to talk.
  16. I know a guy from Ontario that had an 09 Ultra and used reg. HD oil in it. Changed it every 5,000 untill he hit 50,000 miles then every 3,000 untill 90,000 miles. No work done on engine, just regular maintance. He just traded it for a new one. He said something about warrenty being void if you didn't use HD oil. I have heard simular stories, so you had better check with dealer to be safe. My 09 Ultra had HD sny.3 in it and after warrenty was up switched to Mobil 1 V-Twin sny. oil. Very happy with it so far.
  17. My wife always has her parents over with her brother and his family.....Would be nice to have some peace and quite and maybe the two of us go for a ride instead of me cooking for her family....... OH....Son has to work so he will give me a card and daughter is out of the country so she will call.......thats fine with me.
  18. Thoughts and prayer's sent....for all the family.
  19. Doesn't sound like you guys made it far enough south for me to meet you. Maybe next time.....With a little more notice....
  20. Lew, glad everything work out the way it did. I want to see that work of art you redone.
  21. Everyone that I have stalked, is already a member and just don't get on the site much or know about the site and just don't join.
  22. Where at for lunch and what time? I have to work some Sat. morning,but Adrian is only an hour away. My Yamaha is down right now, but if you would let me in with my Harley Ultra I might show up. I seen Larry at B2 Mom and Dad's and I think I could put up with him for a little while.
  23. You don't know the half of it Squidley......I sat down with them to eat lunch.....She sure is a winner and keeps him in check....
  24. I don't think Angel believed us Dan... he gets that bike running right---he will be afraid of it..... Even with the used diaphams, he got 40 mpg on the 2 lane coming to my place running 60 with a strong headwind all the way here. He was so excited...said he had never gotten more than 35-36 mpg before.
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