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Everything posted by BuckShot

  1. See went and got the Dog didn't she?????? And sence your feeling old and your knee's hurt, she could ride her own bike to make it easier for you to hold your bike up. Thats love.... Man Don, all she does is think about your happiness. You need to go buy her one.
  2. Talk with MarCarl..He took one for an all day ride at the Internatonal
  3. I always lock mine..They are known to come unlatched and blow off. I'm constantly double checking them. Sorry about you losing yours.
  4. Happy Birthday Dan
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTI......:Crazy_139:
  6. What do you need them for Angel?
  7. Hocking Hills is a great area to ride and hike. Just watch out for the local drivers coming around curves in the road when you are trying to pull out into traffic. They run the roads faster than you expect. Used to go down a couple times a year, but now its about every 3-4 yrs. Rented cabins, camped at the KOA and at Old Man's cave state campground. Its a good place for a extended weekend. If you came down 109 you were about 5 miles from my house. So when do you plan to go back for a longer stay?
  8. Prayer's sent for the entire family.
  9. :wow:Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.
  10. Thanks, I'm checking out all I can find.
  11. Not really showing my age buddy.....Just have a lot on my mind and the and instant recall is malfunctioning...Plus The better half is yelling for me to get the sidecar done. Might need your help for a marathon put back together and get on the road weekend.
  12. If you look, he passes a deer just coming out of the curve on the right just be fore he hits the other deer.
  13. Any other options? If not, I be calling the company above.
  14. Just checked my mileage going to and from the International. Some 2 lane and some 4 lane. Running from 60 to 70 mph. We had some high wind and rain also. Averaged out to around 36 mile per gallon. I am riding an 86 VR . Pulling my large cargo trailer on the 4 lane @ 70-75 mph I get around the same.
  15. You really need to look every night for the used ones. Some, like mine had been used alot,but others are used so lightly that they are like new. Keep track what they are going for with extra's and be prepared to jump on one when you see it. The used one's with the good price don't last long. I looked for almost two years and missed some really good deals.
  16. Last year I bought a used 04 Aspen Classic. Love it, don't have the a/c port like Monty's,but I can buy it and add it to my tent. Few stains on the tent and a couple of small holes in netting,but that was taken care of after I bought it. Had it set up in my yard and it rained 3 inches in 1 1/2 hrs. Little bit of water on floor, but sealed roof and floor seams with VLP and now no leaks. Have talked with Trailmaster a few times and they are great to deal with.
  17. This scares me more than the pond monster:yikes:
  18. You ought to try driving a truck locally for a living.....It would scare you to death looking down on everyone to see how many really do text and drive. Just sayen...Cell phone's are great, but some kind of feature that would shut them down when the car is running would be great, but expensive.
  19. Glad someone got a picture of that....
  20. Your learning buddy.............
  21. I had seen it before....its just that I have intentions of taking lots of pics, and then forget to get the camera out later in the trip. Oldtimers has set in....
  22. Here's some more pics. http://s608.photobucket.com/albums/tt166/ventureroyale/2012%20VentureRider%20International/
  23. OK, I talked to two different guys at the International about having parts chromed. But as usual, can't remember their screen names. Need info on where to send parts to be rechromed. Don't want a cheap chrome job done that will peel and flake in a year,but don't want show chrome either. Anyone with info on where to get this done, it would be appreciated. Thanks
  24. Seen a used Backpacker trailer for sale on the way home from the International. Looks new and hardley used, has spare tire. Anyone know what they are worth?
  25. Very well said. And I have ordered from them before and they are always very helpful and ship quickly.
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