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Everything posted by ScottB

  1. Monkey of the Cracked Craniums MC:scared: Scott
  2. Hi Earl,


    Thanks for all the information, My email addy is SBaldridge@verizon.net I am going to do the oil change and the rear end lube change this morning. I did look at your fuse box upgrade shortly after I found this site and thatg is something that I want to do to my bike in the future also. My fusebox is still in working order but does show signs of wear. I am usually off on weekends as well, I have this weekend free to myself but the next 3-4 have events going on. Sometime we will have to get together for a maintenence check/ ride / or what have you. I am also going to take a closer look at the carbs today as I am only geting 25 MPG now. When you stand behind the bike it does smell rich. I looked over some posts here on low MPG and I see reference to the diaphrams and the rubber intake boots.


    Ride safe, I will keep you posted on my progress.


  3. Hi Earl,

    Yes I am just 5 miles west of Greensburg, Someday we will have to get together for a ride. I wish my inlaws still had their camp near prince Gallitzen!


  4. Just to let everybody know I put in 1/2 can of seafoam and went for a 50 mile ride, I thought the throttle response was pretty good before but I find it much more responsive now. I am going to be busy for the next two days and will not have time to ride the bike, this will give the seafoam a chance to work while it sits. Next week I will take a few more pics and post them in my album. Scott
  5. The moment you all have been waiting for....... I Just added a picture to my profile. Now I am going to get a can of seafoam and go for a ride. Scott
  6. Thanks for all the replies! I know I have to post some pictures, I was hoping you would bend the rules a bit for a new member of the family:fingers-crossed-emo I know rules are rules and as soon as I figure out how to post a pic I will get a few posted. My front tire is a Dunlop K177F with only 600 miles on it and no signs of cupping. The rear is a Dunlop D404 and is new as well, 200 Miles. The previous owner ran 32-35 Psi in both front and rear, I was running 40 PSI in the rear and 32Psi in the front. I will bump up the front tire to 34-36 Psi and see if that helps. Here is a test I did the other day. I put the bike on the centerstand and locked the forks. I went to the side of the front tire and grabbed it at the 3 and 9 O'Clock position, I then tried to turn the wheel left and right. In doing this I can see a slight flex in the forks in the area of the brace. I am going to go over all the fork bolts to verify that all is tightened properly. The only time I notice the wobble is in a tight turn such as a 90 Degree. Riding in and out of my work driveway ( 2b stone) is a treat also, Front end wants to go all over. I will pick up the Seafoam. Thanks, Scott Scott
  7. I just purchased a 1988 venture that is in good shape and only has 42K miles on the speedo. I have been browsing this site with great interest picking up as many tips and info as I can find. I do have a few questions, I just checked my gas mileage and I am getting 28 mpg. Is this normal for back road riding where I am running in the 2500-3500 RPM range? I have not been " jumping " on the throttle as I am still getting used to this style of bike. This is a big adjustment from the sport bikes! I also notice a slight " wobble" from the front end when making a slow sharp turn. Is this something the aftermarket fork brace will handle? If so anyone have one for sale? I have the factory service manual for this bike and it calls for 20-40 oil. I am going to change the oil in the near future any recomended oil brand to use? I do notice a bit of noise from the tranny gears when sitting at an idle, Is this normal as well? I am thinking a synthetic oil might be a good choice, your comments? Sorry for all the questions but like I said this is a new style bike for me that is very different from all my previous rides. I really enjoy taking this bike out for a cruise as it is so comfortable and I do get many " what kind of bike is that? questions. Any information that you can provide me with would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Scott
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