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Everything posted by fardnarger

  1. I use a pull up handle roller bag from Wal-mart, I gave $22.00 for it and works perfect, just take it off and roll it into you room.
  2. Down here in the south, we take our wives along to hold them up, while we are sipping cold ones. (LOL) OUCH OUCH STOP IT HONEY I WAS JUST KIDDING. (SHE RIDES HER OWN, AFTER THIS STATEMENT I WILL BE HOLDING HERS UP.)
  3. I have a problem with feed back (a high pitch squeal) if I have the passenger hooked up to the system. if I adjust the volume then I can't hear the passenger. Any Ideas?
  4. JakeWilson.com has the best prices on Dunlops
  5. I put it in my lawn mower, ran so fast I havn't seen it in a year LOL
  6. Kerrville Tx for the Texas Star BBQ in June, and in August the Smokies, Dragon, over to Myrtel Beach S.C. and back home to Mississippi.
  7. My 2005 Venture has 22,678 miles on it, I am on my second set of Dunlop 404s (got 12,000 on first set) never had a problem with noise from them, My Wife's VTX 1300 has 404s on it and have never had problems with them, checking the air pressure weekly helps out on getting a lot of mileage on a set. Also be sure and check dates on the tires when you purchase them some have been laying around warehouses for years.
  8. Could have been a scam and got reported.
  9. My wife rides her own honda VTX 1300
  10. SOS PADS WORK GREAT, rinse scrub rinse wipe dry, a box of 6 $2.98.
  11. its times like this I'm glad I live in Mississippi, but my thoughts and prayers are with the ones who are without power for days on end. Thaw out soon.
  12. Are you able to connect the CB to this unit also? If not are there any units that you can, so that you want a bluetooth earpiece and your speakers in your helment.
  13. Choo choo man
  14. Just had partial replacement left knee on 12/01/08, therpy killing me, but the pain that was there before surgery is gone, had 3 other surgeries on same knee to repair, but it just kept on blowing out so we did the replacement. ( it is called the Oxford knee) so far so good. The polar ice pad is my buddy along with the darvocet.
  15. Right Now on E-bay I think everything you need is there, It was just posted. Seem to be a whole 1st Gen bike for parts. Just a Suggestion
  16. Your Welcome and I salute all of the Veterans, and the people who support the Military and VETS Keith Grantham USAF Security Services 1974-1979 MS Air National Guard 1979-1985
  17. $2.06 in the great state of Mississipi as of yesterday. The wife and I were heading out for our Sat ride and as we stop to fill up we had to wait for them to change the prices. They said that by the middle of the week it would be under $2.00:clap2:
  18. This is the best, I put one on my wife's bike, she plugs in her ipod and it works great with the head set, also if she talks or receives on the cb the i pod shuts off the sound and returns when she is not talk or receiving. I got hers for $175.00, I already had the cb antenna and coax, got the mount for the antenna at truck stop for $7.99, it is the mirror mount and it mounted right to her luggage rack. We made a 1500 mile trip and had no trouble communicating, and the weather channels are good on trips.
  19. Thanks pegscraper, I did check the air pressure before and during the trip, I will check the steering head bearings etc, Thanks again
  20. fardnarger


    Well just took my first trip on a Venture (2005) the wife on her 2005 VTX 1300, We left on Thrus evening Sept 4 from Florence Ms heading to Dogpatch Ar (worst rally I have ever been to, will not go again) but the ride thru Jasper, Ar, hwy 7, 43 and 74 were great rides, rode to Boxley Valley saw the Elk come within 100 yards of us, spent two days in that area, then headed out to Eureka Springs staying at the Iron Horse Stables (Nice Folks) very peacefully stay, rode in and around Eureka Springs a couple of days, then headed to Branson Mo, by way of hwy 86 to 65 good ride in the country, (had one of them free vacation there, sat in a 90 minute presentation) got 3 days and 2 nights free. Left out Thur heading to Hot Springs Ar for the rally by way of 65 to 7 GREAT Ride except for the 40 mile detour due to washout on hwy 7. Check the weather Thur night and decided to leave for home Friday Morning due to weather, of the 1500 mile trip we did not get wet untill 40 miles from home. The venture average 42 mpg the vtx 44 mpg, the venture was a little squirly on the curves, need to do something about it and I developed a shake on front end if you have one hand on the Handle bars and you are letting off the throttle, any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. My Wife says that skunks should be on the endangered list in Ar as many as we saw dead on the road.
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