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Everything posted by fardnarger

  1. Thanks for your services, be safe
  2. My wife learn to drive her on her own in the pasture on 1982 cb900 that I had at the time (this is the one with the hi/lo range and 5sp) she got on and took off doing real good until she tried to follow the paths that the cows made, she went down just barley missing a big fresh cow pile, I ran down to help her but by the time a got there she had picked it up and took off again, and then she hit second gear rode to the house,parked it and said now get me my own. She got a 250 rebel, and then a 700 suzuki, and a honda shadow 750 and now has a Honda VTX 1300 retro and loves it. I always tell the story that after 10 dead cows later she was driving her own. 8 years now
  3. Agree 100% I had told them about two months ago that we were not renewing, and the impression that we got was, so what. And then you have to join a local star group and it cost more money, and they tell you that you have to make so many rides to stay in. Why pay someone to tell you when you have to ride?
  4. Should be covered under the lemon law, if you have the same problem after 3 times it is considered a lemon and should be totally repalce by the manufacturer. I got a new motor in a pickup because it kept on blowing the head gasket, after the third time it blew the gaskets, and after speaking with an attorney who told me about the lemon law.
  5. Wouldn't want to meet that bunch in a dark alley
  6. Has the PGR gotten any better about where the money goes, or is it still going to attorneys fees? Is is a shame that so much money went to attorneys instead of soldiers and familys
  7. Name of Restaurant Old Country Store Mr D's Restaurant Street Address 18801 Hwy 61 South City Lorman State or Province MS Website (Optional) http://www.roadfood.com/Restaurant/Reviews/1320/old-country-store Quality of Food Fantastic Quality of Service Fantastic Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) great southern cooking - fried chicken specialty Alcohol Served? No Additional Comments In Mississippi on Hwy 61 south in Lorman Ms, The Old Country Store has been turn into a buffett style resturant call Mr D's it has been checked by food critics all over (Chewing the fat: Alton Brown on Fried Chicken) and they state that it is the Best Fried Chicken along with other sourthern foods. As for as the building it has been there for over 100 years. It still has the old wooden floors, and the original shelving with the ladder that you roll down the aisle to get things off the top shelf. And while in the area you need to visit the Ruins of Windsor nearby (historic civil war mansion ruins) for a photo opportunity and then you can ride the Historic Natchez Trace, from Natchez Ms to Nashville Tn.
  8. I got mine from Leatherup.com, I took the chrome trim off, loosen the windshield, I slid the 3 compartment windshield bag in between the shield and the fairing, tighten the bolts on the shield up and put the trim on, Works great been on for 23000 miles.
  9. I have notice that my right muffler has a carbon buildup (black sut)at the end of the muffler, any ideas of what is going on? The left is clean.
  10. Just did a 1,711 mile trip average 43 mpg 05 Venture using Marvel Mystery oil gas treatment 2 0z per tank of fuel, the wife's vtx average 46 mpg, I don't know how and why but without it on a 1500 mile trip last year the venture only average 38-40, and the wife's vtx 40-42 mpg.
  11. My dog ate my gauges.
  12. We just got back from the Smoky Mountains. 1700+ miles round trip. We rode the Dragon 3 times, saw lots of deer and wild bear at Cade's Cove, rode practically every mountain road in the National Park and Foothills Parkway along with the Cherohala Skyway. We had a great trip other than my wife having a fender bender with a truck that stopped at a green light - she is ok but her bike has a few scuffs and scratches. It was absolutely beautiful country - we've seen it lots of times before but not from our bikes.
  13. We would like to M&E with you we are just south of Jackson Ms, but we are leaving out (me on my 05 Venture, the wife on her VTX 1300) early morning of Sept 3rd heading to the Smokies Mnts, Chattonooga and then Gatlinburg Tn
  14. Prayers to you. I dislocated my shoulder because of a seat belt not releasing fast enough, (police officer trying to jump out of car to catch a perp) Five shots of morphine and three of something else the Doc popped it back in place and I slept for four hours afterwards, Every thing was ok until they sent me to phiscally therpy that cause the rotator cuff to tear, after surgery the only problem I have is I can tell you when it is going to rain or turn cold. So be carefull if they send you to therpy.
  15. I installed strobe lighting (4) (do a lot of escourting) with a seperate switch placed in side cover and fused from the battery, can be used instead of 4 way flashers, bike has sat for 3 hours with them on and did not affect the battery.
  16. Not sure where to post this. My 05 Venture fell over in the toyhauler this weekend, crack and scratch the outer fairing. I was wonder if anyone had one to sell or know of one for sale yamaha silver color would be nice.
  17. Can't make this one, our Son is getting married Sat, then he is headed to Fort Rucker to be commisson as an Officer in the Army Guard, presently crew chief on black hawk and then pilot school for the black hawk. but let's try to have one in Ms again but not the Sept 3rd thru 14th (Gatlinburg trip). As Get Smart would say "missed it by that much"
  18. This is what I use, spray it on wait about 3 mins and wipe off, bugs and all. even tho it's says Honda it works on Yamaha (LOL) http://www.honda.ca/NR/rdonlyres/e3nuiemsqgtb5bsf3j66wg7tvhaoldc3yhq4uyb6wx3bxl7v6nnk7rrdztfignubh5a4rs7t7isjme/001small1.jpg Genuine Honda Spray Cleaner & Polish, http://www.honda.ca/NR/rdonlyres/e3nuiemsqgtb5bsf3j66wg7tvhaoldc3yhq4uyb6wx3bxl7v6nnk7rrdztfignubh5a4rs7t7isjme/001small1.jpg
  19. Be Safe, We will be in Gatlinburg in Sept
  20. Warranty doesn't cover clutch, or does it?
  21. Now that's funny I don't care who u are hahahahaaaaaa
  22. Friday in the hill country of Kerrville Tx it was 99.9 degrees and a heat index of 110, my fan came on one time, when we stop to let 37 deer cross the road, other that it didn't come on the 4 days that we were their. Why didn't someone tell me before that Texas has big hills (LOL), great riding around the Kerrville area, hwy 39,187, the three sisters etc, great rides, however I lost count on how many times we cross the Guadelaupe River.
  23. www.jakewilson.com Has good prices.
  24. It happen to me Tuesday, It was a bad battery
  25. My 05 RSV started to run rough at about 30 mph and then ran fine, stopped at resturant and ate, came out bike would not start, had lights and radio, but would not start, noise from battery like low voltage, push bike off started and rode 3 miles died at red light would not start back, after 2 hours got another battery(new one) cranked fine rode 25 miles to home no problem, tried to start after about 30 mins would not start, lights, radio, work but not enough juice to start, put battery on charge last night, this morning it started fine. I don't think the new battery had been charged, new in box when it got to me (on side of the rode), so hopefully the charge last night will do the job. Got to get it going heading to Texas next week.
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