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About dnBunnie

  • Birthday 04/03/1957

Personal Information

  • Name
    Frank Nijkamp


  • Location
    NL-Kaatsheuvel, NB, Netherlands


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  • Interests
    Family, movies, riding, reading, PC-stuff, walking the dog
  • Bike Year and Model
    RSV '99
  1. Probably due to the fact that my floaters differ from the ones in the vid. the settings don't give improvement. In fact lowering the floaters so that they won't float higher then the 8 to 9mill, ensures that in my case there is much less fuel in the chamber. The settings as I found them were so far off these 8-9 that I was confused about what was meant. When I saw the vid. I knew and did the adjustment. That resulted in bad running, not picking up the throttle and not getting high resoluitions from the engine: there simply was not enough fuel. Ressetting the tangs to the original position, plain straight and not bend, resolved it again and the bike is running nowmal again. Compare my pics above with the video. Strange thing in this is that my manual do show the same floaters as I have and also recommend the settings to be 8-9 mil.
  2. This conversation I had with Don, who helped me out.
  3. Thanks a lot you all for the quick responses. And it will be blue:dancefool:
  4. Okay, I'm repainting my RSV. I really like the red of the H@nda GW. But now I was at this meeting, and there I saw a blue and red standing together. And I was very charmed of the blue one too. So here is my question, has anyone a picture o a dark-blue RSV? I searched om this forum, but that is really very time consuming. thanks in advance
  5. You are right David, the accent is not clear. It is on the term "cheap" Although they are imported from the states, it may be known that cheap parts are eventually expensive parts, whatever country they are from. So don't feel offended.
  6. my RSV was scratched after a slide on a 20% slope previous season. So the idea was to get it repainted during the winter. Not! Was it lazyness, the cold, other things to do? Whatever I started the job only a week ago. Choosed not to ride that much this year, and seek my fun on repainting, polishing, add accessoires, checkups, etc. Nice and easy, on a warm day with a beer from time to time, walking the dog, doing a bit of gardening. Looks like I'm getting old you think? I don't think so, just a matter of prioritizing and enjoying whatever I do. here you can find some pics. I will add new ones every now and then. Enjoy.
  7. Being a moderator myself I really know that a lot of time is needed for maintenance. When you seek big thank you's and stuff, you should not be a moderator. Like Don said, the honour is enough. What Z Factor is explaining is understandable. But let us consider this as a chicken and egg situation. 1st contribute and then enjoy privalages mentioned. To put out a donation mail for supporting Don is a good idea too. And maybe it will raise more money. But where does this lead too. There are more unfortunates among us. When they all put out donation mails it will be just spam. But nevertheless now it can be done both. So co-moderator send your support-Don mail.
  8. Sorry for this late reaction, but meanwhile the bike is repaired. it was indeed the thermostat which would not go open anymore. Everything was fine after replacement. Costs appr. € 30.00
  9. Good for you Dave to have finally found the problem. I think in my case it is the thermostat, since it don't use coolant. I haven't looked in to it yet, due to time issues. But is there some kind of pump in the cooling system? And is that mechanical or electrical drivven? Could be a cause too, because the red light goes on when cruising with low revolutions per minute. I really apreciate it when you, not only Dave, have any idea or a likely, simpler, solution.
  10. Has someone else an idea/link/address?
  11. Hi Freebird, I think I'm experiencing the same problem. Which is curious sincs this is already me 2nd RSV and drove appr. 100.000miles with a RSV. But since a couple of days the red light goes on when I'm cruising with low but reasonable engine tours. I think it's about 2.500-3.000. Even when I let the engine to run idle. When you say to get it corrected, what did you mean exactly, the riding style or something with the bike? grtz dnBunnie 99RSV
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