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Everything posted by Sideoftheroad

  1. Just saw this movie trailer on Yahoo. Says characters are portrayed by active Navy Seals, is fictional but tactics and weapons are real. Looks like a good one to go see.
  2. Just guessing another lady called or emailed and she saw the email or answered the call. Not suprised the info. is still out there after the accounts were closed. There was an uproar I think last year on Facebook when people found out they have rights to keep the pics and other info. even if you close your account with them too. No one has brought up that it took a year for someone else to contact him.
  3. State Farm tells you the same thing. Parked in your garage=homeowner's insurance claim. G&V in all fairness it isn't Farmer's fault for crappy body shop work. I just don't think businesses in general like to deal with insurance claims. Granted Farmer's could have given the body shop a raw deal and the body shop just passed it along to you but my focus would have been on the body shop. Body shop probably agreed to be one of their shops as either way you look at it, it increases their bottom line.
  4. I would be suprised if they do, the last thing I remember from the end of season 2 is he sold the saloon to a couple or at least was going to.
  5. I am not diabetic (yet) but both my parents and my brother were diagnosed this past year. Kinda suprising at least for my dad because he does take care of himself. He is in his late 70's and still sharp as a tack. My wife works for a company that produces a blood glucose monitoring machine so some of you may have even spoken to her. :-) Years ago, there was a guy in the Indy group that swore he would be back on a scoot but this was before they took both legs below the knee and his fingertips (not sure how many). It is certainly not something to take lightly.
  6. This is really close to the Voyager kit. http://www.mtcvoyager.com/voyager-standard/hardware.html
  7. Could be wrong but I think the story went something like the person that was making it had a patent on it (so no copies can be made), died, someone else has bought, was given the patent rights or something and they aren't making them. I am not sure who actually has the patent at this point. Now here is one question like what many companies do all the time is someone cannot make an exact copy but they can make some changes to it and make it. Similar but different. Correct?
  8. Just got a reply from Paul Flanders who appologized for the delay (must be busy :-) So anyone interested in the future for $30 you can send your cable to him and he will rebuild the cable for you. He said they would need to use the throttle elbows from the original cables. 2 day turn around time after he receives it. He also said he sells Motion Pro cables but takes 2-3 weeks to get them in. Braided Stainless Steel. Stock length + 3.5" on the pull cable and return cable is stock + 2" for $39.00.
  9. Interesting idea. Well not sure about a good way but use that stretchy material like what suspenders are made of and criss cross them like a shoe lace type pattern. Not sure about how to mount it though.
  10. BTW flb Flanders never emailed me back.
  11. I think the easiest way to answer this is what type of cable is the buddy rich cable? I am pretty sure all those connectors under the hood are the same. I could be wrong, but I don't think it is c-bus. 5 pin dinn if I recall.
  12. Well just got a call from the dealer, the part is in.
  13. Thank you. I sent them an email to see if they have a standard cable.
  14. bump
  15. Does anybody have any other ideas?
  16. The only problem is the cables look all the same so I wouldn't want to buy more than one as it might be the same one. Pinwall doesn't list Yamaha part #'s.
  17. Pinwall has several listed but since there is more than 1 throttle cable don't know which is the right one.
  18. As I mentioned before the right top throttle cable broke. Just called and they said it is on backorder. I really can't see a huge demand in throttle cables except for new models so not sure why it is on backorder. Any suggestions on where I might be able to get a replacement?
  19. But if (I know big if being a car charger) the phone is turned off then that shouldn't be an issue, would you agree?
  20. The girl said something about they just had like an hour long training on it, but I don't think she understood it. I am sure I wouldn't either. I could probably get the basics of what they were saying if I heard it, but unless someone like yourself hears/sees the method behind the madness to understand the actual science behind the reason why, I say it is bogus too. I am not putting down the sales reps, but I would guestimate nationwide 99% of the reps don't have any type of electrical background and don't understand it so they just repeat what they were told. It came from corp. so it must be true. If more respond, put your background like Monty did.
  21. With a good amount of folks with electrician or electrical backgrounds thought I would post this and see what you guys think. 1st I will say the response I was given I think is a bunch of b.s. and just a gimmick to get you to buy a new charger unneccesarily. I currently have an LG ENV3 and I was looking at the LG Revolution. I asked the rep about the car charger I have will work with this smartphone. She removed the cover and the ports were the same so in my mind it should work. She said no as the car charger I have doesn't produce enough juice to charge the battery. She made some comment about it might even cause premature battery wear. Every single smart phone review that I have read no matter which one it is, all say smartphone battery life is bad, so again don't really see how I am at a disadvantage here. So I also posted this question on the verizon wireless facebook page and here is one response I got "Because the charger isn't strong enough to charge a smartphone. All chargers go up to a certain wattage, and a smartphone takes a higher wattage." So to my question is what is your take on the wattage comment?
  22. Boomer. Yummmmmmmmm. Dairy Queen. That be the one Randy. What do you mean again Bob? Uh, this never happens to me. I was with my friend whom just bought a new stryker. He wanted to go to Westfield Yamaha to see what accessories they had. Afterwords when he and I left to go home, I had just turned to get onto 31, got about 30 yrds and snap. The throttle cable broke. Luckily I was literally on the other side of the road from the dealer. A new cable is cheap, which they didn't have in stock so I had to leave it there :-(
  23. Anybody heard of that famous Willy Nelson song On the Side of the Road Again? :-(
  24. http://bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm Just past 1/2 way down the page there is instructions on how to do the single antenna mod. Bummer is a good resource on how to do it too since that is how he has it setup.
  25. Flyinfool and Cougar thanks for looking I do appreciate it. Flyinfool, I know what you mean. I looked in my hobby box and found some more stuff that I didn't even remember I had. Do you know what the shelf life for fuel would be? Hope you have fun w/ your refound goodies. Ray, email sent to your friend. Thank you very much.
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