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Everything posted by Sideoftheroad

  1. My CB antenna is broke. I am thinking about replacing it w/ the Firestik Firefly FL3. Can I use the same FL3 to replace the radio antenna?
  2. Kelly, Lots of good info. I can say the bike is definetly not bouncy and rideable. My ride to work is about 98% straight line. I only have to turn at stop lights. Even just going out of the neighborhood, there are plenty of bumps, dips etc and no bouncing. So yes I took a chance and rode to work yesterday and today. It did feel a little sluggish backing it out of the garage, but once I got going, it felt normal. And if I am understanding your info. correctly, I will lose air pressure due to preload ability loss, but I am still ok. The reason why I ask is I pumped it up to 37.5, due to weather it sat for 3 days and now it is down to 32.5. So having lost the preload ability, I ride mostly 1 instead of 2 person Again if I am understanding correctly, I really only need to worry about preload if I add another rider, trailer, etc... since it stiffens the suspension. But since I mostly do 1 up, I should be ok to ride, correct? I know a couple riders that have said they have run 0 psi on their shocks for years and haven't had any issues. Thanks.
  3. Well I'll be darn. I have looked online and through a few catalogs and couldn't find it. Now that I have the p/n, I checked they Kury web-site and found a fitment chart. What do you know, shows p/n 6235 and flame grip is 6261. Thanks.
  4. Anyone have the p/n for it? I couldn't find a listing that showed one available for the Venture. Thanks.
  5. Thanks. That is the impression I was under after talking to another rider.
  6. Thanks guys. I did call a local H-D dealer. He has ordered 6 of them to be coming in this week. He says they go pretty quickly. He gave me the p/n so I have checked e-bay as well. After shipping cost, might as well wait until the dealer gets them in. Sounds like no Yamaha p/n. From my understanding they come w/ a new H-D. With the cost of a new Venture, why wouldn't that be supplied too?
  7. So I called a couple local Yamaha Dealers about getting a Yamaha handhelp air pump for the front and rear shocks. They didn't have any. One dealer asked it that was supplied when the bike was bought. He couldn't find any part # either? So does one come w/ a brand new bike? Is one available from Yamaha, if so what is the part #. From people I have talked to in the STAR group, it sounded like Yamaha should have one. Thanks.
  8. Got one mirror that vibrates and my hands tingle. Dealer said they just sync'd them before I bought the bike. Would like to know how to do it and see how I come out compared to the dealer.
  9. Rumors float around all the time about upcoming model changes. Heard for years Honda was going to do something different w/ the VTX. Well they called it a tourer by adding a windshield, saddlebags and sissybar. Pretty disappointed. Latest thing I have heard is for 2009 or 2010, the VMAX engine will be in the RSV. I can't imagine they keeping the same characteristics w/ the HP. I can see them dumming it down. I talked to another rider that said right now you can take the cams out of a vmax and put it in our ventures.
  10. Steve, So that's how you knew. LOL. I replied to your e-mail. A couple days after I got the bike I checked the PSI and it was only 10. I now have it up to 40 and the strangest thing is it is not leaking anymore. I wiped up the oil last night and I just checked it. No fresh oil on the ground so far. So now I have 2 thoughts. All the oil has leaked out (while riding and sitting in the garage) or the seal didn't bust (at least completely) but the oil was being pushed out due to low PSI. Thoughts?
  11. ahhhh. That makes sense. I haven't ridden a car w/ blown shocks but seen plenty of them so I know what you mean.
  12. Thanks for the info. The previous owner told me it is the original shock and he has not had any issues w/ it. I think I stated before I have a 1999 w/ 55k miles. After a couple days of riding the bike I checked air pressure when I 1st got it. The rear shock was at 10 psi. I had one friend of mine suggest this. So I am wondering if my friend might be right. The funny thing is I now have pumped the shock up to 39 psi and it seems to have slowed the leak. I have to wipe up the oil (again) and keep an eye on it to be sure. Thoughts? I know it is going to have to be replaced, but any danger in riding the bike until it gets fixed? What were to happen is all the oil drains but the shock still holds air (if that is possible)? I don't know the mechanics of this shock so these may sound like stupid questions. Thanks for the patience. Jerry.
  13. Until I get familiar enough w/ the bike, I will probably be asking a 1000 questions. I just traded in my Honda VTX for this beauty. Can you take a look at the pics. Does it look like the leak is coming from the 2 tubes (and what are those 2 tubes for) or does it look like the rear shock is leaking? If you think it is the rear shock, do you think the bike is still drivable? Unless I am misreading the manual, it says for the shocks (front and rear) standard PSI is 0. I am a little confused by that. If it is 0 then why bother having air shocks? My thought process is, if I lose air pressure because of this leak, it won't hurt anything because the manual says standard is 0. You can see the trail where I wiped up some liquid prior and you see the puddle forming again. http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc12 ... 0007_1.jpg You can see a droplet forming at the bottom of the shock http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc12 ... 0009_1.jpg You can see the bottom 1/2 of the boot is wet and the top 1/2 is dry (I haven't ridden the bike in a couple days now) http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc12 ... 010012.jpg I checked Babbitts online and they are showing a new rear shock at $423. Don't really care to spend that kinda dough if I don't have to. I am riding a 1999 Venture. Thanks.
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