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Everything posted by Red1

  1. Craig, My apologies if you thought my safety concerns with an aux tank were directed at you (or anyone else) personally. It certainly was NOT intended as a "personal bash". Frankly, I don't care HOW or when you personally check out. And I agree it would be better to die in fiery crash than choke to death in front of the TV. Better to burn out than rust out, eh? My point was not about your personal safety or how you live your life. I don't care if you wear a helmet or skydive or like to swallow swords or play with scorpions. Mistakes doing any of those activities will probably only injure you. My concern was for all the other people you share the road the with. Riding a motorcycle for 7 hours then fueling up and riding another 7 hours is NOT like driving a car for the same period of time. (Although many people are not capable of driving a car for 14 hrs either.) I think most would agree that motorcycling is much more physically draining on the body and you are much more exposed to the effects of the weather. The resulting effects on the human body such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, muscle cramping, loss of focus and general fatigue that are often not noticed by the rider as they are occurring. The result CAN be a motorcyclist that is operating at MUCH less than 100% of his/her physical & mental abilities - so that if (or when) a situation arises that requires quick reactions and clear thinking - he/she is NOT up to the task. The end result can be other people injured besides you. And whether or not you see an exposed 5 gallon can of gas as "no less dangerous than the tank between your legs' - that is in part because you are thinking only of the danger to yourself. The fact is that extra 5 gallons of gas strapped on the trailer behind you, unless the attachment is properly engineered, could become dislodged in a relatively minor crash and turn into an airborne bomb - and go........where? The tank between your legs is not likely fly off and injure anyone else. Again - my concern is not whether you burn yourself up, but for the potential for burn injuries to OTHER people, should that gas end up on them. I have nothing against LD riding or LD riders - I enjoy being on my bike all day, too. It takes a lot of stamina to ride long distances. But there are REAL benefits to stopping every couple hours that should not be overlooked or minimized. And while you might find it inconvenient - the benefits are not just for you alone. So do the rest of us on the road with you a favor - don't just think about how to make your aux tank "look cool" - think about what happens to that extra gas can if you should crash. Even at low speed, a crash that extra gas tank cannot avoid the laws of physics - remember "an object in motion will remain in motion" ? Crash at 25 mph and the tank will want to continue traveling at 25 mph. Drink plenty of fluids while you are riding and stay sharp out there. There are other lives and dreams at stake besides your own. I'm a huge believer in personal freedom, but the other side of that coin is personal responsibility. You don't get to enjoy one without accepting the other. And to me - that means thinking about the effects of MY actions on other people, not just on myself. I don't care if a person drinks beer until they can't stand up - but they have NO right to get behind the wheel and put others at risk because of their choice. We have a responsibility not only to ourselves, but to perform our activities to the best of our ability and within our capabilities - so as not to put others at risk. So, did I say all that without it coming across as "bashing" or ranting or a personal attack? It was intended as food for thought to everyone. "To each his own" is a fine sentiment and I whole-heartedly agree, unless one's own actions cause others not to be able to enjoy thier life. Thanks for carrying your own insurance, too. Sorry if my thoughts derailed the topic - although they were at least related to the topic somewhat. Adios.
  2. Dude - don't be so serious! I was just having a little fun! :banana:and making a point at the same time. I understand the reasons WHY someone would want to do it - just seems like a lot of work to save a few minutes of rolling time. Bear in mind - it's actually GOOD for you to stop, get off the bike and stretch your legs - it helps to keep your muscles & reflexes sharp and helps your mental focus. It gives you a chance to assess your overall condition - you may not feel the effects of dehydration, for example, until you actually stop the bike and try to walk. Sitting too long in one position is also bad for your circulation and can lead to blood clots in the legs and a swelling of the feet. Serious enough? How about what happens to an aux tank gas tank in the event of a crash? Where does that little bomb fly off to? A crash is bad enough - a crash with an extra 5 gallons of gas sprayed over scene seems a lot worse to me. My point - never forget the Law of Unintended Consequences. Or, if you prefer - Newton said - "For every action, there is an equal and OPPOSITE reaction". Being able to ride for 7 hours without stopping might SEEM like a good idea...............but is it REALLY? Is making good time the most point in our journey? OK, that's all the serious I can handle for 1 day. Safety first, fun second (or ivice-versa) - non-stop endurance riding.........not in the top 10 for me.
  3. Curiouser & curiouser........ NEXT................. to solve the side effect of "extended range" - we"ll discuss how to hook up a drain directly from your bladder using a catheter, some plastic tubing, a half gallon milk jug and some duct tape. Now where did I put those pictures.......................?????
  4. There ya go! Correction and humor at the same time. :banana:Curious tho.................did you see how many responding to this thread are named "red"?
  5. ..........I'm sure someone will. And I could be wrong - I was once before - but I believe ANY portable tank or cannister or jug into which you put gasoline is - by law - supposed to be red for safety reasons. Gas stations can stop you from putting gas into any non-red colored container. I know - because they stopped me from filling a clear 5 gal. jug with gas I was getting for my boat. As I recall - "Hey - STOP! You can't put gas in THAT! It's gotta be a RED can!!!!" "Really? Why's that?" "I dunno - but it's the LAW. Now shut off the pump." Now I leave my clear jug for my boat gas in the bed of the truck when I fill it up. And maybe I'm just a simple guy that likes to do things a simple way......... But I don't see any reason to hook it up into the bike in any permanent or even removable fashion. Why not just carry the gas in a one of those flat spare gas cans on your trailer or on the trunk rack and when you run low, pull over, and just pour it into the tank? It would take what - maybe 3-5 minutes to do that, stretch your legs, eat a candy bar and take a pee? Just sayin'.............
  6. I wonder if there is a minimum fee that the brokerage houses use? That could explain the high fees on relatively small items. I don't even know how much the fees will be when I ship an item. Well, I'll stick to FedEx - not sure if there any better, but if it's gotta cross the border and there's no mule handy, whadda ya gonna do? I reckon they figure you're from Canada - you gotta be used to getting screwed by now, eh? And every day - be thankful I live south of the border. Adios, amigos.
  7. Yeah! That'll show 'em! I'll see your and raise you .
  8. Both FedEx and UPS charges are based on a combination of size and wt. I don't know why anybody would be charged $45 to ship a trunk rack - sounds like someone was padding the bill to me. I know for a fact it wouldn't cost $45 in actual shipping costs for a box that size..unless you live in Hawaii or Alaska. But if you also charge a packing fee and a handling fee and call it all "Shipping" on the invoice..........then you could get to $45 pretty easy. And boost your profit at the same time. I ship a lot of large but light boxes - 36 - 55" long but under 30 #'s. I hit the OS-2 and OS-3 catagories all the time. IMO - USPS is the rip-off. The flat rate boxes are fine & they do have 4 sizes - very tiny, tiny, real small and small. When i have a box to ship - I will price all 3 UPS, FedEx & USPS. I have found USPS to be only a little cheaper than FedEx on smaller boxes and much more expensive on larger boxes. USPS may be fine to ship a book or a small part, but for large packages either UPS or FedEx beats them on delivery time and price. I can go on-line, put in the info, get a price, print my labels and drop off the boxes the next day - much easier than hauling stuff into the Post Orifice and waiting in line. My customers can track the box so they know when to expect delivery, and on the few times I have had a shipment damaged, it's WAY easier to file a claim and get it resolved with FedEx than it is with either UPS or USPS. As for getting stuff into Canada - FedEx is definitely a better way to go. They have their own customs brokerage set-up and I have never had a problem with them either getting something delivered or bogged down in customs. I shipped with USPS once - never again. With FedEx I can get a crate from WI to Calagary in 4 days and they bill my client directly for the Canadian taxes and fees.
  9. Why not use the same quick disconnect that is used on boats for the connection between the motor and the removable tank? That uses a rubber gas line and seems to hold up to all the jostling a boat takes year after year. And for that matter, you could use a boat gas tank as your aux tank. Or one of those skinny fuel packs they make for 4 wheelers? http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/horizontal-pod.jsp?id=0049067&navCount=2&parentId=cat20161&masterpathid=&navAction=push&cmCat=MainCatcat21412-cat20161&parentType=index&indexId=cat20161&rid= Seems to me it be easier to use products already designed to carry fuel. You could mount one of these thin gas packs on the trailer, then use RedRiders attachment method to hook it into the Venture fuel line. With a fuel line connector from a boat, you'd have a safe, easy way to un-couple the tank. Just a thought. Not that it matters to me - my wife only has 125 mile bladder anyway - mine's not a lot better.
  10. Don, Thanks for the update. It's gotta be tough to deal with, let alone share with everyone. But lots of us have you and this website here to thank for making our lives a little more fun. It wouldn't be the same without ya ...........we wouldn't even be here without ya! So hang in there, buddy - you've got thousands of folks pulling for ya.
  11. :rotf:Hey, it worked, didn't it? Looks like my reservation Q got answered, so damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.
  12. If by "pansy" you mean that wonderful ride of mine, these should answer that. :banana:Everywhere I can, bro. :think: You weren't trying to hurt my feelings, now wuz ya?
  13. It's been my experience that most state parks don't allow you to reserve cabins or campsites for the summer season until AFTER January 1. I mention this because if a date is picked NOW and someone else has a big event at the park that weekend, we could be S Outta L.
  14. Bill, I've suggested this before, too. I still think it's a good idea. But doesn't US 66 start in Dwight, Illinois....................not Canada? I've also thought a ride around Lake Superior would be fun to do as a group. Or US 2 from end to end. But again - we digress from the topic ...........
  15. Rocket, I lived in Idaho for several years - I know all about mountain twisties. I've never made it to BC, but I plan to. It looks dang purty in the pichers I dun seed. (Opps, I went south again). I wouldn't be able to make it in '10 - but I promise to cast my dark shadow over Kanadia again one day. There's lots of places I'd like to go, lots of beautiful places to ride - which is why I'm glad this group DOES have ride-in's all over the place. That was the legimate point I was trying to make. I just hope my sense of humor doesn't get me killed first. How big is this Brian dude?
  16. A very diplomatic response and a fine idea. The names have been changed to confuse the idiots..........I meant protect the innocent. If I win the lottery and all the stars align - I'll be at all or both of them. Just a warning........ I'll bet Rocket will head up the volunteer committee for The Genuine Official Super-Duper Venture Rider Multi-Cultural Co-Ed International Rally-In. He's from one of those frozen northern & western wastelands. eh? whadyasay, Rocket 'ole buddy? I already got my passport.
  17. That big red lobster on top of that poor overloaded bike of yours was hoot, Charlie! You looked like the Clampet's leaving Maine. If there is already a Kruisin' in the Kootananny's (you Canuks shour spelle things founny) and a Piggie in the Pines and Deal Gap 4 all the all other regional rallies planned for 2010...............is it just the "international" designation we are talking about here? The OFFICIAL T-shirt? Can't anyone attend any rally? We had bunches of our brothers and sisters from the Great White North at the PIP - wasn't that an international rally? Why don't we just call them ALL "International Rallies" and be done with it? If you set it up ..................they will come. I'd love to be able to attend them all - but I'm not independantly wealthy. Yet. Let's face it - it's a long way from coast to coast of either country. Those that have the time, money and inclination will pick one or more rallies and attend. If there is a 5 year anniversary of the Potato Creek meet - I'll be there. Whether it has the "official international" stamp of approval or not. And if I have the time & money - I'll ride to another one. Rather than talking about dividing things up - I think we should be grateful to have so many people willing to put forth the effort to make these things happen. It provides those of us that attend with so many more opportunities to see different areas, meet different people, learn new languages (I still have a hard time with Kentuck) and ride new roads than if we had it in the same place year after year after year. Variety is the spice of Life. I'd love to ride to the Kootenanny's or the White Mountains or Death Valley - all I need is a lot of money and a lot more time. So call them all Official International Multi-Cultural Venture Riders Rallies - set them ALL up, attend the ones you can and have a good time. EH? And Thanks to all who do the time-consuming work of setting these up.
  18. Hey Don, Seems to me that 2 things would resolve this, but both are in short supply everywhere these days - tolerance and civility. The internet can bring out the best and worse in people. In can connect us with other like-minded folks who share our intersts. And it allows some to hide safely behind their keyboards and computer screens and spew venom without fear of consequence. I don't know that there is an answer to stop people from putting non-motorcycle related posts here. This is where the tolerance comes in - allow other people to have different (even ridiculous) opinions without having to reply to them. And if you do reply, do it with some civility, style and class. And that's all I got to say about that.
  19. That thought has occured to everybody that has met ever Charlie. So............let me see if I got this correct. I'm not allowed express political opinions anymore or disagree with the religeous zealots or make disparaging comments about any region of the USA (including Texass) or the entire North American continent (i.e. Canuckville) OR write anything that might offend any of the overly sensitive among us..................... that about it? Are we still the Venture Riders or did we change into the Pansy Riders in my absense? We used to be able to jibe each other with reckless abandon. Why is this thread even necessary? Have we gotten so thin skinned that even a verbal brawl once in a while is too much for our dainty dispositions? When I was growing up - I was told, "don't dish it out if you can't take it." Still seems like solid advice. I don't know anyone that has died from bruised feelings or a wounded ego..............do you? I'd rather live in a world where people disagreed with me and said so, than in one where everybody thought the same way, talked the same way and acted the same way and was afraid to be different. (btw - that's called Harleyland). We need to laugh more - at ourselves first, and then at all the other idiots out there. And stop taking every little thing that someone posts so serious. Dios mio - we're all supposed to be adults here. If you're so sensitive that something someone says in a post can destroy your self-esteem .................maybe you bruise to easy and should sell the motorcycle & take up a different hobby...............like knitting? Maybe - instead of everyone trying not to offend the delicate among us, maybe the delicate need to toughen up for a change? I'm sure even this little rant will offend somebody. Gosh, that makes me sad.
  20. Boo who?
  21. As per my usual method - I posted my "thanks to all" message in a different thread than everyone else. So, at the risk of repeating myself - Thanks to all for a good time. OR - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33734&page=7 The pics are great - thanks to everyone who posted them. Now I can show my wife who everyone is. Dan - Hope I didn't slow you down on the way home. And you are 1 sick puppy, dude. You give a whole new meaning to the term "animal husbandry". :rotf:I hope you at least sent Whiskey some flowers. As for a wedding - I can only guess who that involves. Hey, I suppose it's cheaper than going to Jamaica Could be a lot of fun. But then every PIP will become and anniversary party! BTW - how many more years can those 2 get away with being the Honeymooners? Ride safe all - good to hear everyone got home OK.
  22. I don't know all the technical stuff - but these are the ones I use - http://www.jpcycles.com/Search/ProductDetail?sku=310-144&Ntt=310-144&Ntk=product_number&Ne=0&N=0&Ntt=310-144&Ntk=sku_search&results=10 They are bright, relatively inexpensive and bright. Very bright.
  23. I noticed this thread the other day, so when I was in the Oshkosh Fleet Farm, I checked out the price of Seafoam there. I paid $6.58 for a pint. Last time I bought it, it was under $6, I think. Not a huge jump here at least.
  24. I installed the splitter inside the fairing last week. It was well worth the $5 and 30 minutes it took. Now I can close the cassette door and I ran the cord so it comes out opposite the intercom plug-in. The sound is MUCH better (cleaner and louder) than when I was using the cassette adapter. And all the wires are no longer hanging around the handlebar, so the bike looks cleaner, too. I keep the volume on the MP3 player at max and I can hear my music over anybody's pipes. And with over 45 CD's/albums on the MP3 - I'll never have to listen to the same cassette over and over and over and over and over............... So, once again thanks - info from fellow Venture Riders has improved the enjoyment of my ride considerably over the years.
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