I know this a rather old thread, but it relates to my current problem. It's been a while since I've checked in here, but when you need info, there's no better place. I had the puddle of oil under my bike (with telltale drops coming off the shock mount) yesterday. It's a 2000 w about 25K on it. I thought it was a bit early for the rear shock to go, but seems like many others have experienced this problem even sooner. The odd thing was that the bike had not been ridden for almost a week and had not leaked a drop. Then we got some extra hot and humid weather and yesterday it made a puddle on the floor. I rode about125 miles last night - not a drop this morning. I also got the $500 quote from the dealer, so I may order one from Flat Out, too.
Several folks have mentioned Works Performance shock, but no one gave a web address, e-mail or phone # for them and I don't see them listed in the Vendor section. Can someone post the website or contact info, please?
Other than that - Life is good. A slew of personal tasks have kept me from riding as much as I would have liked this year or making any of the VR events - maybe next year.