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Everything posted by BigBoyinMS

  1. Here's my CD replacement. A Sansa Fuze. http://eimages.ecost.com/prod/7728000/7728912_lg.jpg I have a couple in 4GB. About $30 as a refurb plus a few $ for the cable to plug in to the accessory port. And you can add more memory with the MiniSD cards.
  2. Yep, 1 inch.
  3. By the time I got through typing all that, that was what I got out of it. Or at least M/C specific oil should give us better service. Personally, my next oil change will be with Mobil-1 M/C oils. My first changes after getting the bikes was Amsoil and I would still use it if they still sold it locally. But I've been using Rotella since then. By the way, while I was searching for info I noticed this is a pretty big topic with a lot of the old sports car, classic car and muscle car forums.
  4. I've been in the auto parts business for over 30 years and have only heard of one oil filter destroying an engine. It was a Fram that a Road Star owner used on an engine that he had just built. After the meltdown he found pieces or filter paper stopping up an oil line. Some years ago I cut a new Fram open and decided that I wouldn't ever use one from the low quality that I saw. What made it even worse was that I had cut apart a quality filter to compare it to. That made it look even worse.
  5. Since I also have a Road Star I'm a member on the Road Star Clinic. We have a member (ScottW) that has done a LOT of research on oils. This is what he has found... First, Flat tappet engines (our bike engines, most any auto older than 20 years, etc.) require an oil with Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (often referred to as ZDDP) to prevent premature cam lobe/tappet wear. His research suggest a minimum of 1300 ppm of ZDDP for the air-cooled Roadie engine. (The water cooled Royal Star engine may possibly get by with a lower level of ZDDP but more is better.) The problem is that due to stricter standards by the E.P.A., ZDDP has been all but completely phased out of oil and most oils don't have that 1300ppm minimum. Diesel oils as a rule still have more ZDDP than auto oils but even Rotella is only 1200ppm. Motorcycle specific oil is pretty much the only way to get a decent amount of ZDDP. To give you an idea here is an info link to all the different Mobil oils. https://www.mobiloil.com/USA-English/MotorOil/Files/Mobil_1_Product_Guide.pdf And although there are lots of ZDDP additives on the market it isn't really recommended to use them since they can affect the additive packages in the oil. Another issue with using non-motorcycle specific oil is that even though the API symbol may not have "Energy Conserving" it can still have friction modifiers. Just a little more to think on.
  6. Only the RSTD's have the removable tips. RSV mufflers are one piece.
  7. I tried it also and decided it was a waste of time. Couldn't tell a bit of difference. In fact, I feel more difference after a carb sync.
  8. The last time I sync'ed mine I did it at 2500 rpm and it seemed to run much smoother. Then again it could have just been out and the sync just smoothed it up some. But I sure don't remember that big of a difference when I did it at 1000 rpm last time.
  9. I had one do that. (Cheap metal and the previous owner put the serrated washer in the wrong place.) I helicoiled it but the Helicoil kit plus the drill bit plus a Harbor Freight 1/2" drill motor (that I needed anyway) came out to about 1/2 the cost of a new set of peg extensions.
  10. I used to work at an ISP and had free hosting until a year ago. After checking around I went with JustHost. Great uptime, unlimited email accounts, very inexpensive and email replies for support are super quick.
  11. I'm not sure what year your bike is but the EBC catalog shows that the 86-93 VR uses the same pads front and rear. You can get the organics (FA-123) on Amazon for roughly $35 each set incl shipping. Either he made a mistake looking them up or their prices are just inflated. Maybe they don't realize there isn't another dealer to merge with. Next time it's close the doors. His attitude was the biggest mistake.
  12. Just buy ya some "John Wayne" toilet paper and none of this will matter. It's ruff and tuff and don't take no crap off nobody!
  13. Yeah, I get a kick outta those puzzled looks on their faces.
  14. I wouldn't mind doing some dyno runs on mine but the idjits around here think a 3 run package for $350 is a good deal. Whatever the figure is, your seat-of-the-pants dyno will think it's more. As long as you keep the rpm's up there are very few H-D's that can hang with it. Power is not a worry. Just don't expect to outrun a GoldWing.
  15. 4 qt jug of Rotella Syn T6 is $19.00 at Wally World or Advance Auto Parts. Not much more (if any) than most dino oils. Edit: ...and it has an acceptable amount of Zinc and Phosphorus that is good for flat tappet engines.
  16. Wally World in my area was out of T6 yesterday. Advance Auto parts is only a few miles away and they have it for about the same price. $19
  17. That sounds light the light sensor for a headlamp modulator.
  18. Probably won't change the attitudes at all. Many of the H-D parts are made in other countries now. In fact, my understanding is that the crank halves have been Indian made for some time.
  19. The MM's had a great color scheme. They really should have done an MMX for 2010 with the same colors (plus the stick on flames). Just think... it could have been a marketing gimmick and they could have had an MMXX in 2020 since we will probably still have the same cassette playin' bike.
  20. Mine were paper thin but I got 21k out of them and they actually wore evenly. I was surprised too as I use the rear a lot for turns.
  21. BigBoyinMS

    Got one!

    NIIIICE bike! Congrat!
  22. I had a buddy give me a set of RoadKing mufflers and I have everything to put them on except the brackets, but... in the last few months my stock mufflers are starting to get a nice rumble to them. I didn't think there was anything in them that would "settle" so I'm a bit surprised. Actually starting to sound darn good.
  23. Looks like this thread just ain't goin' away... so brace yerselves. One is me and my evil twin and the other is my bride of 32 years. Y'all guess which is which.
  24. July of '08. I actually joined a few weeks before I found my RSV on the classifieds here. And there is no question about my character.
  25. It's possible, but not really likely, that you have a rear drive gear issue. It's more likely that you need to do a rear lube of the pins. Here's a link to more info on that.... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13263 Edit: Forgot to mention... use Honda Moly 60 lube! Part-no 08734-0001 from any Honda or Acura car dealer... or pay twice as much at the cycle dealer.
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