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Everything posted by BigBoyinMS

  1. The Kumho is 165/80R15 and the front is the stock 150/80-16.
  2. Just my experience... but I still have the factory front size tire and for me the bike handles just like it did when I had a M/C tire on back. Your handling will probably suffer if you try to go wider than stock on front, even if it would fit under the fender.
  3. As I said... contentious. I gave it some thought... and it still seems to me that a lot of the negative comments come from those that have never even sat on a C/T bike. They just "know because they know" that it can't be a good thing to put a car tire on a motorcycle and they need everyone to know that. In fact, one of the most trusted and respected members here used to routinely speak on the evils of car tires on bikes when the subject came up. To the point of coming within a word or two of calling me a liar a couple of times when I would give my experiences. And the best that I ever got from him on his CT experience was that he had ridden one.. once. In his defense, I'm sure he believes what he says and is just trying to keep everyone safe. I will agree that of the members here that have actually bought and installed a C/T and then went back, the 32% figure is probably close. And I will agree that some people/bikes have a negative experience with it. Some bikes end up with a high speed wobble and some people think it feels different. Every bike is different and every person is different. For me, it's been a good thing. Sorry for the thread hijack. I didn't expect answering a question to get so far off the original intent of the thread.
  4. It isn't a harder compound, just a different one. Over on the Darksiders forum a member tested the hardness of a large number of car tires and M/C tires with a Durometer. Of all of the tires he tested he never found a car tire that was harder than any M/C tire. It's been some time since I read that thread and he may have found a harder C/T since, but I doubt it. My experience... no comparison on traction. The Kumho on my bike grips better than the M/C tire ever would. Braking, cornering and wet. The subject is pretty contentious. Everyone has an opinion. Some are based on experience and some are based on a ride around the block and some are based on nothing. Most negative opinions are from those in the last two categories. There have been a few that put some miles on a C/T that went back to a M/C tire but not many.
  5. Wild and cool! But I call BS on the guy running on the water.
  6. Titled "please help new guy" http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=56484
  7. I guess all those car drivers that just HAVE to have a cassette can just go buy a NEW Venture!
  8. Very cool! Really enjoyed that!
  9. BigBoyinMS

    Moly 60.

    Honda or Acura car dealer. Same 8 oz tube but the price should be around $10. If they don't have it they can usually order it and have it the next day. Part# is 08734-0001.
  10. I haven't seen this one mentioned on here before. It called PRI-G Fuel Treatment. From what I read it's used mostly for marine engines. Sounds really good and it should be for costing about $1 oz. (But you treat at 1:2000.) Here a link to a marine dealer for more info if anyone is interested.
  11. captainjoe, do a search for some of my posts on the Kumho that I run. My bike will never have any other tire on the back of it. And to answer your question directly... I aim at tar snakes just to see what will happen and so far nothing has. And when I first came up on a grooved section of road I really tensed up but... nothing. Basically, it's been no negatives for me (other than some negative attitudes) but plenty of positives. Edit: You asked about a front tire. The Darksiders tend to have the best luck with the Pirelli MT66 REAR tire run in reverse rotation on front. Just use the correct size for the front. Rear tires have more rubber and are built heavier. If you haven't done it you need to check out the Darksiders forum.
  12. I use a Sansa Fuse or less expensive Clip model. The difference is that the Fuse has a display if you want movies or photos on it. You can buy a refurb 4gb Fuse and the aux cable for about $50 or a 2gb and cable for about $35-$40. It is also a voice recorder (if you have a need for anything like that) and it has the clearest FM radio you'll ever hear if you want to use it off of the bike. It's only about as big as an old fashioned cigarette lighter and half as light. And the Clip is less than half that size. A 1" square piece of self adhesive velcro is the best mount for it. My wife first "had to have" a $250 iPod... she has no idea where it is since she bought her Clip.
  13. Nope, we aren't going to let it die. It may idle a while but it'll rev up soon!
  14. I went to the Boss Hoss National Rally at Paris Landing State Park a few months ago and rode one of the bikes while my BIL and his wife rode a trike. It was about a 5 mile ride but at the end I felt like I had been through an oven. You could bake bread behind that radiator.
  15. It's not the company... just an individual auctioning his trike.
  16. It's a 502 c.i. Boss Hoss Trike with the Roadster body. Looks good but after one ride last summer I got them out of my system.
  17. I wish that I did have pics. My first memory of a 2-wheeler was my brother and I riding in the trunk area of a Cushman step-thru similar to this one... http://www.hobbytech.com/FeatureBikes/BryanMcKinney That had to be the early 60's if we were small enough to fit in there together. It was a project of my dad's. He died a few years after that ride. But my first ride alone was when a cousin came by our home to visit when I was 11. He was riding an on/off road Kawasaki of some sort. I didn't know how to shift it so I rode all over the field in 1st gear.
  18. Toss up between Mac & Cheese with ketchup or fried tripe. Actually I like almost anything better as a leftover and cold. But one thing that I can't stand is cold fried chicken. Hey, I'm strange... what can I say?
  19. Mullinville,KS according to the sign in the pics.
  20. That just ain't right. Putting down us Cummins boys because of the slicker'n pig crap Michelin tires Dodge puts on our trucks. I had them on mine till someone ahead of me spit out the window one day and I lost traction. Got something with grip after that.
  21. In the 80's I averaged (just a personal account) about 80 checks a month. Now, maybe 6 a year. I have a spreadsheet that I set up as a register for my debit card and checks and I also use it to keep track of every fill-up and fuel mileage for my truck and both bikes.
  22. Is it for only one particular car? There are a lot of readers and a lot that you don't even need a PC for. Example: I have a Dodge diesel. For about that same money I bought a Smarty Jr. programmer. With it I can read and clear trouble codes, adjust my speedo to show exact speed and it adds up too 100hp.
  23. Being that it has some miles on it you may want to go with the Mobil-1 4T or Amsoil... both have more zinc than most any other oil and the more wear on the engine the more you need it. But the Rotella is just below them so it still isn't a bad choice.
  24. Oops! Didn't look close enough.
  25. It's actually under "member vendors". http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=25
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