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Everything posted by BigBoyinMS

  1. Before I bought my Venture I rode a Tour Deluxe and a Vision. The Vision had a much "Clunkier" tranny as my biggest complaint. One of the main things I noticed was the cruise tho. Where the Yamaha disengaged instantly when you touched the brake, the Vision woud actually rev up before the cruise cut off.
  2. I used 4 straps when I went to get my Venture; 2 on the soft ties around the forks and 2 on the protectors at the front of the bags. About 30 miles into the trip home, one of the front ones came loose. Although it was a bit bouncy the two at the back held it straight with no problem. I wouldn't haul it with ONLY the rear but it sure saved me that time! I'll always use 4 from now on.
  3. Going by memory here, and that's become a weak point, but if you run a rear m/c tire on front I think you need to reverse it for best handling. On the rear the tread is setup to maximize grip when accelerating and on front it needs to be reversed to maximize braking. Hey, sounds right to me!
  4. I've been waiting till I pull my wheel for a tire change but I had the same plan... Moly on everything you mentioned. Maybe a little on the tire tread too? LOL J/K
  5. My experience is a little different. I had a Road Star for a few months and after putting a set of Venoms on and getting used to it I liked throwing it around a bit. It handles great. Before I added the Venture to the garage I had also heard about top heavy/slow speed handling on them. After riding the Venture a bit I can't tell a LOT of difference! In fact, I can roll to a stop slower and straighter without putting my feet down with the Venture where the Roadie will be wobbling all over. Hmmm, maybe it's that 11,000 mile, flat as a board, ME880 on the rear that keeps it so stable. LOL
  6. It's hard to say that there is any "bad" oil any more; just some are better than others. I bought my '07 RSV with Rotella Synthetic in it and with 4k miles on the oil. The tranny was so noisy when shifting I started a thread about it. Soon after that I changed to Amsoil 10/40 (MCF) and the tranny immediately started shifting as smooth as the one on my Road Star. Could have been the oil; could have just been that it was because of the miles on the oil.
  7. Thanks for the replies, guys! I kinda had an idea that the spacing would be off on the rotor and probably the diameter. Oh well, I still have time to look for another RSV wheel before I need to replace the rear tire.
  8. More redneck engineering questions for you guys. Actually, for anyone that may have tried to or done this. I need (want) a spare rear wheel for my '07 Venture. Even with used wheels I'm finding they are way expensive. But I can find VMax wheels for almost nothing. Looking at photos, OTHER THAN THE WHEEL STYLE, it LOOKS like the only difference is the rear brake rotor mounting is a different bolt circle diameter. So, for anyone that has tried it... will it work if I get a VMax rotor? Is the spacing correct? Or will I have to let the moths out of the wallet?
  9. The one part of my Venture that I have always disliked is the look of the taillamp. To me it looks like a holdover from a '70's bike... kinda like the cassette! LoL I also have an '06 Road Star. The factory lamp on the Road Star is an LED with a clear look. Nothing red until you hit the brake. My question... has anyone ever attempted to fit a Road Star lamp to the Venture?
  10. It may just be me but I read all the "top heavy" "hard to handle" post on here before I rode a Venture and I was a bit worried. I was riding (and still am) a Road Star. After I got the '07 Venture I was surprised that I throw it around almost like the Roadie. To get to my garage I have to drive past the right side of my truck and then turn in front of it, between the truck and my wifes car with about 8 ft of space. And this is on an incline also. I have no problem. Maybe it's the bike or the tires. I guess they (or we) are all a little different.
  11. That's one of the only trailers that I have seen that's priced close to where it should be. I'd almost buy one before building at that price.
  12. I have to disagree with you. The liquid in the bottles just needs to be close, not exact to the Nth amount and the connecting tube doesn't even need to be full. All we are doing is equalizing the pressure/vacuum between the two and the carbs are synced. But I'll mainly take the safety factor of no chance of sucking a few oz's of mercury into my carbs for the tiny amount of extra work and time that comes with attaching and removing the tubes 3 times. Or even 6 times if you double check yourself. And I'll use the $100 I save from not buying the merc tubes for gas or accessories.
  13. I was gonna say it's a H-D "mule" but there are too many major parts that aren't current, sooo.... It almost has to be a prototype of a new model. Probably the 2010.
  14. I removed the PMS caps from my carbs last Saturday and turned then out 1/4 turn each. ( I also plugged the AIS and synced the carbs) I started noticing some popping on decel after that. This evening I checked the adjustment on each carb. They ranged from 1 3/4 to 2 1/2 turns out! I tried to adjust them by ear but I couldn't hear enough difference to do it that way. I wrote down the adjustments on each in case I needed to go back and then set them all to 2 1/4 out. The result: The bike started easier than it ever has and when I took it for a spin it seemed to be more responsive; more crisp. Anyone else have a similar experience? Do you think I'm close on the adjustment? Is there a better way to adjust them w/out buying a carb-tune or EG analyzer?
  15. ... then I went back and put in my real name and age... and it hit it right on the head! Ol' Titty Squeezer of the Gas Guzzlers M/C
  16. Ol' Bubba of the White werewolves... It got REALLL close!
  17. I just came across this page... http://www.dauntlessmotors.com/Trailers/Uni-Trak.htm I see where it could be improved on but I really like it. Well, except for the price. lol Otherwise, plenty of room and lightweight. Hmmm, bet I could build it for a bit less and add the improvements.
  18. Thanks for the replies, guys. And Gambler, the caps look like brass cones. You can see them on the opposite side by looking between the carbs. With a long flat blade screwdriver you can pry them off and adjust them. They pry off easily.
  19. I got hit by a mutant red wasp on my leg once. Sting was so bad that it scabbed over and when the scab came off it left a crater that you could set a BB in. There was a nest of them in my barn that I tried to kill with the 20ft spray but it just pi$$ed them off. Gasoline in a sprayer did too. I finally got some foaming spray that stuck to their wings and when they fell I could stomp them.
  20. For those that have made adjustments to their pilot circuits... what technique do you use? With 4 carbs can you hear an idle change when tuning each carb? I plugged my AIS and synched my carbs last weekend. I also popped the caps and turned the pilots out 1/4 turn each. Since then the bike is running great but I'm now getting a bit of popping through the exhaust on decel. That signifies a lean condition but I turned the pilots out not in.
  21. Has anyone built (or bought) a single wheel trailer? The type that tilts with the bike?
  22. Running Amsoil in both my Road Star and Venture. Both wet clutch. The only difference that I noticed was that the Ventures tranny shifted quieter. Before it sounded like one of my previous H-D's.
  23. That is my next option if no one makes an adapter or extension. Thanks!
  24. Well, I have searched and searched and found no answer... so I'll ask those who know. My wife is short and has short little legs. Her floorboards need to come up and maybe back a bit. Does ANYONE make anything to reposition them? I'm talking about the floorboards not the legs.
  25. You lucky Sonuvagun!
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