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Everything posted by BigBoyinMS

  1. I was going to ask this question myself. I'm guessing that being a 4 carb setup that only 1 or both carbs on that side is choked. (Or "enrichened") It hasn't really concerned me enough to take time to check the manual yet.
  2. Nothing in those pics make any sense! LOL
  3. Since my last few rides I've been thinking that someone needs to offer a mini grip to replace the weights just for that reason.
  4. If this guy has found a whine fix then the Venture world will probably nominate him for a Nobel! I've only got a couple of thousand miles on mine since I got it 3 months ago. The whine is there but hasn't bothered me much. I haven't been around any others to compare it to so I don't really know if it's better or worse than what people complain about. It is starting to bother me though.
  5. I've seen these before and I'm still amazed! Showed my wife. She said that she taught them all they know.
  6. I had the same thing happen on 2 of them. One I took off with visegrips. Then I found that a standard non-metric hex wrench fit better on the 2nd one and took it right out. I'm replacing most of these #$%^ button head screws with hex head screws that have a head you can get a grip on.
  7. Hmm... File 2 claims. One for the fairing, one for the rest. This is why I try to learn to do as much as I can. I hate paying other people to screw up something that I can screw up myself.
  8. Since you have internet access go to google maps and enter MOTORCYCLE REPAIR RICHM0ND,VA. I came up with a number of places that should be able to help. Too bad you aren't around here.
  9. OOOOO! I like! And you DO have 2 car tires on your Venture!
  10. LoL I'm sorta trying the same thing! I have a Venture but I also have an '06 Road Star that I'm trying to trade for a RSTD. Good luck!
  11. It sounds like you may have a vacuum leak now. Maybe?
  12. Same size on the TD. 155 or 165/80R15 (The only dangerous thing about them is mounting them. Before doing anything I would do some research here. http://forums.delphiforums.com/DarkSiding/start Not many choices in those sizes. None are really easy to find. There are a few sources online for the Vredestein and Michelin. BFG in the 155 (But they are raised white letter on one side) Kumho Federal Vredestein (I would have gotten this one but didn't have time to order. http://www.vredesteintire.com/products/SPRIN.asp Michelin
  13. The only other thing that I can say about using Fram is... it's a good thing engines are so well built and oil is so good these days. They are so good you could probably do without a filter. And you pretty much are with a Fram. (Did I just type that? ) :rotfl::rotfl:
  14. I know how you feel, mp66226. I'm a V-Twin rider since 1976 so it takes some getting used to. I still lug my Venture. And when I do it feels like it's firing on 2 almost. But if you spin it on up it smooths out and feels good. Someone on here says he ran one leg of an interstate trip in 4th to see what would happen. It got just as good fuel mileage. I have a Road Star also and even the guys on that forum say run it to the rev limiter and don't worry. I guess Yamis like to spin!
  15. That's ... just... amazing!
  16. I think I need to air down the CT a bit. It does so well that I keep forgetting that it's there. We have been riding at 40-42 lbs but I'm told as they break-in that they do as well or better with less pressure. Somewhere around 32 lbs. Oh, and the diet is good advice. I'm down about 80 lbs in the last year and 1/2. And you probably thought my username was overdoing it!
  17. As Cleavon Little once said... (In Blazing Saddles).... "Hep me! Hep me!" Wife and I took a short (125 mile) ride yesterday and I am having trouble getting the best ride with the suspension. I'm 290lbs and wife is a little under 130 and maybe hauling 10lbs in bags and trunk. Started out at 35lbs rear and 3lbs front. Not too bad on smooth pavement but a little harsh. I tried dropping the front to 0 since it seemed to be too rough up front. Finally got on some pavement where the exp joints were raised a bit and it was killin' us! Went to 45lbs rear and 7lbs front and it seemed better but still harsher than we would expect from a Venture. If I had an M/C tire on the rear I would be singing tenor today. What setting would you guys recommend? More in the rear? Or is this as good as I should expect?
  18. I have the exact opposite problem from most of you. I need them to go back and up a bit for my wifey. As I like to keep my mods where it's easy to go back to stock, it looks like some 1" flat stock, some welding and a few holes would take care of me. Basically make an extension to bolt in place of the floorboard and bolt the floor board to the extension. My only problem is that since changing jobs I don't have access to a welder. Well, without having to pay and paying is no fun!
  19. Totally agree on Fram being anal extrusion. I cut one apart and compared it to a Nissan filter one time. I was surprised that they can even charge us money for those things. I will say that I have read online that the high end (more expensive) Fram filters are supposed to be as good as a normal filter but I'll never use them since they sold junk for so long. FYI, Nissan filters are very well built and even have the correct bypass pressure for bikes. And they fit! I'm running one on my Road Star now. Nissan part# 15208-65F0C and at 14psi it falls in the center of the Yamaha pressure spec of 11.3-17.1 psi. 15208-9E000 is the same filter but a bit longer for more capacity.
  20. (Oops! Forgot you had a ?) I've heard of Guardian but know nothing of them. I guess the most important thing is what engine is powering it. It seems that MOST of the genheads are Chinese anymore so not much choice on that part of it.
  21. 20KW!? You running a factory?! I would love that size myself... powered by a Listeroid!
  22. As far as warranty is concerned, they can only deny that part that wasn't done. In other words ... if they require a valve check at 24k and you burn a valve at 25k then they may deny that but if the rear diff breaks they can't deny that because you didn't check the valves. And even then they have to show that not getting the check-up resulted in the failure.
  23. FYI... Sears is about the only common place that you can buy an 18mm spark-plug socket... other than pro tool trucks or a specialty online cycle store. And in a bind an 11/16 deep-well works.
  24. If you want low price, high quality, good handling and long life... then it's time to make a trip to... 'The Darkside'! :stirthepot: :stirthepot: :stirthepot: :stirthepot: :stirthepot: :stirthepot: :stirthepot:
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