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Two Tone White

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Everything posted by Two Tone White

  1. This is a second example:
  2. This is what I am seeing on my profile and anyone else who has a VA flag:
  3. I've noticed that I am not the only one with this problem, but our Virginia Flag which is typically in the upper right hand corner of a posting has been replaced by some nonsense. Any mods know what happened or how to fix this? Thanks in advance... TTW
  4. Am I the only one that can see that my Virginia State flag disappeared and was replaced by some advertisement? Very bizarre.
  5. Saw this link a few months ago on a HD site I am also on. Ordered the book, took about 6 weeks. No cost. Srrived in a nice package in good shape. Brand new book. Very informative. I keep it with my AMA book and another touring guide I use. You will enjoy reading it and trying some of the rides. TTW
  6. Very fishy IMHO.
  7. ...and I was chastised for using one big head... but three big heads ought to call for some intervention or sanction. Maybe there ought to be a "Proper use of the Big Head" sticky.
  8. Condor, you crack me up. I enjoy reading your responses. For everyone else, who "doesn't get it; Huh; and the point is; and am I missing something here..." - here's the deal: I thought I had a pretty good understanding of the English language and thought that something inexpensive might be called CHEAP, but I observed all sorts of stuff for sale on this board which was described as CHEEP and people using the word CHEEP when describing how things were made. So, not knowing everything - I looked it up figuring I was missing an alternative spelling. Once I found the answers, I thought I'd share. You're welcome. Oh, and also to the guys who have the problems spelling... not sure about your computer but mine give me a red line under a questionable word so I can take a second look at it before I hit send. Now with respect to the big giant head, I always wondered what it should be used for so I thought "what the hell" let me be dangerous and give it a shot. A CHEEP shot. And lastly, what you described as flack really doesn't bother me at all. It's only a computer you know. I'm thinking there are bigger worries in the world than chat room banter. Here's a little head for you since the big giant one was apparently over the top: Ride safe.
  9. CHEEP cheep (chhttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/emacr.gifp)n. A faint, shrill sound like that of a young bird; a chirp. intr.v. cheeped, cheep·ing, cheeps To make a faint, shrill sound or sounds; chirp. [Imitative.] cheephttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/prime.gifer n. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. cheep Noun the short weak high-pitched cry of a young bird Verb to utter a cheep [imitative] Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006 CHEAP Main Entry: 2cheap Function:adjective Date:1509 1 a: purchasable below the going price or the real value b: charging or obtainable at a low price c: depreciated in value (as by currency inflation) 2: gained or done with little effort 3 a: of inferior quality or worth : tawdry , sleazy b: contemptible because of lack of any fine, lofty, or redeeming qualities
  10. Very interesting...
  11. Thank you all for the info. Now if I could only get the damn bulb out of the housing. It's so rusted, it ain't budging but I am working it.
  12. Thanks for the info - my problem is also the left. I've searched a few times and can't find the previous thread you speak of. What buzz words should I use for the search function?
  13. Anybody else getting wet inside their front turn signal/running lamp housings? If so, any good fix? Yesterday a friend pointed out that I had a burnt out bulb. Opened it up to change it and it is all corroded. Screws were rusted, inner receptacle was rusted. Never noticed it upon inspection in the past, but it was rusted enough to have been happening for a while. The rubber gasket appeared in tact. Think this is covered under the 5 year? Thanks in advance, TTW
  14. Really sharp bike. I was looking at one long and hard on Saturday. Very seriously thinking about trading in one of my other bikes (not the RSV) for a new 1200RT as a lighter weight commuter. How do you like yours? What options did you get?
  15. I sent you a PM.
  16. Well, I finally had some time to install mine today. Didn't take very long at all. The bracket from CarbonOne worked great and the directions were clear. It is very loud. With the hurricane passing through here today, I didn't get much ride time, but tomorrow I will be heading up to the PA/MD border to meet some friends. If I don't have an opportunity to use the horn along the way, I definitely will upon arrival at the meet location. Hopefully I blow them out of their boots. Ride safe, TTW
  17. I am trying to figure out why this thread is in tech talk/GPS, Audio and Electronics. Did I miss something here?
  18. A good trip, but not so much fun on the interstate, as you might have guessed. I do it frequently to AZ and sometimes I hit hotels and other times I camp. Plot out on a map about how far you think you might make it in a day. Survey the area off of I-40 for state parks (or other parks) that allow camping, or Google search koa or campgrounds for your nearest options. Adjust your road trip accordingly. If you have an RV/camping/trailer store near you, you might be able to find a book which lists options and take that with you. Maybe hit Borders or search the net for one as well. Remember, a state park may not have as many services as a koa or similar establishment. Ride safe and enjoy.
  19. I had a similar problem. Looked everywhere inside the fairing and at the controller. Turned out to be some wiring that ran under the seat that was getting crimped. Check it out. May be a totally different problem for you - not sure. Good luck.
  20. PM sent.
  21. Thanks for sharing. Not bad pics for a camera phone.
  22. Panhead of the Evil Inlaws MC
  23. Lots of nice riding around Ft. Dix. You can get to the Wharton State Forrest in a snap and tour around the Pines, see the cranberry bogs, then head south towards Cape May. If you stay away from the shore and the PA border, there's not a lot of anything in the center part of the state but rural country roads from Ft. Dix Down to Cape May. Enjoy your stay.
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